80 research outputs found

    PLM interopérable pour la conception intégrée et le travail collaboratif en aéronautique

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    RĂ©sumĂ© - L’entreprise Ă©tendue devrait permettre de rĂ©pondre aux objectifs bien connus de l’industrie aĂ©ronautique, Ă  savoir rĂ©duire le temps de mise sur le marchĂ©, rĂ©duire les coĂ»ts de dĂ©veloppement et partager les risques entre les partenaires. La rĂ©alisation d’un tel concept ne pourra passer qu’à travers des approches comme l’ingĂ©nierie collaborative, qui vise Ă  lier les dĂ©partements en charge du dĂ©veloppement produit entre les diffĂ©rents partenaires du projet. Dans ce cadre, le succĂšs des plateformes dites « d’ingĂ©nierie collaborative » est devenu une des prĂ©occupations majeures des principaux acteurs industriels de l’aĂ©rospatial. En mĂȘme temps, les aĂ©ronefs se complexifient indĂ©niablement et sont mĂȘme dĂ©jĂ  hautement pluridisciplinaires. C’est pourquoi, la collaboration dans les projets de dĂ©veloppement produit se doit de supporter la conception intĂ©grĂ©e. AprĂšs avoir fait une brĂšve relecture de la littĂ©rature sur ces diffĂ©rents concepts, ce papier prĂ©sentera les spĂ©cifications d’une plateforme d’ingĂ©nierie collaborative Ă  destination de l’industrie aĂ©ronautique : La plateforme SEINE (Standard pour l’Entreprise Innovante NumĂ©rique Etendue). Puis nous verrons comment une telle plateforme pourrait ĂȘtre enrichie en matiĂšre de conception intĂ©grĂ©e. Abstract - Well known challenges in Aeronautic industry, namely reduced time to market, lower development costs and shared risks between partners, could be reached thanks to the innovative design methods supported by PLM technologies. Reaching such objective will be allowed through methods like integrated design or collaborative engineering enabling close exchanges between the project partners. In fact, the success of PLM platforms in supporting such methods is becoming one of the major stakes in the global networking organization. At the same time, aircrafts are obviously systems integrating multidisciplinary technologies and companies are highly multiple expertises. This paper proposes a survey on integrated design methods, PLM technologies and related subjects. It also presents the specification and the development of a collaborative design platform, as part of SEINE project (Standard pour l’Entreprise Innovante Etendue), aiming to improve collaboration in French aeronautics supply chain. Finally, this paper proposes how to include multiple expertise and integrated design in this “platform supporting” partners collaboration

    Infrastructure PLM pour la capitalisation et la réutilisation de données en conception mécanique

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    La conception collaborative entraĂźne la spĂ©cification et le dĂ©veloppement d'outils de support de plus en plus complexes et variĂ©s. Les outils de gestion du cycle de vie (PLM – Product Lifecycle Management) offrent une large gamme de fonctionnalitĂ©s pour la conception collaborative. Ces produits permettent de rapprocher les utilisateurs en leur fournissant des plateformes logicielles identiques. De plus, les besoins croissant de rĂ©utilisation des donnĂ©es conduisent les utilisateurs Ă  dĂ©finir des rĂšgles et des paramĂštres permettant d'enrichir leurs modĂšles numĂ©riques pour faciliter d'Ă©ventuelles modifications. Cependant, si les logiciels experts offrent pour la plupart des possibilitĂ©s de dĂ©finition de rĂšgles mĂ©tiers, force est de constater qu'aucun PLM, Ă  l'heure actuelle, ne propose de fonctionnalitĂ©s de ce type. Dans ce contexte, cet article propose de comparer sur la base de critĂšres techniques et organisationnel les principales architecture PLM existantes. Cette comparaison permet d'identifier une architecture pertinente pour le dĂ©veloppement de fonctionnalitĂ©s de gestion de rĂšgles expertes intĂ©grĂ©es Ă  l'application PLM

    Integrated Design and PLM Applications in Aeronautics Product Development

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    Well known challenges in Aeronautic industry, namely reducing time to market, risks and development costs, could be reached thanks to innovative design methods supported by PLM technologies. Such methods are based on integrated design or collaborative engineering enabling close exchanges and cooperation between the project partners. The paper proposes a survey on integrated design methods and PLM technologies. It presents the development of a collaborative design platform, as part of SEINE project, which aims to improve partners’ cooperation in the French aeronautics supply chain. The paper also discusses how to include multiple expertises and integrated design in this collaborative platform

    Memory Meetings - An Approach to Keep Track of Project Knowledge in Design

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    International audienc

    Traceability and Structuring of Decision‐Making

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    International audienceThis chapter discusses how to capture knowledge from cooperative decision making. In computer supported cooperative work (CSCW), there is a lot of work in design rationale as a support of cooperative decision making. Methods in CSCW can be classified in two principal categories: decision‐making‐driven representation and problem‐solving dynamics representation. When studying decision‐making in cooperative activity, negotiation and conflict management are the main tasks to deal with. Three types of methods can be distinguished in conflict management: prevention, argumentation, conflict detection and conflict solving methods. Traceability of design rationale must be first integrated in the decision‐making process and second offers techniques that help to keep track of collaborative decision‐making from meetings, interactions, etc. A product life cycle management (PLM) platform allows managing the product data along its life cycle process: specification, design and manufacturing and requires efficient traceability functionalities, often based on the definition of standards

    An approach to keep track of project knowledge in design

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    International audienceDesign projects are cooperative activities in which several actors from several fields work together in order to rich a goal. The challenge is how to keep track of knowledge from daily work in this type of activity. Projects documents are not sufficient to be analysed to extract this type of knowledge. This paper presents techniques to acquire and represent knowledge from design projects. A specific approach has been developed in order to keep track of meetings and to link design rationale to organizations elements and to results of a project. This approach has been integrated to designers’ environment using Product Life Cycle Tool

    How to learn from design project knowledge

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    International audienceTo enhance learning in an organisation, the knowledge modelling has to emphasise the 'know-what and know-how' (Colin and Spender, 1998; Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995). In our work, we aim at representing the 'knowing what' and 'knowing about' of a cooperative activity. In other terms, we tend to emphasise knowledge produced in a cooperative activity (design projects) and its context. Our approach tends to extract knowledge from collaborative decision meetings in a structured way and links this knowledge as a smart index to documents and data produced in a design projects. The challenge is how to extract knowledge from a project organisation that is a virtual one. So, a specific approach has been developed in order to keep track of meetings and to link design rationale to organisations elements and to results of a project

    Knowledge Classification for Design project memory

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    International audienceDesign projects have evolved to be collaborative, concurrent and multi-disciplinary. Due to these changes, knowledge management for design projects faces new challenges. Efforts has been made to save design project information in order to build a knowledge repository. However, project information without context can prove to be impossible to reuse. Hence a new knowledge engineering solution is called for to represent design information with its context, and necessary classification is required for knowledge extraction
