45 research outputs found

    Microtheories for SDI - Accounting for diversity of local conceptualisations at a global level

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.The categorization and conceptualization of geographic features is fundamental to cartography, geographic information retrieval, routing applications, spatial decision support and data sharing in general. However, there is no standard conceptualization of the world. Humans conceptualize features based on numerous factors including cultural background, knowledge, motivation and particularly space and time. Thus, geographic features are prone to multiple, context-dependent conceptualizations reflecting local conditions. This creates semantic heterogeneity and undermines interoperability. Standardization of a shared definition is often employed to overcome semantic heterogeneity. However, this approach loses important local diversity in feature conceptualizations and may result in feature definitions which are too broad or too specific. This work proposes the use of microtheories in Spatial Data Infrastructures, such as INSPIRE, to account for diversity of local conceptualizations while maintaining interoperability at a global level. It introduces a novel method of structuring microtheories based on space and time, represented by administrative boundaries, to reflect variations in feature conceptualization. A bottom-up approach, based on non-standard inference, is used to create an appropriate global-level feature definition from the local definitions. Conceptualizations of rivers, forests and estuaries throughout Europe are used to demonstrate how the approach can improve the INSPIRE data model and ease its adoption by European member states

    The impact of strictly protected areas in a deforestation hotspot

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    Protected areas are often thought of as a key conservation strategy for avoiding deforestation and retaining biodiversity; therefore, it is crucial to know how effective they are at achieving this purpose. Using a case study from Queensland, Australia, we identified and controlled for bias in allocating strictly protected areas (IUCN Class I and II) and evaluated their impact (in terms of avoiding deforestation) using statistical matching methods. Over the 30 years between 1988 and 2018, approximately 70,481 km2 of native forest was cleared in the study region. Using statistical matching, we estimated that 10.5% (1,447 km2) of Category I and II (strict) protected areas would have been cleared in the absence of protection. Put differently, 89.5% of strictly protected areas are unlikely to have been cleared, even if they were never protected. While previous studies have used statistical matching at a country or state level, we conducted an analysis that allows regional comparison across a single State. Our research indicates that strictly protected areas are marginally effective at preventing deforestation, and this likely due to biases in establishing protected areas on unproductive land

    What drives modern protected area establishment in Australia?

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    Protected areas are a fundamental mechanism for ensuring the persistence of biodiversity. The strategic policy objectives set by governments for protected area land acquisition are strong determinants of biodiversity outcomes. An examination of these objectives is necessary to determine those most influential in designing protected area networks and understand why Australia's extinction rates exceed those elsewhere despite actively establishing protected areas over the past several decades. To examine spatio-temporal trends in policy objectives for protected areas, we evaluated the strategic priorities in Federal, State, and Territory policy documents across Australia between 1992 and 2019 using thematic analysis. We classified priorities into seven themes: adequacy, Indigenous and cultural values; representation of ecosystem and species types; threatened species and their habitat; social and recreational values; unique values and avoiding threatening processes. We found that the representation of ecosystem and species types was the most prevalent theme in policy documents, and the least common theme was social and recreational values. We posit several reasons for this trend and warn that emphasizing extent, in terms of area or representativeness, may diminish the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact for biodiversity outcomes. We found that policies were generally supportive of the strategic identification of particular species or communities that would quantifiably benefit from protection (referred to as avoided loss). Risked-based approaches to the establishment of protected areas are supported by modern conservation literature to enhance the protected area network's effectiveness. To maximize limited resources, we recommend that governments continue encouraging urgency to avoid species and habitat loss in their strategic priorities. This urgency should be accompanied by clear and consistent funding for on-the-ground actions which facilitate the socio-ecological outcomes that characterize modern protected area policy

    The global biogeography of reef morphology

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    Aim: The Caribbean and Indo-Pacific are separate biogeographical realms with distinct biogeographical and evolutionary histories, a 10-fold difference in biodiversity, and highly disparate sea-level histories. Since reef morphology often reflects interactions between biological activity and biogeographical history, including sea levels, the widths of shallow coral reef habitats are likely to differ markedly between realms, with ramifications for numerous ecosystem functions. Our goal, therefore, was to assess the impact of global-scale biogeographical and evolutionary histories on coral reef habitats. Specifically, are Indo-Pacific reefs wider than their Caribbean counterparts?. Location: Global. Time Period: Modern. Major Taxa Studied: Coral reefs. Methods: We used the Allen Coral Atlas, a global reef mapping system (3 m pixel resolution), to examine 3765 transects, 3 km long and 1 km apart, on 60 reefs across the two realms, quantifying shallow reef habitat widths (Inner and Outer Reef Flat, and Reef Crest) using ArcGIS. Results: Shallow reef habitat widths were strikingly similar between the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific. Estimated modal widths diverged by just 37 m; means by just 122 m. Although shallow reef zones appeared to be wider in the Indo-Pacific, habitat widths on atolls were almost identical across realms (means varying by less than 8 m). Main Conclusions: Our remote sensing approach provides a global description of the biogeography of coral reefs as biogenic structures. Furthermore, we can assess the relative importance of realm-wide differences in coral diversity and sea-level history on reef growth. The striking similarity of reef widths across realms suggests that reef growth (net reef accretion) is largely independent of coral diversity, or sea-level history, and that other factors may have played a major role in constraining shallow reef widths. These factors may include geomorphology (e.g. antecedent topography and historical accommodation space) and, once at sea level, self-limiting local hydrodynamics

    A Protocol for Extracting Structural Metrics From 3D Reconstructions of Corals

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    The 3D structure of individual coral colonies provides insights into their ecological functioning. While structure from motion techniques make it possible to reconstruct 3D models of coral colonies based on overlapping images, the extraction of relevant metrics of complexity in a reproducible way remains challenging. We present a method and associated scripts for the 3D reconstruction of coral colonies from in-situ images and the automatic extraction of eleven structural complexity metrics, designed to be run in widely-used software packages. The metrics are designed to capture aspects of complexity relating to the colony’s size and shape that are related to their ecological function. We explored the potential ecological applications of some of these metrics using linear models, comparing aspects of complexity among colonies of different size and morphotaxa (combined information on morphology and taxa). Our results showed that a metric as simple as colony diameter explained 95% of the variation in shelter provisioning capability when paired with information on colony morphotaxa. Further, the habitat provisioning of colonies of comparable size was similar among the six of the seven morphotaxa examined. During the current period of rapid uptake of photogrammetry among ecologists, the results of our study provide a basis to use data derived from 3D models to further explore the nuances of the relationship between structure and function of corals at the colony scale in a replicable and standardised way

    SeeCucumbers: using deep learning and drone iagery to detect sea cucumbers on coral reef flats

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    Sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea or holothurians) are a valuable fishery and are also crucial nutrient recyclers, bioturbation agents, and hosts for many biotic associates. Their ecological impacts could be substantial given their high abundance in some reef locations and thus monitoring their populations and spatial distribution is of research interest. Traditional in situ surveys are laborious and only cover small areas but drones offer an opportunity to scale observations more broadly, especially if the holothurians can be automatically detected in drone imagery using deep learning algorithms. We adapted the object detection algorithm YOLOv3 to detect holothurians from drone imagery at Hideaway Bay, Queensland, Australia. We successfully detected 11,462 of 12,956 individuals over 2.7ha with an average density of 0.5 individual/m2. We tested a range of hyperparameters to determine the optimal detector performance and achieved 0.855 mAP, 0.82 precision, 0.83 recall, and 0.82 F1 score. We found as few as ten labelled drone images was sufficient to train an acceptable detection model (0.799 mAP). Our results illustrate the potential of using small, affordable drones with direct implementation of open-source object detection models to survey holothurians and other shallow water sessile species

    Space-use patterns of green turtles in industrial coastal foraging habitat: Challenges and opportunities for informing management with a large satellite tracking dataset

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    Increasing overlap between anthropogenic activities and wildlife can lead to problematic human–wildlife interactions. To manage these, an understanding of animal space-use patterns, with sufficient temporal and spatial detail is required. Satellite telemetry can provide such detailed data; however, the cost of tracking units places a significant limitation on sample size. Satellite tracks for 72 green turtles were consolidated through collaboration with multiple entities over 8 years at seven sites within a large industrial port contributing to an ecological monitoring initiative to minimize impacts of planned developments. This study aims to determine the minimum number of satellite-tracked green turtles required to represent spatial distribution patterns in the foraging ground and to evaluate factors underpinning differences in distribution and site fidelity metrics to inform appropriate management strategies. An autocorrelated kernel density estimator was used to construct 95% utilization distributions for individual turtles during each calendar season. Percentage overlap between pairs of seasonal utilization distributions was calculated as a measure of short-term site fidelity. Mechanistic range shift analysis was applied to detect significant deviations from range residency behaviour. Green turtles exhibited spatially confined ranges and remained faithful to their foraging area for periods of up to 260 days. Range size was significantly different between microhabitats and study years. Only 16 individuals (22% of tracked turtles) performed significant range shifts, indicating that occupied areas represent important habitats, and most turtles are unlikely to adjust their space-use in response to anthropogenic or natural disturbances. Although this dataset represents an atypically large sample of satellite tracked individuals, representative data were obtained at only two key sites. This study highlights the importance of evaluating clear objectives when sampling animals for satellite telemetry studies to obtain representation of sites, periods of interest, or age and sex cohorts

    Patterns of nesting behaviour and nesting success for green turtles at Raine Island, Australia

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    To understand how turtles use the nesting habitat at Raine Island across a nesting season, and how the turtles respond to the restoration of the island’s dune systems, we identified 534 nesting events for 39 green turtles Chelonia mydas across 2 breeding seasons using data derived from satellite tags. Tracked turtles laid between 4 and 10 clutches of eggs. Patterns of nesting success varied between individuals, within and between seasons. Nesting success was higher in 2018-19 (57%) than 2017-18 (45%), and in both years, nesting success was lowest between October and early January (50%). The density of female turtles ashore was lower in 2018-19, and likely explains higher nesting success in 2018-19 because competition for nest space was lower. In 2017-18, females had more attempts per clutch, and the attempts were around 90 min longer. Consequently, energy required to lay a clutch of eggs in 2017-18 was significantly higher than in 2018-19, highlighting potential costs of lower nesting success rates on reproductive output. The area of beach re-profiled as an intervention in 2014 and 2017 was a nesting hotspot in 2017-18. However, in 2018-19, the area was not used to the same extent, and the nesting hotspot occurred on the north-eastern unaltered beach. Collectively, the tracking of turtles across the whole nesting season enabled us to assess overall beach use and nesting site fidelity of green turtles at Raine Island. Results will aid future planning and management of beach restoration activities at turtle nesting sites

    High-resolution mapping of losses and gains of Earth’s tidal wetlands

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    Tidal wetlands are expected to respond dynamically to global environmental change, but the extent to which wetland losses have been offset by gains remains poorly understood. We developed a global analysis of satellite data to simultaneously monitor change in three highly interconnected intertidal ecosystem types—tidal flats, tidal marshes, and mangroves—from 1999 to 2019. Globally, 13,700 square kilometers of tidal wetlands have been lost, but these have been substantially offset by gains of 9700 km2, leading to a net change of −4000 km2 over two decades. We found that 27% of these losses and gains were associated with direct human activities such as conversion to agriculture and restoration of lost wetlands. All other changes were attributed to indirect drivers, including the effects of coastal processes and climate change

    Environmental Livelihood Security in Southeast Asia and Oceania: A Water-Energy-Food-Livelihoods Nexus Approach for Spatially Assessing Change

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    This document addresses the need for explicit inclusion of livelihoods within the environment nexus (water-energy-food security), not only responding to literature gaps but also addressing emerging dialogue from existing nexus consortia. We present the first conceptualization of ‘environmental livelihood security’, which combines the nexus perspective with sustainable livelihoods. The geographical focus of this paper is Southeast Asia and Oceania, a region currently wrought by the impacts of a changing climate. Climate change is the primary external forcing mechanism on the environmental livelihood security of communities in Southeast Asia and Oceania which, therefore, forms the applied crux of this paper. Finally, we provide a primer for using geospatial information to develop a spatial framework to enable geographical assessment of environmental livelihood security across the region. We conclude by linking the value of this research to ongoing sustainable development discussions, and for influencing policy agenda