78 research outputs found

    Salt meadows of the Birjučij Island Spit, Azov Sea. Classes Juncetea maritimi and Bolboschoenetea maritimi

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    Phytosociological and ecological characteristics of four salt meadow associations from the classes Juncetea maritimi and Bolboschoenetea maritimi of the Birjucij Island Spit (Azov Sea, Ukraine) are discussed. Two new syntaxa, the Artemisio santonicae-Juncetum maritimi and the Tripolio pannonici-Caricetum extensae, have been described from the area, together with two previously described syntaxa, the Plantagini salsae-Juncetum maritimi and Tripolio vulgaris-Bolboschoenetum maritimi

    Attraction of Debt Financial Resources in the Foreign Market: The Experience of Ukraine

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    The current macroeconomic and political situation in Ukraine is characterized by instability and impact of a number of adverse factors. In such circumstances, Ukraine's debt relations are focused on the increased need to attract financing. At the same time, because of the ongoing war, Ukraine's expenses are constantly and rapidly growing. The revenue side of the budget under such conditions is limited. Today it is impossible to adhere to the chosen strategic benchmark – reducing the share of the external public debt and loans in foreign currency. The article is aimed at studying the practical aspects of attracting financing by Ukraine in the foreign market with an emphasis on the problems accompanying this process. The article examines the main indicators of attracting financial resources in the foreign market, the structure of Ukraine's debt in terms of currencies, as well as an overview of the risks that accompany the current debt situation. The primary task of Ukraine's debt policy is to optimize the attraction of financial resources in the foreign market within the security corridors. Taking into account the experience of attracting financial resources both in the domestic and foreign loan capital markets will allow defining the existing problems and identifying the directions for optimizing the attraction of such financing in the current crisis. Despite the significant need for financing and limited opportunities to attract resources in the domestic market, it is proposed to limit the use of external sources. In the current period, it is proposed to focus on restructuring the existing debt and finding opportunities to attract soft lending programs. Further, in the postwar period, a clear and flexible debt policy should be formed with the definition of quantitative benchmarks for Ukraine's debt security. However, prospects for solving Ukraine's debt problems will appear only after the settlement of the political situation in the country

    Syntaxonomy and ecological differentiation of the pioneer vegetation of Ukraine. 1. Classes: Cakiletea maritimae, Ammophiletea, Crithmo-Staticetea, Crypsietea aculeatae, Therosalicornietea

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    Pioneer plant communities grow on newly-formed ecotopes of coastal and partially continental areas, on patches that have dried after the surface water flooding. They are affected by sea tides, wind-induced effect, salinity, denudation, accumulation and sharp changes in soil humidity. To these factors are added chemical and biological pollution, as well as anthropogenic pressure. Due to these reasons, such plant communities have a specific floristic composition, structure, functional regime and resilience mechanisms, which are different from coenoses of more stable habitats. On the basis of the analysis of more than 600 phytosociological relevés using TWINSPAN modified algorithm the current state of littoral and halophytic classes of pioneer vegetation in Ukraine has been established and their syntaxonomic structure identified. It has been determined that the level of pioneer phytocoenoses diversity in Ukraine is similar to that of Central Europe. The Cakiletea maritimae class is presented by 1 order, 1 alliance, and 4 associations; Ammophiletea – by 1 order, 1 alliance, and 8 associations; Crithmo-Staticetea – by 1 order, 2 alliances, and 3 associations; Crypsietea aculeatae – by 1 order, 3 alliances, and 4 associations, Therosalicornietea – by 1 order, 2 alliances, and 10 associations. Synoptic tables of vegetation classes are given and nine alliances are briefly characterized. Using DCA-ordination analysis of syntaxa in the association-rank level we identified that the main factors of ecological differentiation are soil humidity and aeration as well as the nitrogen content. For the pioneer plant communities, other significant impact factors are the extremality of environmental conditions, their unevenness and non-equilibrium, in particular, the mechanical action of the sea waves, the dynamic processes of denudation and accumulation, salinity, as well as the variability of damping during the year. This research contributes to the identification of the place of the distinguished syntaxa of Ukrainian pioneer vegetation in the European system

    The Role of the Deposit Guarantee System in Raising the Level of Public Confidence in Depository Institutions

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    The main aim of the article is to study the essence of the deposit guarantee system and determine its role in increasing the level of public confidence in depository institutions. The issues of development of the deposit insurance system in Ukraine are considered, its main elements are defined, in particular, the deposit guarantee system and the voluntary deposit insurance system. The features of their functioning are analyzed. Furthermore, it is found that in the domestic market of deposit services the leading role in ensuring the return of funds to citizens is played by the system of individual deposit guarantee. It is established that the main subject of the system is the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Individuals, which implements the government policy in this area. The article analyzes the current trends in the operation of the Fund and, in general, the entire system of deposit guarantee. This made it possible to determine the key problems in the work of the system and the direction for its further transformation

    Syntaxonomy and ecological differentiation of the pioneer vegetation of Ukraine. 2. Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae, Festucetea vaginatae, Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis classes

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    Pioneer psammophytic vegetation is usually developed on wind-drift sandy substrates such as arenas, spits, beaches, river terraces, and this vegetation occupies significant areas in all three natural zones of Ukraine. The Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis class was represented by 13 associations, 3 alliances and 1 order; Festucetea vaginatae class by 22 associations, 2 alliances and 1 order; Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae by 10 associations, 4 alliances and 1 order. The results of cluster analysis and synoptic tables of the classes are presented. 9 alliances are briefly described. Leading factors of territorial and ecological differentiation are identified. It was found that the territorial distribution of plant communities is influenced by the character of ecotope mesorelief, soil composition and humus horizon thickness, as well as the degree of eolian processes development. The main factors of their ecological differentiation are soil acidity, salt regime and ombroregime. Based on the results of DCA-ordination of syntaxa within certain vegetation classes, it was found that their distribution is influenced by factors that correlate with the environment-specific conditions. It has emerged that an ecological differentiation of syntaxa within Festucetea vaginatae is determined by the integrated effect of gradients, and soil salinity is leading among them. Temperature regime and climate continentality are leading factors in the distribution of syntaxa within the Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis class. The gradients of ombroregime and soil humidity have a significant impact. The distribution of communities of the Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae class in the ecological space is determined mainly by factors of variability of damping, ombroregime and climate continentality. The author’s syntaxonomic concept assumes the independence of the studied classes: Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis, Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae and Festucetea vaginatae, conside­ring that the leading factors of community differentiation of the Festucetea vaginatae and Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis classes are the origin (genesis) of sandy substrates, as well as soil acidity. Phytosociological analysis of a large number of relevés of coastal littoral vegetation also provides support for independence of the Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae and Ammophiletea classes diffe­rent floristically and ecologically. A review of the psammophytic vegetation of Ukraine will determine the place of the selected syntaxonomic units in the pan-European system

    The State-Based Regulation of the Development of Innovative Information Technologies in the Sphere of Financial Services

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    The development of innovative information technologies in the modern world has become a necessity for improving the efficiency of activities of financial institutions and improving the quality of financial services provided to economic agents. The State plays an important role in creating a favorable environment for the implementation of such technologies. However, the introduction of innovative technologies by financial institutions is associated with risks that require the State-based regulation to ensure the stability and reliability of functioning of a financial system. The article discusses the issues of improving the State-based regulation of the processes of development and introduction of information and innovative technologies by financial institutions in Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to the substantiation of the need for such regulation. It is determined that the construction of a model of such regulation should be based on the balance of interests of financial institutions, their desire to implement digital technologies for their own development, on the one hand and, on the other hand, their clients, who want to be sure that their personalized information will not be made public to third parties thus leading to a loss of financial resources. The article fragmentarily analyzes the current trends in the development of banking and non-bank financial institutions, describes the transformation processes that have taken place in the model of the State-based regulation of financial institutions in Ukraine. As a result, taking into account the current objective processes of digitalization of both the activities of financial institutions and public authorities that regulate them, measures for the formation and ensuring the effectiveness of the State-based regulation on the introduction of information and communication technologies by financial institutions are proposed, namely: creation of a transparent and open regulatory environment; ensuring a high level of cybersecurity and protection of the customers’ personal data; promoting active cooperation between the State-based regulators, financial institutions, and public organizations for the development and implementation of innovative solutions in the field of balanced use of such technologies

    Efficiency of Corporate Governance in the Context of Evaluation of Business Processes of Enterprise

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    In the article, the authors substantiate the essence, approaches to evaluation and further improvement of business processes within the framework of corporate governance. A theoretical distinction has been made between the definitions of «corporate governance» and «corporate management», which are interrelated concepts, but they have different levels, orientation, and scope of application. Corporate governance establishes a common framework and strategy, while corporate management deals with specific governance functions and operational management. Corporate management focuses on managing resources, completing tasks and achieving the internal effective functioning of an organization. The article discloses, on the basis of the process approach, essence of business processes which are considered by the authors as the main units of governance of corporation activity, covering various functions, processes and tasks necessary for creating a product or providing a service, maintaining production, sales, customer service. Particular attention is paid to evaluating the efficiency of corporate governance business processes, allowing to determine how efficiently and productively they are implemented and identifying possible areas for improvement of this sphere. The authors detail the components of the mechanism for evaluating the efficiency of business processes: stages, indicators, evaluations, methods, and results of improvement. The sequence of stages is proposed as follows: definition of business processes to be evaluated; collection of data on business processes; analysis of the obtained data; identification of opportunities for improving business processes; implementation of measures as to improving business processes. The authors have proposed groups of indicators for evaluation, have identified prospects for improving business processes, these include: increasing the efficiency and productivity of business processes; improving the quality of products and services; cost reduction of all kinds; improving customer service; increasing competitiveness and reducing risks

    The Essence and Peculiarities of Forming Household Behavior in the Financial Services Market

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    The financial services market is essentially a macrofinancial system that is complex, open and dynamic. Households play a key role in the development of such a market, as they actively use the services of bank and nonbank financial institutions. It is the behavior of these economic entities, which is formed under the influence of a number of factors, that generally determines the development of this market. The article is aimed at deepening the theoretical provisions on the nature of the financial behavior of households in order to justify the transformation of such a behavior model. The article considers the nature of the financial behavior of households, its essence, factors influencing its formation, and some types of the behavior, which together make up the model of the outlined behavior. Content analysis of approaches to studying the essence of the category "financial behavior of households" makes it possible to specify the content of this definition and to consider such behavior as “a set of actions” determined by households to manage their own financial resources and to accumulate, preserve, attract, and use them. The authors also study the process of shaping the behavior of households in the financial services market and identifies a set of basic factors affecting it. In particular, it has been found out that individual, personalized determinants play an important role among such factors. It is the presence of these factors that significantly complicates studying the financial behavior of the identified economic entities and makes it impossible to precisely define and describe its models. Having analyzed the nature of the financial confidence of households, the authors have identified the structure of such behavior and identified its basic elements. These include: credit behavior, saving behavior, deposit behavior, investment behavior, tax behavior, insurance behavior, and payment behavior


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    The aim of the work – to determine the factors that influence the success of medical students. The main body. Learning at a high school on the one hand is a necessity of the present, on the other – a difficult stage in the life of young people. The student of the first courses must adapt to the new conditions of existence, the dynamics of learning, change mode of living and work, their behavior. The large amount of new information, the physical and psychological difficulties faced by the student, lead to constant stress, anxiety and, as a result, chronic stress. The modern educational system is constantly changing, its entails the need for the student to constantly adapt to innovations. The student’s age is characterized by a variety of emotions, feelings and means of manifestation. Therefore, at the present stage, the study of the problem of stress in students’ educational activity remains relevant. The article presents data of anonymous survey of 163 students of 1–2-courses of the medical university regarding the reasons for unsatisfactory success in studying the theoretical discipline of Human Anatomy. Respondents were asked to independently determine the causes of inadequate mastery of material from discipline in practical classes and lectures. Conclusion. The obtained results testify to the state of chronic stress of students due to the imperfection of the educational system, the large amount of information, the exacerbation of chronic diseases, psychological problems.Мета роботи – визначити фактори, що впливають на успішність студентів-медиків. Основна частина. Навчання у вищому навчальному закладі, з одного боку, є необхідністю сучасності, з іншого – складним етапом життя молоді. Студенту перших курсів необхідно пристосуватися до нових умов існування, динаміки навчання, змінити спосіб життя та праці, свою поведінку. Великий об’єм нової інформації, фізичні та психологічні труднощі, з якими стикається студент, призводять до постійного напруження, відчуття тривоги та, як наслідок, стану хронічного стресу. Сучасна освітня система безперервно змінюється, що веде за собою необхідність з боку студента постійно адаптуватися до нововведень. Студентський вік характеризується різноманіттям емоцій, відчуттів та засобів їх прояву. Тому на сучасному етапі актуальним залишається вивчення проблеми стресу в навчальній діяльності студентів. У статті наведені дані анонімного опитування 163 студентів 1–2 курсів медичного університету щодо причин незадовільної успішності з вивчення теоретичної дисципліни “Анатомія людини”. Респондентам було запропоновано самостійно визначити причини неадекватного засвоєння матеріалу з дисципліни на практичних заняттях та лекціях. Висновок. Отримані результати свідчать про стан хронічного напруження студентів, перебування в стані навчального стресу за рахунок недосконалості навчальної системи, великого об’єму інформації, загострення хронічних захворювань, психологічних проблем у родині та колективі