155 research outputs found

    International social work field placement or volunteer tourism? Developing an asset-based justice-learning field experience

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    This paper examines a developing model for building an international social work placement that meets the needs of the host agency and community first. The paper addresses the challenges for social work departments to develop a strong learning environment while also keeping primary the needs of the host community and agency

    Disc instability models, evaporation and radius variations

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    We show that the outcome of disc instability models is strongly influenced by boundary conditions such as the position of the inner and outer disc edges. We discuss other sources of uncertainties, such as the tidal torque, and we conclude that disc illumination, disk size variations and a proper prescription for the tidal torque must be included in models if one wishes to extract meaningful physical information on e.g. viscosity from the comparison of predicted and observed lightcurves.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. To be published in the proceedings of the conference "Disk Instabilities in Close Binary Systems - 25 Years of the Disk Instability Model

    Accretion disc outbursts: a new version of an old model

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    We have developed 1D time-dependent numerical models of accretion discs, using an adaptive grid technique and an implicit numerical scheme, in which the disc size is allowed to vary with time. The code fully resolves the cooling and heating fronts propagating in the disc. We show that models in which the radius of the outer edge of the disc is fixed produce incorrect results, from which probably incorrect conclusions about the viscosity law have been inferred. In particular we show that outside-in outbursts are possible when a standard bimodal behaviour of the Shakura-Sunyaev viscosity parameter alpha is used. We also discuss to what extent insufficient grid resolutions have limited the predictive power of previous models. We find that the global properties (magnitudes, etc. ...) of transient discs can be addressed by codes using a high, but reasonable, number of fixed grid points. However, the study of the detailed physical properties of the transition fronts generally requires resolutions which are out of reach of fixed grid codes. It appears that most time-dependent models of accretion discs published in the literature have been limited by resolution effects, improper outer boundary conditions, or both.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Recherches en contrĂ´le de gestion et PME : Ă©volution et logiques de structuration

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    Le but de cette communication est d'étudier la structure des connaissances produites dans les domaines croisés du contrôle et de la Petite et Moyenne Entreprise, en nous appuyant sur une revue des articles abordant ces deux domaines au cours des dix dernières années. Cette étude s'appuie plus particulièrement sur l'examen de six revues phares dans les domaines généraux du contrôle, mais aussi de la comptabilité, de l'audit et de la stratégie, ainsi que dans des revues spécialisées dans le domaine de la PME. Ces revues sont soit françaises ou francophones (Comptabilité Contrôle Audit ; Finance Contrôle Stratégie, Revue Internationale PME), soit anglo-saxonnes et américaines (Accounting, Organizations and Society, Management Accounting Research, International Journal of Small Business). L'étude met en avant quelques spécificités propres aux recherches francophones et anglophones. Par ailleurs, la réalisation d'une analyse factorielle permet de caractériser quelques champs de recherche propres au contrôle de gestion dans le domaine des PME.recherche; PME; revue de littérature; contrôle de gestion

    Scale Matters: Attribution Meets the Wavelet Domain to Explain Model Sensitivity to Image Corruptions

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    Neural networks have shown remarkable performance in computer vision, but their deployment in real-world scenarios is challenging due to their sensitivity to image corruptions. Existing attribution methods are uninformative for explaining the sensitivity to image corruptions, while the literature on robustness only provides model-based explanations. However, the ability to scrutinize models' behavior under image corruptions is crucial to increase the user's trust. Towards this end, we introduce the Wavelet sCale Attribution Method (WCAM), a generalization of attribution from the pixel domain to the space-scale domain. Attribution in the space-scale domain reveals where and on what scales the model focuses. We show that the WCAM explains models' failures under image corruptions, identifies sufficient information for prediction, and explains how zoom-in increases accuracy.Comment: main: 9 pages, appendix 19 pages, 32 figures, 5 table

    PyPVRoof: a Python package for extracting the characteristics of rooftop PV installations using remote sensing data

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    Photovoltaic (PV) energy grows at an unprecedented pace, which makes it difficult to maintain up-to-date and accurate PV registries, which are critical for many applications such as PV power generation estimation. This lack of qualitative data is especially true in the case of rooftop PV installations. As a result, extensive efforts are put into the constitution of PV inventories. However, although valuable, these registries cannot be directly used for monitoring the deployment of PV or estimating the PV power generation, as these tasks usually require PV systems {\it characteristics}. To seamlessly extract these characteristics from the global inventories, we introduce {\tt PyPVRoof}. {\tt PyPVRoof} is a Python package to extract essential PV installation characteristics. These characteristics are tilt angle, azimuth, surface, localization, and installed capacity. {\tt PyPVRoof} is designed to cover all use cases regarding data availability and user needs and is based on a benchmark of the best existing methods. Data for replicating our accuracy benchmarks are available on our Zenodo repository \cite{tremenbert2023pypvroof}, and the package code is accessible at this URL: \url{https://github.com/gabrielkasmi/pypvroof}.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, 5 table

    Techniques d’opacification de l’émail au xixe siècle : nouvel éclairage apporté par le microscope à balayage à effet de champ

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    La Cité de la Céramique à Sèvres conserve des verres d’origines diverses utilisés au xixe siècle pour les peintures sur porcelaine et les émaux sur cuivre. Nous avons étudié neuf de ces verres opaques ou opalescents. Les observations au microscope électronique à balayage (MEB) montrent qu’ils contiennent des particules dont les dimensions sont de l’ordre de 0,1 µm pour les verres opalescents, nettement plus grandes dans le cas des verres opaques. La nature de ces particules a été déterminée par spectroscopie par dispersion d’énergie (energy dispersive spectroscopy – EDS) et par diffraction des rayons X (DRX). Dans certains cas, des solutions classiques (cassitérite, antimoniate de calcium) ont été utilisées. Dans d’autres cas, des compositions plus complexes (arséniate de plomb pouvant contenir du phosphore, du calcium…), voire pratiquement inconnues (antimoniate de potassium et silicium, phosphate de sodium et calcium) ont été mises en évidence. Le microscope à balayage équipé d’un canon à effet de champ est un outil précieux pour visualiser la phase opacifiante, en déterminer la granulométrie et en estimer la composition.The Cité de la Céramique, in Sèvres, has a collection of glass of diverse provenance used in the 19th century for painting on porcelain and enamelling on copper. We studied nine of these opaque and opalescent glasses. Observation obtained via scanning electron microscopy showed that opalescent glass contained particles measuring about 0.1 µm, while particles in opaque glass were much larger. The nature of these particles was determined by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and by X-ray diffraction (XRD). In some cases, conventional solutions (cassiterite, calcium antimonate) had been used. In other cases, more complex compositions (lead arsenate containing phosphorus, calcium…), or practically unknown compositions (potassium silicon antimonate, sodium calcium phosphate) came to light. Fitted with a field emission* gun, the scanning electron microscope is a valuable tool for observing the opacifier and determining the size and the composition of the particles.*. The field emission electron gun produces a distinctly finer electron beam than the one formerly obtained using a tungsten filament emitter. The lateral resolution thus obtained is in the order of 1 nm

    Cristal phononique piézomagnétique à une dimension : contrôle de la propagation par inductance variable

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    Cette étude concerne un cristal phononique à une dimension constitué d'un empilement de couches piézomagnétiques identiques. Chaque couche est entourée par une bobine connectée à une inductance extérieure. Les ondes élastiques longitudinales se propageant dans cette structure sont étudiées théoriquement et une expression analytique de l'équation de dispersion est obtenue. Suivant la valeur de l'inductance extérieure, la solution est une onde non dispersive ou dispersive. Dans ce dernier cas, la courbe de dispersion présente une bande de fréquence interdite dont la largeur varie avec la valeur de l'inductance extérieure

    Methods and criteria for validating the multimodal functions of perinatal derivatives when used in oncological and antimicrobial applications

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    Perinatal derivatives or PnDs refer to tissues, cells and secretomes from perinatal, or birth-associated tissues. In the past 2 decades PnDs have been highly investigated for their multimodal mechanisms of action that have been exploited in various disease settings, including in different cancers and infections. Indeed, there is growing evidence that PnDs possess anticancer and antimicrobial activities, but an urgent issue that needs to be addressed is the reproducible evaluation of efficacy, both in vitro and in vivo. Herein we present the most commonly used functional assays for the assessment of antitumor and antimicrobial properties of PnDs, and we discuss their advantages and disadvantages in assessing the functionality. This review is part of a quadrinomial series on functional assays for the validation of PnDs spanning biological functions such as immunomodulation, anticancer and antimicrobial, wound healing, and regeneration

    Respiratory Paradoxical Adverse Drug Reactions Associated with Acetylcysteine and Carbocysteine Systemic Use in Paediatric Patients: A National Survey

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    OBJECTIVE: To report pediatric cases of paradoxical respiratory adverse drug reactions (ADRs) after exposure to oral mucolytic drugs (carbocysteine, acetylcysteine) that led to the withdrawal of licenses for these drugs for infants in France and then Italy. DESIGN: The study followed the recommendations of the European guidelines of pharmacovigilance for medicines used in the paediatric population. SETTING: Cases voluntarily reported by physicians from 1989 to 2008 were identified in the national French pharmacovigilance public database and in drug company databases. PATIENTS: The definition of paradoxical respiratory ADRs was based on the literature. Exposure to mucolytic drugs was arbitrarily defined as having received mucolytic drugs for at least 2 days (>200 mg) and at least until the day before the first signs of the suspected ADR. RESULTS: The non-exclusive paradoxical respiratory ADRs reported in 59 paediatric patients (median age 5 months, range 3 weeks to 34 months, 98% younger than 2 years old) were increased bronchorrhea or mucus vomiting (n = 27), worsening of respiratory distress during respiratory tract infection (n = 35), dyspnoea (n = 18), cough aggravation or prolongation (n = 11), and bronchospasm (n = 1). Fifty-one (86%) children required hospitalization or extended hospitalization because of the ADR; one patient died of pulmonary oedema after mucus vomiting. CONCLUSION: Parents, physicians, pharmacists, and drug regulatory agencies should know that the benefit risk ratio of mucolytic drugs is at least null and most probably negative in infants according to available evidence
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