67 research outputs found

    Intelektualci, faŔisti i antifaŔisti

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    Application of trimmers and mowing machines performances in permanent crops

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    U radu se iznose rezultati mjerenja buke i vibracija koje se javljaju prilikom koriÅ”tenja raznih izvedbi trimera i kosilica u trajnim nasadima. Mjerene su vibracije koje se prenose sa stražnje i prednje ručke trimera na ruke operatera, i to pri najmanjem i najvećem broju okretaja motora. Prikazuje se usporedna analiza električnih trimera i trimera s motorom s unutarnjim izgaranjem koja je izvrÅ”ena u eksperimentu za usporedbu učinkovitosti njihovih izvora napajanja. Da bi se izvrÅ”ila navedena analiza, odnosno samo rjeÅ”avanje problema radne učinkovitosti kosilica, provedeno je istraživanje. Kriteriji koji određuju djelotvornost kosilice su izlazne snage, troÅ”ak uporabe i emisije.The research work presents the results of noise and vibration measurements that occur when using various trimmers and mowers in permanent crops. The vibrations that transfer from the rear and front handles of the trimmer to the hands of the operator have been measured at the both lowest and highest engine speeds. Comparative analysis of electric trimmers and trimmers with an internal combustion engine is performed in the experiment to compare the efficiency of their power supply. To carry out the above mentioned analysis, ie solving the problem of a lawnmower performance and working efficiency, a research was carried out. The criteria that determine the efficiency of the lawnmower are output power, cost of use and emissions

    Muzej grada Rijeke u palači Šećera - otvorenje stalnog postava

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    Nakon dugog iŔčekivanja i viÅ”e pomicanja rokova u petak 13. studenog 2020. svečano je otvorena nova zgrada Muzeja grada Rijeke u baroknoj palači izgrađenoj 1786. godine

    Leontine Littrow, Woman Painter of Late 19th and Early 20th Century

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    Leontine (Leo, Lea, Leonie) von Littrow (Trst, 1855. ā€“ Opatija, 1925.) kći je mornaričkog časnika, riječkoga lučkog kapetana i pomorskog inspektora, koja je od djetinjstva do kraja života živjela u Rijeci i Opatiji. Slikanje uči kod pariÅ”kog slikara Jeana dā€™Alheima, a u gotovo pola stoljeća umjetničkog djelovanja prolazi razvoj od početničkog Ā»romantizmaĀ« do plenerizma i impresionizma te, na kraju, do ekspresivnog slikanja primorskih i dalmatinskih krajolika. Od 1880. godine izlaže na brojnim izložbama u Beču, MĆ¼nchenu, BudimpeÅ”ti, Pragu, Londonu, Opatiji, Klagenfurtu, Salzburgu, Černivcima, Wrocławu, Kopru i Rijeci, a naročit uspjeh postiže na samostalnim izložbama u Londonu od 1896. do 1904. godine.Leontine Littrow (Trieste, 1855 ā€“ Opatija, 1925) was a woman painter who signed her works exclusively as Leo Littrow or by initials L. L. She was also called Lea or Leonie. She belonged to a prominent German family, her father was a sea captain and her grandfather and uncle were astronomers and directors of the Vienna observatory. On her motherā€™s side she descended from the British family Barry who moved to Trieste around 1830 and whose members served as officers in the Austrian navy, two of them as admirals. The artist lived in Rijeka from 1867 until late 1880s, and then in Opatija. She studied painting under Jean dā€™Alheim, a painter from Paris who travelled to Croatia and painted views of Rijeka, Rab and Dubrovnik. Her artistic development can be traced from early 1880s until early 1920s: during the four decades of her career her work underwent different stylistic changes, from early Romanticist to plein air and Impressionist paintings, and finally expressive and pronouncedly three-dimensional renderings of cliffs and the sea. Her known oeuvre includes mostly views of Venice and its surrounding landscape, as well as sea and fishing scenes in Rijeka and Opatija such as laundresses on the shore, views, secluded places, small houses and rooftops of Volosko, motifs and views of Ika, Lovran, MoŔćenička Draga, MoŔćenice and Brseč, and later of islands of the Kvarner Bay and of Dalmatia. Constant themes of her paintings were also gardens and parks in Opatija, pergolas and gazebos, as well as southern, Mediterranean landscapes with pines, cypresses, palms and agaves. Between 1880 and 1924 Leontine Littrow participated in a series of group and several solo exhibitions, most often in annual KĆ¼nstlerhaus exhibitions in Vienna from 1880 until the beginning of the 20th century. She also participated in international exhibitions in the Glaspalast in Munich (1893 and 1903) and many other exhibitions in Central Europe and Germany (Prague, Budapest, Klagenfurt, Salzburg, Wroclaw, Chernivtsi, Koper) as well as in Opatija (1893, 1900ā€“1902, 1908 and 1912) and in Rijeka (1916, 1917, 1918 and 1924). She achieved her greatest success in London, where she exhibited in the Royal Academy as early as 1886, and between 1896 and 1899 she held several acknowledged solo exhibitions in the Continental Gallery, praised by the critics for the bright light, freshness and colourism of southern landscapes. News of her success reached Vienna, Rijeka and Opatija. She also participated in the Chicago Worldā€™s Columbian Exhibition in 1893 in the Austrian women paintersā€™ section, as well as in the large Imperial Austrian Exhibition in London in 1906 in the Dalmatian section, alongside Bukovac, Vidović, MeÅ”trović and others
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