23 research outputs found

    Vizija zdravstvene politike kroz odgovore na 10 pitanja

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    Hrvatska stranka prava u programu ima razdvajanje zdravstvene djelatnosti od djelatnosti socijalne skrbi. Financiranje zdravstva bi se vrÅ”ilo preko državnog osiguranja koje bi bilo za osnovni paket usluga, te od osiguranja za dodatne usluge preko nacionalnih osiguravajućih zavoda

    Response and Dynamical Stability of Oscillators with Discontinuous or Steep First Derivative of Restoring Characteristic

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    Response and dynamical stability of oscillators with discontinuous or steep first derivative of restoring characteristic is considered in this paper. For that purpose, a simple single-degree-of-freedom system with piecewise-linear force-displacement relationship subjected to a harmonic force excitation is analysed by the method of piecing the exact solutions (MPES) in the time domain and by the incremental harmonic balance method (IHBM) in the frequency domain. The stability of the periodic solutions obtained in the frequency domain by IHBM is estimated by the Floquet-Lyapunov theorem. Obtained frequency response characteristic is very complex and includes multi-frequency response for a single frequency excitation, jump phenomenon, multi-valued and non-periodic solutions. Determining of frequency response characteristic in the time domain by MPES is exceptionally time consuming, particularly inside the frequency ranges of co-existence of multiple stable solutions. In the frequency domain, IHBM is very efficient and very well suited for obtaining wide range frequency response characteristics, parametric studies and bifurcation analysis. On the other hand, neglecting of very small harmonic terms (which in-significantly influence the r.m.s. values of the response and are very small in comparison to other terms of the spectrum) can cause very large error in evaluation of the eigenvalues of the monodromy matrix, and so they can lead to incorrect prediction of the dynamical stability of the solution. Moreover, frequency ranges are detected inside which the procedure of evaluation of eigenvalues of the monodromy matrix does not converge with increasing the number of harmonics included in the supposed approximate solution

    CATTLE BREEDING PROGRAMME IMPROVEMENT IN CROATIA 1. Morphological and phenotypical values of bulls of Simmental breeding programme

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    Na temelju podataka o stadu rasplodnih bikova (n 253) proizvedenih u Stanici za ispitivanje proizvodnih svojstava goveda u Varaždinu, upotrebljavanih u SrediÅ”njem zavodu za razmnožavanje i uzgoj domaćih životinja i Centru za reprodukciju u stočarstvu Hrvatske, d.o.o., a obuhvaćaju visinu grebena, dubinu i opseg prsa, težinu po godinama ulaska (1976.-1994. god.) i po dobi bikova (12 do 60 mjeseci), zatim i razloge za izlučivanje bikova iz upotrebe utvrdili smo: l. - Rast i razvoj bikova simentalske pasmine do navrÅ”ene pete godine (60 mj.) života bio je razmjeran i svojstven pojedinim tjelesnim mjerama po grupama i sve bolji po godinama dovođenja odnosno godini ulaska u stado mladih bikova u SrediÅ”njem zavodu - Centru. 2. - Visina grebena prve grupe (1976.) bila je u dobi od 12 mj. 129,07 cm, a sa 60 mj. 148,40 cm, tj. bila je viÅ”a za 19,33 cm ili 14,9% (Tablica 1.). 3. - Visina grebena grupe iz 1991. god. bila je 131,00 cm u dobi od 12 mj. a 155,60 cm u dobi od 60 mj, odnosno bila je viÅ”a za 24 cm ili 18,8%. Razlike visine grebena jasno pokazuju da je slijedom generacija visina grebena rasla i bila sve viÅ”a (Tablica 1.). 4. - Dubina prsiju prve grupe (1976.) bila je u dobi od 12 mjeseci 65,77 cm, a sa 60 mjeseci 84,20 cm, odnosno bila je dublja za 18,43 cm ili 28,0%. 5. - Dubina prsiju grupe iz 1991. god. bila je 66,55 cm u dobi od 12 mj, a 90,20 cm u dobi od 60 mj, odnosno dublja za 23,65 cm ili 35,5% (Tablica 3.). 6. - PoboljÅ”ane mjere dubine prsiju pratio je i omjer visine greena i dubine prsiju, na Å”to je ukazano i u "Programu" kao na jednu vrijednu mjeru. Godine 1976. Omjer dubine i visine iznosio je 50,9% u dobi od 12 mjeseci, a 56,7% u dobi od 60 mjeseci, tj. bio je viÅ”i za 5,8%, odnosno povećao se za 11,3%. 7. - Omjer istih mjera 1991. god. bio je 50,8% za bikove u dobi od 12 mjeseci, a 57,9% za bikove u dobi od 60 mjeseci, ili bio je poboljÅ”an za 14,1%. Navedeni podaci o visini grebena i dubini prsiju kao i o njihovom omjeru pokazuju da su bikovi iz programiranog uzgoja postajali sve viÅ”i, ali i sve dublji u prsima (Tablica 3.). 8. - Opseg prsiju imao je sličan tijek povećanja u obje grupe, a zavisio je i o već prikazanoj dubini prsa (Tablica 5.). 9. - Težina i njezino povećavanje po grupama kao i po dobi pokazuje genetičke vrijednosti s obzirom na bujnost (intenzitet) i doseg (kapacitet) rasta i razvoja novih generacija bikova, a time i na "ranozrelost",jednu od ciljeva uzgoja simentalske pasmine goveda. Prva grupa iz performance testa 1976. god. imala je u dobi od 365 dana prosječnu težinu 591,00 kilograma. U dobi od 60 mj. postigli su 1077,20 kg odnosno bili su teži 486,20 kg ili za 82,3% od težine s 12 mjeseci (Tablica 7). 10. - Težina bikova iz 1991. god. starosti 12 mj. bila je 627,77 kg, odnosno 36,77 kg veća od grupe iz 1976. god. u istoj dobi. U dobi od 60 mj. težina je bila 1192,60 kg,veća za 564,93kg u odnosu na dob od 12 mj. ili 89,9% (tablica7.). 11. - Utvrđene tjelesne mjere grupa bikova (VG, DP, OP i Kg) ukazuju na pozitivno kretanje povećavanja svih mjera, a time i na ispunjavanje željenog i postavljenog plana i programa gojidbene izgradnje govedarstva u Hrvatskoj pasmine "hrvatskog simentalca", iz 1973. i 1991. godine. 12.-NajviÅ”e je izlučenih bikova brojem (n 85) i postotkom (33,6%) zbog oboljenja i mana lokomotornog sustava, od rane do kasne dobi. Zatim zbog nedovoljne rasplodne sposobnosti (n 31 ili 12,2%). Manji broj bikova izlučen je zbog nekih internih razloga (n 12 ili 4,7%) kao npr.: sporno očinstvo (1), produžen graviditet u kćeri (1), prodaja drugom centru (1), bez zabilježenog nalaza (9). 13. - Od 1976. do 1991. godine bila su ukupno 224 bika od koiih su 5 godina doživjela njih 84 ili 37,5%, a izlučeno ih je 140 ili 62,5%. Takav omjer izlučenih i dalje upotrebljavanih bikova (62,5 : 37,5%) postoji i u centrima drugih zemalja. Razlozi izlučivanja donekle se razlikuju od naÅ”ih, ali su vrlo oÅ”tri u odnosu na morfoloÅ”ko fenotipske odlike.Based on the data such as the ridge height, depth and circumference of the thorax, the weight depending on the year of entry (1976-1994) and on the age of bulls (12 to 60 months), and based on the data explaining the reasons for exclusion, in the herd of bulls (n 253) produced in Varaždin Station for Quality Control of Produced Cattle and used both in the Central Institute for Breeding and Raising of Domestic Cattle and the Center for Reproduction in Cattle Industry in the Republic of Croatia, we have arrived at the following conclusions: 1. Growth and development of the Simmental bulls until the age of 5 years (60 months) was proportional and characteristic of physical measurements per groups, and growth and development was better when it was compared with the year of birth and the year of entry of young bulls in to the Central Institute and the Center. 2. The height of ridge in the first group (1976) was 129.07 cm for the bulls aged 12 months and 148,40 cm for those aged 60 months; the difference was 24 cm or 1 8.8% ( Table 1 ). The data on the differences in the height of ridges provide clear evidence that in each successive generation the height of the ridge became bigger (Table 1). 3. The depth of thorax in the first group (1976) was 65.77 cm in the bulls aged 12 months and 84.20 cm in those aged 60 months, this means that the depth of thorax was 18.43 cm or 28.0% bigger (Table 3). 4. The circumference of thorax improved in the same fashion in both groups and it was also dependent on the already shown thoracic depth (Table 5). In the performance testing in 1976 the average weight of the bulls aged 365 days in the first group was 591.00 kg. The average weight of the bulls aged 60 months was 1077.20 kg this means that in 12 months the bulls increased in weight by 486.20 kg or 82.3%. (Table 7). 5. The established physical measurements of the groups of bulls (RH, TD, TC and kg) clearly show a positive trend and increase in all the measurements and fulfilment of the plan and program in developing cattle industry in Croatia, and especially the "Croatian Simmental bull" from 1973 and 1991. 6. The majority of the bulls (n 5) or 33.6% of the bulls were excluded because of the disease and malformations of the locomotoric system, both in the early and later age. Due to inefficient reproductive capacity 12.2% or 31 bulls were excluded. A smaller number of bulls (n 18 or 7,1%) were excluded for internal, special or unknown reasons (n 12 or 4,7%) such as disputed paternity (n 1), prolonged daughter pregnancy (n 1 ), sale to another center (1 ), lack of recorded data. (Table 9). 7. Between 1976 and 1991 there were 224 bulls all together out of which 84 bulls or 37.5% lived to the age of 5 years and 140 bulls or 62.5% were excluded. Such ratio of exclusions and the bulls that were gurther used (62.5 to 37.5%) was found in the centers in other countries as well. The reasons for the exclusions in other countries slightly differ from our reasons and are much bigger when one considers morphological and phenotypic characteristics

    Cimetidine and ranitidine tests: the influence on the basal values of serum gastrin

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    U istraživanju utjecaja histaminskih H2 blokatora na vrijednosti bazalnog serumskog gastrina (BSG) provedena su testiranja bolesnika suvremenim antiulkusnim lijekovima ā€” cimetidinom i ranitidinom. Testiranje cimetidinom provedeno je u dvije grupe bolesnika sa različitim patoloÅ”kim stanjima gastrointestinalnog sustava. Prva grupa od 14 bolesnika testirana je sa 200 mg cimetidina intravenski svakih Å”est sati tijekom 24 sata. Identičan test sa 400 mg cimetidina proveden je u drugoj grupi sa 9 bolesnika. Suprotno očekivanju, u prvoj grupi svi bolesnici, osim dvojice s duodenalnim ulkusom, pokazali su pad BSG. Pri tom je za 11 bolesnika s duodenalnim ulkusom razlika statistički značajna (t = 2,26, p< 0,025). Pad BSG u drugoj grupi nije bio tako očit, ali se ističe pad BSG u dva bolesnika s pernicioznom anemijom. Rezultati su interpretirani kao indirektan dokaz djelovanja cimetidina i na G stanice preko H2 ili nekih drugih receptora. Peroralno testiranje rantidinom 150 mg tri puta dnevno prvog dana, te 2x 150 tijekom slijedeća dva dana, nakon čega je terapija prekidana, provedeno je u 13 bolesnika. Vrijednosti bazalnog serumskog gastrina su određivane tijekom 4 dana, ujutro neposredno po buđenju. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na zakljuĀ­ čak da ranitidin neznatno povisuje vrijednosti BSG.Investigating the influence of histamine H2 receptor antagonists on the levels of basal serum gastrin (BSG), two modern drugs were used - cimetidine and ranitidine. Two groups of patients with various pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal system were tested with cimetidine. In the first group, 14 patients were given 200 mg of cimetidine i.v. every six hours during 24 hours. The same test with 400 mg of cimetidine was performed with 9 patients of the second group. Contrary to the expectations, the level of BSG in the first group of patients decreased, except in two of them with duodenal ulcer. There is a statistically significant difference for 11 patients of this group suffering from duodenal ulcer (t = 2.26; p<0.025). The decrease of BSG in the second group was not so obvious, but in two patients with pernicious anemia the decrease of BSG was remarkable. These results can be interpreted as the indirect proof of cimetidine influence on G-cells, as well, over H2 or some other receptors. Peroral ranitidine testing, with 150 mg 3 times a day the first day and then twice a day in the next two days, was performed in 13 patients. The levels of BSG were measured within 4 days, every morning after awakening. The results show a slight BSG increase

    Values of the serum proteins in the extrahepatic cholestasis in rats

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    U ovom istraživanju učinjena je potpuna opstrukcija duktus koledokusa u Å”takora, te je promatran utjecaj ekstrahepatične kolestaze na koncentracije serumskh proteina. Uočeno je da ekstrahepatična kolestaza izaziva kontinuirani pad koncentracije ukupnih proteina i albumina u serumu. Pad ukupnih proteina u serumu nije statistički značajan u odnosu na kontrolnu koncentraciju, dok je pad albumina statistički značajan (P < 0,01) već od sedmog dana trajanja kolestaze. Kolestaza dovodi do promjena vrijednosti elektroforetskih frakcija serumskih proteina. Uočava se kontinuirani, statistički značajan pad (P < 0,01) od sedmog dana, pad albuminske frakcije, Å”to odgovara padu apsolutne koncentracije albumina u serumu. Osim ove promjene, dolazi do kontinuiranog i statistički značajnog (P < 0,01) porasta beta frakcije od sedmog dana poslije operacije. Tridesetog dana dolazi do spajanja beta i gama globulinske frakcije u jednu. Kolestaza dovodi do viÅ”estrukog porasta aktivnosti ukupnog bilirubina, alkalne fosfataze, gama GT, SGOT i SGPT u serumu. Ukupni bilirubin, alkalna fosfataza i gama GT kontinuirano rastu do 14. dana trajanja kolestaze, kada su zabiljeĀ­ žene i najviÅ”e koncentracije. Nakon toga dolazi do pada koncentracija ovih parametara. Uočene su i statistički značajne (P < 0,05) linearne korelacije između koncentracije ukupnih proteina i trajanja kolestaze (negativna), između koncentracije ukupnog bilirubina i trajanja kolestaze od 3. do 14. dana, te između koncentracija ukupnih proteina i albumina u serumu. Postoje i statistički značajne kvadratne korelacije izmeĀ­Ä‘u: koncentracija ukupnih proteina i trajanja kolestaze (P < 0,01), albumina i trajanja kolestaze (P < 0,01), alkalne fosfataze i trajanja kolestaze (P < 0,05), te između gama GT u serumu i trajanja kolestaze (P < 0,01.)In this research the complete obstruction of bile duct in rats has been achieved, in order to observe the influence of extrahepatic cholestasis on the concentration of serum proteins. It has been noted that the extrahepatic cholestasis provokes a continuous fall in the concentrations of total proteins and albumin in serum. The fall of the total proteins in serum is not statistically significant compared to the control concentrations, whereas the fall in albumin becomes statistically significant (P < 0.01) from the seventh day of the cholestasis. The cholestasis has induced changes in the concentration of electrophoretic fractions of serum proteins. A continuous and statistically significant (P < 0.01) fall in albumin fraction has been noted from the seventh day on, which responds to the fall in the absolute albumin concentration in serum. Besides that, a continuous and statistically significant (P < 0.01) increase of beta fraction has been observed from the seventh postoperative day. On the thirtieth day beta and gama globulin fraction merged. The cholestasis has induced manifold increase in the activity of total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, gama GT, SGOT and SGPT in serum. Total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and gama GT have been rising continuously up to the fourteenth postoperative day, when they have reached the highest concentrations. From that day on, the fall in the concentrations of all three parametres has been noted. Statistically significant (P < 0.05) linear correlations have been found between the concentration of total proteins and the duration of cholestasis (negative), between the total bilirubin concentration and the duration of cholestasis from the third to the fourteenth day as well as between the total protein and albumin concentration in serum. Statistically significant quadratic correlations have also been observed between the duration of cholestasis and total protein concentrations (P < 0.01), albumin (P < 0.01), alcaline phosphatase (P < 0.05) and gama GT in serum (P < 0.01), respectively

    Economic and medical advantages of digestive tract endoscopy

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    U ovom radu analizirana je medicinska i financijska vrijednost određenih dijagnostičkih i opera tivno-terapijskih zahvata (kod gastroenterohepatoloÅ”kih bolesnika) koji se mogu obaviti endoskopskim i rendgenoloÅ”kim, odnosno kirurÅ”kim putem. To je dosta važno s obzirom na sve loÅ”ije financijsko stanje u zdravstvu. U pogledu dijagnostike digestivnih bolesti, endoskopiji treba dati primat nad rendgenologijom, jer osim medicinskih prednosti (nema žračenja bolesnika, mogućnost vizualnog pregleda i uzimanja uzorka za histoloÅ”ku analizu), ona je i jeftinija. S obzirom na doktrinski stav da, iako imamo pozitivan rendgenoloÅ”ki nalaz, produženje dijagnostike mora biti endoskopijom uz uzimanje uzoraka za histoloÅ”ku analizu, dolazi do dupliranja pretraga, a time do gubitka velike sume novca. Iz toga je jasno da je uÅ”teda viÅ”e nego očita primjenom samo primarne endoskopije. Prednost operativno-terapeutskih endoskopskih zahvata nad kirurÅ”kim su očite, kako u medicinskom (niska smrtnost, manje komplikacija, kraći period rehabilitacije, humaniji pristup), tako i u financijskom pogledu. Iz svega toga proizlazi da svako ulaganje u razvoj endoskopije znači viÅ”e obavljenih dijagnostičkih i operativnih endoskopskih zahvata, a time ukidanje rendgenoloÅ”kih i kirurÅ”kih, Å”to će doprinijeti ogromnoj uÅ”tedi novca.The paper analyzes medical and financial values of certain diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in patients with gastroenterohepatic diseases which can be performed endoscopically, radiographically or surgically. Considering the miserable financial condition of the health care system, this comparison is very important. In the diagnostics of digestive diseases endoscopy must be preferred to radiography, since in addition to medical advantages (no radiation of the patients, possibility of visual examination and sampling for histological analysis), it is cheaper, as well. Besides, following of the doctrine that in case of positive radiograms the diagnostics must be continued by endoscopy and taking samples for histological analysis duplicates the examinations and causes a considerable loss of money. Thus, primary endoscopy evidently means economization. The therapeutical endoscopic procedures have the advantage over surgery, both from the medical (low mortality, less complications, shorter period of rehabilitation and humane treatment) and the financial point of view. Accordingly, any investment into the development of endoscopy means more diagnostic and therapeutical endoscopic procedures performed as well as the abolition of radiographic and surgical procedures, which would contribute to saving considerable amounts of money

    Duodenal erosions and hemorrahage from the upper digestive tract

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    Na Internoj klinici Opće bolnice Osijek, u periodu od 21. siječnja 1989. do 20. siječnja 1990. godine, napravljeno je 3935 ezofagogastroduodenoskopija. U 122 bolesnika povod za endoskopski zahvat bilo je krvarenje iz gornjeg dijela probavnog trakta. Od toga broja bilo je 87 muÅ”karaca i 35 žena s prosječnom dobi od 43,5 godina. NajčeŔći primarni uzrok krvarenja bio je peptički ulkus (duodenalni u 43,4% i želučani u 13,1%), a nakon njega erozije (želučane u 15,6% i duodenalne u 8,2%). Krvarenje iz variksa jednjaka bilo je u 7,4% bolesnika, a krvarenje pri Mallory-Weissovu sindromu i piloričnom ulkusu u po 4,9% bolesnika. U 2,5 bolesnika krvarenje je bilo iz tumora. Krvarenje iz duodenalnih erozija bilo je u 22 bolesnika, i to u 10 bolesnika kao primarno, a u 12 kao sekundarno. Uzrok krvarenja u 9 bolesnika bilo je masivno konzumiranje alkohola, a u 5 bolesnika uzimanje lijekova. Od 22 bolesnika, 8 ih je imalo i duodenalni ulkus. U 4 bolesnika primarno krvarenje bilo je iz erozija. Od 122 bolesnika, u 35 pronađene su multiple lezije. Endoskopska injekcijsko-sklerozirajuća terapija bila je uspjeÅ”na u 117 bolesnika, dok je 5 bolesnika bilo operirano.Af the Department of Internal Medicine of the Osijek General Hospital, 3,935 esophagogastroduodenscopies were performed in the period of January 21, 1989, to January 20, 1990. In 122 patients, bleeding from the upper digestive tract was the reason for endoscopy. Out of this number, there were 87 males and 35 females, mean age 43,5 years. Peptic ulcer (duodenal in 43% and gastric in 13.1% of the cases) was the most common primary cause of bleeding, followed by erosions (gastric in 15.5% and duodenal in 8.2% of the cases). The hermorrhage from the esophageal varix occurred in 7.4% of the patients, while the hemorrhage in Mallory-Weiss syndrome and pyloric ulcer in 4.9% of the patients. In 2.5% of the patients, hemorrhage came from the tumor. The hemorrhage from duodenal erosions occurred in 22 patients, primary in 10 and secondary in 12 patients. The massive alcohol consumption was the cause of bleeding in 9 patients and drug ingestion in 5 patients. Out of 22 patients, 8 suffered from duodenal ulcer. In 4 patients, primary hemorrhage came from erosions. Out of 122 patients, multiple lesions were found in 35 patients. Endoscopic sclerosing injection therapy was successful in 117 patients, while 5 patients underwent operative procedure

    Thrombus Size is Associated with Etiology of Deep Venous Thrombosis ā€“ A Cross-Sectional Study

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of risk factors for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) on thrombus sizes in lower extremities. The size and extent of thrombus was scored according to International Consensus Committee for venous disease classification. After the diagnosis of DVT was established and its size scored, predominant risk factors for DVT in each patient were identified (malignant disease, thrombophilia, postoperative state, hormonal therapy, heredity, limb trauma, immobilization, others and unknown risk factors). The average thrombus score was 6 (95% CI 5.47ā€“ 6.53). The analysis of thrombus size indicated that the largest thrombi were found in patients with malignancy. Their average score was 8.5 (95% CI 7ā€“10) and was significantly higher than in patients with other risk factors for deep vein thrombosis. There was no significant correlation between numbers of days from the onset of symptoms to the moment of DVT diagnosis and thrombus score (r=ā€“0.08, p=0.38). Age was very slightly correlated to thrombus size (r=0.19; p=0.046), while the gender did not have significant impact on thrombus score (p=0.074). The conclusion of our study was that etiology of thrombosis and particularly malignant diseases has the largest impact on venous thrombus size