Duodenal erosions and hemorrahage from the upper digestive tract


Na Internoj klinici Opće bolnice Osijek, u periodu od 21. siječnja 1989. do 20. siječnja 1990. godine, napravljeno je 3935 ezofagogastroduodenoskopija. U 122 bolesnika povod za endoskopski zahvat bilo je krvarenje iz gornjeg dijela probavnog trakta. Od toga broja bilo je 87 muškaraca i 35 žena s prosječnom dobi od 43,5 godina. Najčešći primarni uzrok krvarenja bio je peptički ulkus (duodenalni u 43,4% i želučani u 13,1%), a nakon njega erozije (želučane u 15,6% i duodenalne u 8,2%). Krvarenje iz variksa jednjaka bilo je u 7,4% bolesnika, a krvarenje pri Mallory-Weissovu sindromu i piloričnom ulkusu u po 4,9% bolesnika. U 2,5 bolesnika krvarenje je bilo iz tumora. Krvarenje iz duodenalnih erozija bilo je u 22 bolesnika, i to u 10 bolesnika kao primarno, a u 12 kao sekundarno. Uzrok krvarenja u 9 bolesnika bilo je masivno konzumiranje alkohola, a u 5 bolesnika uzimanje lijekova. Od 22 bolesnika, 8 ih je imalo i duodenalni ulkus. U 4 bolesnika primarno krvarenje bilo je iz erozija. Od 122 bolesnika, u 35 pronađene su multiple lezije. Endoskopska injekcijsko-sklerozirajuća terapija bila je uspješna u 117 bolesnika, dok je 5 bolesnika bilo operirano.Af the Department of Internal Medicine of the Osijek General Hospital, 3,935 esophagogastroduodenscopies were performed in the period of January 21, 1989, to January 20, 1990. In 122 patients, bleeding from the upper digestive tract was the reason for endoscopy. Out of this number, there were 87 males and 35 females, mean age 43,5 years. Peptic ulcer (duodenal in 43% and gastric in 13.1% of the cases) was the most common primary cause of bleeding, followed by erosions (gastric in 15.5% and duodenal in 8.2% of the cases). The hermorrhage from the esophageal varix occurred in 7.4% of the patients, while the hemorrhage in Mallory-Weiss syndrome and pyloric ulcer in 4.9% of the patients. In 2.5% of the patients, hemorrhage came from the tumor. The hemorrhage from duodenal erosions occurred in 22 patients, primary in 10 and secondary in 12 patients. The massive alcohol consumption was the cause of bleeding in 9 patients and drug ingestion in 5 patients. Out of 22 patients, 8 suffered from duodenal ulcer. In 4 patients, primary hemorrhage came from erosions. Out of 122 patients, multiple lesions were found in 35 patients. Endoscopic sclerosing injection therapy was successful in 117 patients, while 5 patients underwent operative procedure

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