14 research outputs found
Održivo upravljanje otpadom i mogućnosti istorišćenja energije iz gradskog otpada
U ovom radu dat je kratak pregled razmatranja koja su korišćena pri izradi modela ekološkog sistema u cilju izbora postupka za upravljanje čvrstim otpadom, posle čega je predstavljena mogućnost upotrebe procesa insineracije na području grada Kragujevca. Takođe je dat i pregled upotrebe otpada kao goriva, institucionalni i finansijski okviri. S obzirom na nedostatak podataka o količinama, sadržaju i tokovima otpada zaključak ovog rada je da je projektovanje postrojenja za insineraciju nemoguće pre nego što se prikupe neophodni podaci.Publishe
Overview of a new method for designing high efficiency small hydro power plants
Significant number of research projects in the area of renewable energy sources (especially for small hydro power plants) has been made within the Department for Energy and Process Engineering and Regional Euro Energy Efficiency Center at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (University of Kragujevac, Serbia) since early eighties. The results are various; numerous domestic and international recognition and technical performance tell about the success of the research. Research projects have been following the technical and technological development of research equipment and economy growth. This has led to the development of software for designing turbines of small hydro power plants. In order to notify the public about possibilities of our software, in this paper is briefly described a mathematical model and procedures for calculating and designing of small hydro power for known conditions. As an argument for assessing the validity and potentialof our research results is shown constructedsmall hydro power plant Bosnia 1, 2 x 100 kW power
Energy efficiency, environmental protection and sustainable development in Kragujevac (Serbia)
This paper presents a methodology development and the results achieved in the process of establishing energy management system in the City of Kragujevac (Serbia) and in its public services. The paper is an overview of influential factors in the field of energy management, analyzing their impact on raising
the energy efficiency of individual utility service and the city of Kragujevac, as a whole. The paper also presents the most interesting scientific and research projects realized in the cooperation of several actors which were coordinated by Regional Euro Energy Efficiency Center Kragujevac. The municipal companies together with the city administration are the direct beneficiaries of the results realized in the following areas:
‐ Development of energy management in municipalities and the establishment of energy planning at the local level; ‐ Improvement of municipal services by applying energy efficiency measures in public enterprises:
‐ “Energetika” (heating), ‐ “Cistoca” (communal waste management), ‐ “Vodovod i kanalizacija” (water and waste water management); Promotion of ideas and projects realized in the field of energy
management, environmental protection and sustainable development at the Festival of energy efficiency (starting from this year) held during the April.Publishe
Istraživanje stanja i mogućnosti za unapređenje toplotno distributivnog sistema grada Kragujevca
Razvoj toplotno‑distributivnog sistema grada Kragujevca (TDS‑K) sledio je urbanističko, populaciono i privredno napredovanje grada i danas predstavlja, zajedno sa svojim toplotnim izvorištem, jedan od najvrednijih komunalnih infrastrukturnih sistema u Srbiji. Pošto je dinamika razvoja grada, istorijski gledano,
bila neujednačena, u današnjoj strukturi TDS‑K uočljive su tehničko‑tehnološke neujednačenosti koje limitiraju dalji razvoj, a ne retko, predstavljaju i smetnju visoko kvalitetnom snabdevanju svih potrošača. Zbog toga su Upravni odbor i poslovodni tim „Energetike“, d.o.o., preduzeća koje brine o razvoju i održavanju TDS‑K, oslanjajući se na snažnu podršku uprave grada Kragujevca, započeli pre dve godine, zajedno sa Regionalnim evrocentrom za energetsku efikasnost Mašinskog fakulteta i preduzećem „Geopremer“ iz Kragujevca, opsežan projekat čiji je cilj da se obezbedi:
– precizna elektronska GIS mapa kompletnog TDS‑K;
– elektronska baza podataka o svim pogonskim podstrukturama, cevovodima, cevnim armaturama i toplotnim podstanicama;
– pouzdan softver za simulaciju ponašanja TDS‑K u različitim režimima eksploatacije, koji se može koristiti i za uvođenje proaktivnog sistema tekućeg i investicionog održavanja, kao i za stvaranje kvalitetnih osnova za dalje širenje i povećanje broja konzumenata usluga „Energetika“ d.o.o.;
– kreiranje internet portala za brzu internu i eksternu komunikaciju sa dispečerskim centrom TDS‑K i – definisanje sistema organizacionih i tehničko‑tehnoloških mera za povećanje energetske efikasnosti TDS‑K i smanjivanje troškova u proizvodnji i distribuciji toplotne energije.
U ovom radu je ukratko prikazan deo do sada ostvarenih rezultata na napred opisanim poslovima.Publishe
Steam trap diagnostic methods
The authors of the paper had the intention to emphasize the importance of steam trap testing in order to eliminate irregular working conditions and redundant energy waste. Experience told us that this problem is underestimated in our industry. In this paper, the classification of steam traps was presented, as well as causes of their failure. A critical analysis of methods for steam trap testing and recommended testing intervals were also shown.Author's versio
Učestalost mikronukleusa u limfocitima periferne krvi kod radnika srpske populacije izloženih pesticidima
Micronucleus (MN) is a biomarker widely used in biomonitoring studies for determining
the genetic risk associated with exposure to pesticides. The purpose of this study was to
assess damage to the genetic material of workers occupationally exposed to pesticides as
detected in micronucleus tests. The research included 119 subjects divided into three groups:
a control group of 39 subjects, a group of 40 subjects exposed to pesticides as producers
and a group of 40 pesticide applicators in the field. A Mann-Whitney U-test displayed
statistically significant differences between the parameter means of all variables, and the
control group. Significant differences were observed between males involved in pesticide
production and application for the parameter MN4, then between non-smoking producers
and applicators regarding parameters MN2, MN3, MN4 and NB, as well as between the
control and applicator groups for parameter MN2, and between producers and applicators
for parameter MN3. Spearman’s correlation test showed a positive correlation between
the frequency of micronuclei and age of respondents, as well as their smoking habits.
A statistically significant difference in relation to cytogenetic parameters was detected
between the respondents working in pesticide production and those working in the field.
The results suggest that applicators in the field do not use adequate personal protective
equipment. Regular biological monitoring of workers exposed to pesticides is required.Mikronukleus test (MN) se koristi u biomonitoring studijama za praćenje genetičkih efekata
kod ljudi izloženih pesticidima. Cilj rada je bio da se, metodom mikronukleus testa, utvrdi
oštećenje genetičkog materijala kod ispitanika koji su profesionalno izloženi pesticidima.
Istraživanja su obuhvatila 119 ispitanika koji su podeljeni u tri grupe: u kontrolnoj grupi bilo
je 39 ispitanika, u grupi izloženoj pesticidima u procesu proizvodnje (proizvođači) bilo je
40 ispitanika i 40 ispitanika koji rade u primeni na terenu. Mann-Whitney U-test je pokazao
statistički značajnu razliku između srednjih vrednosti parametara svih ispitivanih varijabli u
odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Statistički značajne razlike konstatovane su između muškaraca u
proizvodnji i primeni za parametar MN4, potom između nepušača u proizvodnji i primeni za
parametere MN2, MN3, MN4 i NB, kao i u okviru cele posmatrane populacije između kontrolnih
i radnika u proizvodnji za parametar MN2, i između proizvodnje i primene za parametar MN3.
Spearman-ov test korelacije je pokazao pozitivnu korelaciju između učestalosti mikronukleusa
i starosne dobi ispitanika, kao i navika vezanih za pušenje. Utvrđene su i statistički značajne
razlike između ispitanika koji rade u proizvodnji i ispitanika koji rade u primeni u odnosu na
praćene citogenetičke parametre. Svi dobijeni rezultati upućuju na zaključak da radnici koji
rade na terenu ne koriste adekvatna sredstva lične zaštitite. Takođe, rezultati pokazuju da
postoji potreba za kontinuiranim biomonitoringom radnika koji su u kontaktu sa pesticidima