1 research outputs found

    Content and Methodological Features of Systematization of Knowledge on Natural Areas of Students with Intellectual Disabilities

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    У статті висвітлено змістово-методичні особливості систематизації географічних знань учнів із інтелектуальними порушеннями в процесі вивчення розділу «Природні зони й розташування їх на земній кулі». Виокремлено три взаємопов'язаних між собою етапи роботи із систематизації знань учнів спеціальної школи – з одного питання теми, за великою темою, за розділом у цілому. На кожному з етапів охарактеризовано доцільні методи й засоби навчання, конкретизовано їх оптимальне поєднання. Розкрито особливості використання диференційованих завдань, корекційно спрямованих таблиць різного типу, схематичних малюнків на різних етапах систематизації знань учнів про природні зони.The purpose of the article is to highlight the content and methodological features of systematization of geographical knowledge of students with intellectual disabilities in the process of studying the section “Natural areas and their location on the globe”. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: theoretical – analysis, systematization, generalization of scientific sources; empirical – pedagogical observation, generalization of pedagogical experience, analysis of the curriculum, textbook on geography for 7th grade of special secondary schools for children with intellectual disabilities. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, it has been found out that an important and necessary condition for strong and conscious assimilation of learning material by students with intellectual disabilities in the process of studying geography is to conduct special work to systematize their knowledge. According to the logic of studying the section “Natural areas and their location on the globe” in the 7th grade geography course, three interrelated stages of work on systematization of knowledge of special school students are conditionally distinguished. The content and methodological features of systematization of geographical knowledge on natural areas of students with intellectual disabilities within each of the outlined stages – on one issue of the topic, on a large topic, on the section as a whole – are revealed. Methods and means of teaching that are appropriate at each stage of systematization of knowledge of seventh-graders are characterized. Specific examples highlight their optimal combination to specify the essence of geographical concepts and phenomena, the disclosure of various logical relationships between them, awareness and assimilation by students of the nature of these relationships. The recommendations for the use of specially differentiated tasks, correction-oriented tables of different types, schematic drawings at different stages of systematization of knowledge on natural areas of students with intellectual disabilities are developed