1,318 research outputs found

    Dynamic FTSS in Asynchronous Systems: the Case of Unison

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    Distributed fault-tolerance can mask the effect of a limited number of permanent faults, while self-stabilization provides forward recovery after an arbitrary number of transient fault hit the system. FTSS protocols combine the best of both worlds since they are simultaneously fault-tolerant and self-stabilizing. To date, FTSS solutions either consider static (i.e. fixed point) tasks, or assume synchronous scheduling of the system components. In this paper, we present the first study of dynamic tasks in asynchronous systems, considering the unison problem as a benchmark. Unison can be seen as a local clock synchronization problem as neighbors must maintain digital clocks at most one time unit away from each other, and increment their own clock value infinitely often. We present many impossibility results for this difficult problem and propose a FTSS solution when the problem is solvable that exhibits optimal fault containment

    Stabilizing data-link over non-FIFO channels with optimal fault-resilience

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    Self-stabilizing systems have the ability to converge to a correct behavior when started in any configuration. Most of the work done so far in the self-stabilization area assumed either communication via shared memory or via FIFO channels. This paper is the first to lay the bases for the design of self-stabilizing message passing algorithms over unreliable non-FIFO channels. We propose a fault-send-deliver optimal stabilizing data-link layer that emulates a reliable FIFO communication channel over unreliable capacity bounded non-FIFO channels

    The Jokes Have Ended

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    Typical Values for Active Solar Energy in Urban Planning

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    There is an urgent need to start generating energy within cities in order to pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient society. Renewable energy by means of active solar energy systems (solar thermal, ST and/or photovoltaics, PV) can be generated using roofs and facades of buildings. In this study, the annual solar energy potential of typical Swedish city blocks was analysed in order to develop guidelines for urban planners and architects. The results show that the design of the city blocks has a significant effect (up to 50%) on the total annual solar energy production. The study also shows that the contribution from active solar energy can be significant even in the urban environment, but shading by adjacent buildings may greatly limit the total amount of energy produced

    Vertrouwen in de relatie tussen zorgverleners en patiënten met een chronische ziekte : een exploratieve kwalitatieve studie

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    DOEL: Exploreren van het concept vertrouwen zoals het zich manifesteert in de relatie tussen patiënten met chronische aandoeningen en hun zorgverleners. METHODE: Veertien semigestructureerde interviews met patiënten die bevraagd werden over hun relatie met hun zorgverleners. Een grounded-theory-benadering werd gebruikt. Datacollectie en data-analyse gebeurden iteratief. Er vond onderzoekerstriangulatie plaats. RESULTAAT: Het uit de data gereconstrueerde concept ’vertrouwen’ is de uitkomst van de interactie tussen de patiënt en de zorgverlener. Vertrouwen kan verschillende dimensies aannemen: 1. vertrouwen in de professional, 2. vertrouwen in de relatie, 3. vertrouwen in de onvoorwaardelijkheid van de relatie en 4. wantrouwen. Vertrouwen is de uitkomst van een proces waarbij er facilitatoren en barrières zijn voor het opbouwen of afbreken van vertrouwen in de zorgrelatie. DISCUSSIE: Een breed palet van factoren die het ontstaan en evolueren van vertrouwen bij patiënten met een chronische aandoening beïnvloeden werd verkregen. Vervolgonderzoek met een grotere steekproef in diverse settings is wenselijk om de ervaringen van patiënten en de bestaande concepten verder uit te diepen. CONCLUSIE: Het belang van vertrouwen in de zorgrelatie bij patiënten met een chronische aandoening wordt in deze studie beklemtoond. Interpersoonlijke competenties blijken belangrijk. De resultaten kunnen zorgverleners helpen te reflecteren over hun gedrag ten aanzien van patiënten met een chronische aandoening

    Communication Optimalement Stabilisante sur Canaux non Fiables et non FIFO

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    A self-stabilizing protocol has the capacity to recover a legitimate behavior whatever is its initial state. The majority of works in self-stabilization assume a shared memory model or a communication using reliable and FIFO channels. In this article, we interest in self-stabilizing systems using bounded but non reliable and non FIFO channels. We propose a stabilizing communication protocol with optimal fault resilience. In more details, this protocol simulates a reliable and FIFO channel and ensures a minimal number of looses, duplications, creations, and re-ordering of messages

    Deep Neuromuscular Blockade Improves Surgical Conditions During Gynecological Laparoscopy

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    Obtaining an appropriate laparoscopic workspace depends on several factors related to the patient (i.e., weight and abdominal compliance) and the procedure (i.e., body’s position, depth of anesthesia and intra-abdominal (IA) pressure). Among them, a deep neuromuscular blockade (NMB) contributes to provide the surgeon with better operating conditions. This chapter discusses the interests and challenges of muscle relaxation during gynecological laparoscopy. The introduction of sugammadex into clinical practice provides the opportunity to modify the management of neuromuscular blockade to improve the surgical conditions during laparoscopy as well as the safety of the patients. The maintenance of a rocuronium-induced deep neuromuscular block from the trocar insertion until the end of laparoscopy is no longer incompatible with rapid recovery and awakening in optimal conditions. Neuromuscular transmission (NMT) monitoring is the key to adequate management and should be used in all cases. Objective measurements allow for excellent intubation and surgical conditions, the definition of thresholds and doses for the administration of reversal agents, and the exclusion of residual blockade prior to the patient extubation

    Protected or Porous: A Comparative Analysis of Threat Detection Capability of IoT Safeguards

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    Consumer Internet of Things (IoT) devices are increasingly common, from smart speakers to security cameras, in homes. Along with their benefits come potential privacy and security threats. To limit these threats a number of commercial services have become available (IoT safeguards). The safeguards claim to provide protection against IoT privacy risks and security threats. However, the effectiveness and the associated privacy risks of these safeguards remains a key open question. In this paper, we investigate the threat detection capabilities of IoT safeguards for the first time. We develop and release an approach for automated safeguards experimentation to reveal their response to common security threats and privacy risks. We perform thousands of automated experiments using popular commercial IoT safeguards when deployed in a large IoT testbed. Our results indicate not only that these devices may be ineffective in preventing risks, but also their cloud interactions and data collection operations may introduce privacy risks for the households that adopt them
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