7 research outputs found

    Formation of Consumption Properties of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) Sauce

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    The aim of the study is to form consumption properties of a green sweet pepper sauce with a balanced content of macro- and microelements. Due to the use of Xanthium strumarium and chitosan a new product has high organoleptic properties that attract a consumer and increase its competitiveness at the market.Sweet green pepper that relates to most valuable vegetable cultures as to food value and taste was chosen as a main component of a sauce. For giving it a necessary consistence and for decreasing a time of thermal processing, there was used chitosan. According to results of the conducted studies, it was established, that among studied types of chitosan, advantages as to forming a consistence belongs to food acid-soluble chitosan with particle sizes up to 0,5 mm in amount 0,5 %.For preserving the natural green color, pepper fruits were preliminarily processed in 1 % decoction of Xanthium strumarium at temperature 75ºС during 15 min. For increasing its food value, the recipe was added with spicy-aromatic vegetable raw materials: garlic, dill, parsley, celery.The sauce quality was formed by mathematical modeling using general criteria of optimization of organoleptic parameters. There were also determined specific criteria of optimization of the recipe composition taking into account their daily need. As a result of the conducted studies the composition of recipe components for the sauce was optimized: sweet pepper 80 %, garlic leaves – 5 %, parsley leaves,dill – 5 %, celery leaves – 5 %, salt – 1,5 %, sugar – 0,5 %, chitosan – 0,5 %.There were studied organoleptic parameters of the developed sauce, characterized by a pleasant bright-green color, homogenous paste-like consistence, pleasant taste and smell. The used stabilizing factors allowed to get the sauce with the increased content of essential factors of nutrition. They participate in the increase of protective forces of the organism, so allow to recommend them in prophylactic, child and dietary nutrition

    МоніторинГ вмістУ токсичниХ речовиН У овочаХ різниХ сортів, якІ поширенІ В УкраїнІ

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    Досліджено вміст нітратів, радіонуклідів, солей важких металів в різних ботанічних сортах картоплі, буряку столового, томатів, цибулі ріпчастої, моркви, гарбуза. Отримані дані дають підставу констатувати наявність видової та сортової специфічності рівня накопичення токсикантів

    Effect of the Parameters of Rhubarb and Gooseberry Treatment on the Formation of Color

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    We report a study of the effect of thermal treatment (blanching, steam treatment, boiling for 10–60 seconds, boiling for 30–60 seconds) on the degree of chlorophyll destruction in rhubarb and gooseberry. The content of chlorophylls in rhubarb and gooseberry depending on the degree of their shredding was determined. We established the effect of stabilizing additives (MgSO4, MgCl2, CaCl2, KCl) on the transformation of chlorophylls and a change in the color of rhubarb and gooseberry.When manufacturing products from plant raw materials whose pigment complex contains mostly chlorophylls, the color, which is destroyed under the action of various factors, turns from green to yellow-brown, which negatively affects consumer choice. As the color estimation of products made from plant raw materials employs sensory analysis, which displays low accuracy and subjectivity, this creates certain difficulties both for investigating and solving a problem to improve product quality.It was established that technological treatment influences objective color-parametric characteristics of fruits and vegetables, specifically, a deviation in values of the dominant wavelength, purity of color, and brightness, from their value for the untreated samples. It is shown that in order to estimate the effect of treating rhubarb and gooseberry on color, it is expedient to use the dominant wavelength as the basic color-parametric characteristic. Using the color-parametric characteristics, it is possible to track changes in color under various conditions in the process of technological treatment. In this case, color-parametric characteristics can be applied as critical points to control product quality.Treatment with MgCl2 and KCl salts ensures improved consumer properties of products made from rhubarb and gooseberry through maximum preservation of physiologically active substances and the original color of raw materials. This renders significant level of competitiveness to new product

    Stabilization of the Natural Color of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) During Its Processing

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    The influence of various parameters of technological treatment on the degree of chlorophyll destruction and change in the green coloration of the sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) has been investigated. It has been established that the temperature and duration of its effect on sweet pepper during primary heat treatment alter its natural green coloration to yellow with a brown tint. The paper presents experimental spectra of the intensity of light absorption by the samples of sweet pepper, which make it possible to define regularities in the influence of time and temperature on the color and the degree of chlorophyll destruction.During blanching, from 25.2 to 59.2 per cent of the total amount of chlorophylls of the starting value are destroyed, depending on the water temperature. It was established that the blanching process duration negatively affects the content of chlorophylls as well: depending on the process duration, 20.2‒61.7 % of the original content are degraded. The experimental diffuse reflection spectra for opaque objects, provided here, have made it possible to identify the dependence of color of the samples of pepper, treated in the Xanthium strumarium decoction, on various factors of the technological process.It is shown that the use of decoction of the natural plant raw material Xanthium strumarium for treating the samples leads to the stabilization of the green coloration of pepper compared to that blanched in water. The influence of the Xanthium strumarium concentration, temperature, and exposure time in the decoction, on the color of pepper samples has been investigated. Applying such color­parametric characteristics, calculated on the basis of spectral reflection coefficients using a CIE XYZ method, as dominant wavelength (λ, nm), color clarity (P, %), and brightness (T, %), has made it possible to compare the color of pepper samples with fresh samples (control­1), as well as with the samples blanched in water (control­2).The multivariate experiment, performed in this research, has made it possible to optimize parameters for the technological treatment of pepper samples in the Xanthium strumarium decoction. Basic parameters for treating sweet pepper are a 1­% Xanthium strumarium decoction, a treatment temperature of 75 °C, and a treatment duration of 15 minute

    Research of Toxicity of Chitosan-based Film-forming Compositions

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    The object of research is chitosan-based film-forming compositions with the addition of decoctions from medicinal plants: Sweet flag, Senegalia catechu, Ledum, Bergenia crassifolia; Common yarrow, Eucalyptus globulus, Eleutherococcus senticosus, Hypericum perforatum; Chamaenerion angustifolium, Iceland moss, Calendula officinalis, Urtica; Peppermint, Potentilla alba, Common tansy, Plantago major; Artemisia absinthium, Motherwort, Sage, Common sunflower.Medicinal herbs have biological activity (toxicity), which accompanies the main therapeutic effect and depends on the dose. Toxicity is not observed in all medicinal herbs, but among them there are strong and even poisonous. Presented in the composition, medicinal herbs based on 2 % chitosan are not studied for toxicity, therefore, to establish the safety of their use as a packaging for fruit and vegetables, this must be done.The developed compositions are examined for:1) toxicity using bacteriological methods by sowing on 5 % blood agar;2) manifestation of hemolysis zones and growth of B.cereus culture by diffusion into agar (well method).During the research, positive results are obtained:1) all samples are not toxic;2) hemolysis zones are not identified;3) there is a suppression of the growth of B.cereus culture, which grew on the surface of blood agar (growth retardation zones of culture B.cereus 0–34 mm).Further expansion of the study will allow the use of chitosan-based film-forming compositions that have differentiated properties with respect to solubility, sorption, bactericidal and antioxidant effects as a factor in increasing the biological value of food in the absence of toxicity in fruit and vegetable products

    The Study of Influence of Natural Antioxidants on Quality of Peanut and Linseed Oil Blends During Their Storage

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    Influence of various natural antioxidants (oil extracts of sage and black currant leaves, garlic and hips) on in-storage quality of oils has been studied. Dynamics of the acid and peroxide numbers of fat of the developed oil samples was studied. Influence of natural antioxidants on preservation of polyunsaturated oleic, linoleic, linolenic fatty acids in peanut and linseed oil blends was established.When developing blended oils with an optimal fatty acid composition, it is advisable to use linseed oil which is characterized by a high content of ω-3 fatty acids. Since polyunsaturated fatty acids have a high degree of oxidation and degradation, they are unstable. This causes certain difficulties both in production and storage of vegetable oils and solving the problem of improving the product quality.It was established that the use of natural antioxidants affects preservation of quality of peanut and linseed blends, namely, organoleptic properties, acid and peroxide numbers of fat. It was proved that introduction of the studied oil extracts in an amount of 5 % increases the oxidation resistance of peanut and linseed oil blends by 1.2‒1.7 times.It was shown that to evaluate the effect of plant extracts on quality of the developed blends, it is expedient to use the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids as the main criterion. It was established that natural antioxidants contribute to preservation of 69.0‒73.0 % of linoleic acid, 73.5‒78.9 % of oleic acid and up to 82 % of linolenic acid from the initial content in peanut and linseed oil blends. The ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids ω-6:ω-3 inall samples remained at the level of ratio of these acids in fresh blends, namely 4:1.The use of plant extracts in the formulations of peanut and linseed oil blends significantly slows down the processes of hydrolysis and self-oxidation which ensures in-storage preservation of consumer properties of new oils with an optimized fatty acid composition