34 research outputs found

    International Symposium on the Use of isotope Techniques in Groundwater Hydrology

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    (Table 2) Chemical composition of phosphates from the Namibian and Chilean shelves

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    This study on phosphorites of different compositions and ages from shelf sediments and seamounts of the Pacific Ocean by means of analytical electron microscopy showed that these phosphorites contain ultra-microscopic inclusions of authigenic minerals and, more rarely, of rare earth element (REE) minerals. In some of phosphorite samples of Pleistocene-Pliocene age from the Namibian shelf both kinds of minerals were found. Uranium minerals were represented by uraninite, coffinite, and ningioite; those of REE - by monazite, xenotime, and bastnesite, which points to their potential accumulation not only as isomorphous admixtures in calcium phosphate but also as independent mineral phases. Coexistence of the minerals noted in shelf phosphorites is caused by repeated changes in redox conditions during formation and then redeposition of phosphate concretions. Presence of uranium minerals in phosphorites from seamounts shows that during an initial step of formation of these phosphorites environment was rather suboxic or reductive than oxic

    Fe-Mn crusts from the Atlantic Ocean

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    Mineral and chemical compositions of a set of crust samples collected from the North, Central and South Atlantic were examined by means of analytical electron microscopy and ICP-MS, chemical, and microchemical elemental analysis. Vernadite, asbolane, and goethite are dominant mineral phases of the crusts, ferrihydrite is minor, hematite and feroxyhyte are rare. The samples show wide variability in major and trace element contents; however, their characteristic geochemical signatures indicate hydrogenous origin. A comparison between compositions of oceanic hydrogenous and hydrothermal crusts and metalliferous hydrothermal sediments from different ocean areas suggests that the geochemical approach may be insufficient in some cases and fail to identify hydrothermal input in ferromanganese crusts of mixed composition

    Chemical composition of ferromanganese manifestations from the Sea of Okhotsk

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    New data on microstructures and mineral and chemical compositions of ferromanganese crusts sampled from the western slope of the Kuril Island Arc in the Sea of Okhotsk during cruises of R/V Vulkanolog are discussed. The study of the crusts using analytical electron microscopy methods revealed that their manganese phase is represented by vernadite, Fe-vernadite, todorokite, asbolane, and asbolane-buserite, while iron phase consists of hematite, hydrohematite, ferroxyhite, and magnetite. Lithic mineral assemblage includes apatite, quartz, epidote, and montmorillonite. According to chemical analysis most of the crusts contain significant part of volcanogenic and hydrothermal material. It is evident from elevated values of Mn/Fe and (Mn+Fe)/Ti ratios, low concentrations of some trace elements, and positive Eu anomaly

    (Table 2) Contents of U, P2O5, CO2, and TOC in phosphorites from Pacific seamounts

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    Uranium content of in phosphorites from Pacific seamounts does not exceed 10ppm; it is significantly lower than in phosphorites from submarine continental margins and deposits on land. Phosphate is not the main carrier of uranium, which is inhomogeneously distributed in ferromanganese hydroxide-, phosphate-, silicate- and carbonate materials. Uranium associated with phosphate is not isomorphic admixture. Uranium occurs in rocks in fine particles of unknown composition. Ultramicroscopic inclusions of U(IV) oxides have been also found