4 research outputs found


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    This paper aimed to analyze the dynamics of the energy budget components: latent heat flux (LE), sensible heat flux (H) and soil heat flux (G), in the Mato Grosso Pantanal. The estimates of LE, H, and G were obtained by the Bowen ratio methods, using data from the micrometeorological tower located in the Baía das Pedras Park of SESC-Pantanal Ecological Resort, for the years 2011 to 2013. The normality of the variables Rn, LE, H and G, were tested by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test at 5% significance, and the seasonal differences of the fluxes were verified by the KruskalWallis test, α = 0.05. LE and H data from the remote sensing products MATMNXFLX and FLDAS_NOAH of the MERRA model was also acquired, and their comparison with the tower data was performed by the statistics of Spearman correlation (r), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Squared Erro (RMSE), bias, and Willmott's Concordance Index (d). It was observed that most of the available energy is used for evapotranspiration (latent heat), followed by sensible heat and soil heat flux. In the rainy season there is an increase in the partition of LE and G and reduction of H. Only the estimates of LE of MATMNXFLX and FLDAS_NOAH products correlate with the data observed in the meteorological tower. It is concluded that the energy partitions have a seasonal behavior and that the MATMNXFLX and FLDAS_NOAH products, after being calibrated, can be used to estimate LE in the Mato Grosso Pantanal


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    A análise das propriedades óticas dos aerossóis é extremamente importante para o entendimento dos impactos que o material particulado pode provocar nos fluxos radiativos. Nesse sentido, este estudo teve como principal objetivo utilizar as medidas da AERONET (do inglês, AErosol RObotic NETwork) para avaliar as propriedades absortivas e espalhadoras dos aerossóis atmosféricos nos biomas cerrado e floresta amazônica (ambos na Amazônia Legal), além de avaliar a aplicabilidade do novo algoritmo (V3) da AERONET. Neste trabalho foram recuperados os dados dos radiômetros CIMEL sun-sky para os sites de Alta Floresta e Cuiabá MIRANDA, com nível 2.0 de processamento (V3), para o período de 17 anos (2000-2016). As variáveis analisadas foram a AAOD (do inglês, Absorption Aerosol Optical Deph), profundidade ótica de absorção do aerossol o SSA (do inglês, Single Scattering Albedo), albedo de espalhamento simples e o EAA (do inglês, Expoent Angstrom Absorption) expoente Angstrom de Absorção (440 a 870 nm). Os resultados evidenciaram que ambos biomas são fortemente impactados pela queima de biomassa. Os maiores valores encontrados para SSA e AAOD ocorreram para os menores comprimentos de onda, indicando a predominância de carbono orgânico. Este resultado indica que estas partículas são compostas por elementos que apresentam forte dependência espectral. Apesar da queda anual no desmatamento na região amazônica após 2004, observa-se que AAOD não seguiu o mesmo padrão. Também foi verificado que o produto de inversão V3 se mostrou eficiente para avaliação das propriedades óticas dos aerossóis no período seco da série estudada

    Rock n' Seeds: A database of seed functional traits and germination experiments from Brazilian rock outcrop vegetation

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    Advancing functional ecology depends fundamentally on the availability of data on reproductive traits, including those from tropical plants, which have been historically underrepresented in global trait databases. Although some valuable databases have been created recently, they are mainly restricted to temperate areas and vegetative traits such as leaf and wood traits. Here, we present Rock n' Seeds, a database of seed functional traits and germination experiments from Brazilian rock outcrop vegetation, recognized as outstanding centers of diversity and endemism. Data were compiled through a systematic literature search, resulting in 103 publications from which seed functional traits were extracted. The database includes information on 16 functional traits for 383 taxa from 148 genera, 50 families, and 25 orders. These 16 traits include two dispersal, six production, four morphological, two biophysical, and two germination traits-the major axes of the seed ecological spectrum. The database also provides raw data for 48 germination experiments, for a total of 10,187 records for 281 taxa. Germination experiments in the database assessed the effect of a wide range of abiotic and biotic factors on germination and different dormancy-breaking treatments. Notably, 8255 of these records include daily germination counts. This input will facilitate synthesizing germination data and using this database for a myriad of ecological questions. Given the variety of seed traits and the extensive germination information made available by this database, we expect it to be a valuable resource advancing comparative functional ecology and guiding seed-based restoration and biodiversity conservation in tropical megadiverse ecosystems. There are no copyright restrictions on the data; please cite this paper when using the current data in publications; also the authors would appreciate notification of how the data are used in publications