108 research outputs found

    Waterproofing of bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) with castor oil polyurethane resin

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    Castor oil is widely used in chemical industry as raw material for paints, coatings, lubricants and a wide variety of other products. It is an important alternative to petrochemical feedstocks for the synthesis of polyurethanes (PU), besides being cost competitive and environmentally friendly alternative. It is used as a substitute for formaldehyde adhesives to produce composites and particleboards. Higher percentages of the resin tend to cause low water absorption and dimensional changes in the panels, so it has potential to use as waterproofing of natural materials. Bottle gourd is a fruit, used worldwide by different peoples as a raw material for the production of artifacts since many thousands of years. After the drying period, the inner part of the shell acquires characteristics similar to wood and the outer shell becomes impermeable. The objective of the work is increasing the durability and extend the useful life of the bottle gourd for use in the product design by waterproofing the material with polyurethane resin derived from castor oil. Untreated samples were compared with one and two layer resin samples. For the water absorption test, reference was made to standard NBR 15316: Medium density fiberboard. The analysis of the results was made through Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), water absorption test and contact angle. As a result, the application of the PU resin of castor oil reduced the water absorption indexes, and the samples with two layers of resin obtained the best results.Keywords: lagenaria siceraria, waterproofing, castor oil polyurethane resin

    Characterization of the Bottle Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria): thermogravimetric analysis, determination of moisture content, basic density and apparent density

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    O porongo (Lagenaria siceraria) é um fruto que após a secagem tor-na-se oco e similar à madeira. Disseminou-se por todos os continentes e é utilizado por diferentes povos na confecção artesanal de recipientes, ins-trumentos musicais e boias. Com ciclo produtivo anual e alta produtividade, configura-se em alternativa de fonte renovável. Sua utilização no design de novos produtos depende da definição das principais propriedades. A caracte-rização foi feita através de análise termogravimétrica, determinação do teor de umidade, da densidade básica e aparente e ensaio de absorção de água. Nos gráficos termogravimétricos, o comportamento similar do porongo e da madeira à exposição ao calor confirma que a composição química de ambos tem muitos aspectos em comum. Possui densidade heterogênea, muito baixa, em média 0,124 g/cm³, similar às espumas poliméricas. Quanto à absorção de água, as amostras tiveram aumento de massa de cerca de 150% até a satura-ção, configurando-se como um material hidrofílico.The bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) is a fruit that after drying be-comes hollow and similar to the wood. It has spread all over the continents and is used by different peoples in the handmade confection of containers, musical instruments and buoys. With an annual productive cycle and high productivity, is an alternative renewable source. Its use in the design of new products depends on the definition of the main properties. The characterization was done through thermogravimetric analysis, determination of moisture content, basic and ap-parent density and water absorption test. In thermogravimetric graphs, the sim-ilar behavior of bottle gourd and wood species on exposure to heat confirms that the chemical composition of both has many aspects in common. It has a very low heterogeneous density, on average 0.124 g / cm³, similar to the polymer foams. As for the water absorption, the samples had a mass increase of about 150% until saturation, being configured as a hydrophilic material

    Reuse of waste from the processing of ornamental rocks: design as a valorization tool

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    O Brasil é considerado o 4º produtor mundial de rochas ornamentais e de revestimento, com uma imensa diversidade de tipos de rochas. Sua produção é essencialmente chapas que são usadas principalmente pelo setor da construção civil e arquitetura de interiores. Durante todas etapas de beneficiamento, da lavra até o produto final, há um montante considerável de resíduos, cujas destinação é em depósitos ao ar livre ou fabricação de cascalhos e materiais afins. Foram realizadas pesquisa bibliográfica e análise dos produtos documentados nos catálogos da “Brazilian Stones Original Design”. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que o Design é um vetor de valorização para o desenvolvimento de produtos a partir dos resíduos de rochas ornamentais e de revestimento.Brazil is considered the 4th world producer of ornamental and cladding rocks, with an immense biodiversity of rock types. Its production is essentially slabs that are used mainly by the sector of civil construction and interior architecture. During all stages of processing, from mining to the final product, there is a considerable amount of waste, the destination of which is in open-air deposits or the manufacture of cuttings and similar materials. Bibliographic research and analysis of the products documented in the catalogs of the “Brazilian Stones Original Design” were carried out. The results obtained showed that Design is a vector of valorization for the development of products from the residues of ornamental stones and cladding

    Alternativas para utilização dos resíduos do fruto do butiá de forma sustentável.

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    A constante geração de resíduos é um desafio, principalmente os provenientes das agroindústrias. A utilização desses como matéria prima pode dar origem a outros produtos e subprodutos em outros segmentos. Assim, o objetivo dessa pesquisa é apresentar o que está sendo feito com os resíduos provenientes da despolpa do butiá, utilizando o método de abordagem qualitativo, classificando-se quanto aos fins como descritivo e quanto aos meios como bibliográfico. Pode-se concluir que há possibilidade de aproveitamento de quase todos os resíduos provenientes da agroindústria do butiá, desde o manejo sustentável dos butiazeiros até a utilização de seus resíduos. Estas ações minimizam impactos ambientais, mas também enriquecem com conhecimentos que agregam maior valor aos produtos oriundos da palmeira.The constant generation of waste is a challenge, especially those from agro-industries. The use of these as raw material may give rise to the other products and by-products in other segments. Thus, the research goal is to present what is being done with the waste from the pulp of butia fruits, using the qualitative approach method, classifying itself as descriptive on purposes and bibliographic as means. It can be concluded that it is possible to use almost all the waste from the butia fruits agro-industries, from the sustainable management of butia trees to the use of their residues. These actions minimize environmental impacts, but also enrich with knowledge that adds greater value to products from palm trees

    Polyester/paper composites : study of manufacturing techniques for product development

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    Composite materials using vegetal fibers and industrial waste are being applied in different areas and structures, requiring, more and more, researches that highlight their characteristics. In this context, the study of manufacturing techniques becomes increasingly necessary in order to use the appropriate tools and obtain the best conditions of the materials. Thus, this article demonstrates the behavior of the materials, which used the polyester resin with ground paper residue to generate the two composites studied in this paper, Polyester/smaller paper (PO/ PME) and Polyester/large paper (PO/PMA). These two materials were molded by hot compression and subjected to manufacturing processes. Joinery equipment were chosen for the experimentation of cutting, drilling, screw insertion and sanding to analyze the performance of these composite materials. As a general result, it can be observed that the composites maintained their physical integrity, because the particles of the load remained well anchored in the matrix in the two composite materials tested, giving the finish an aspect without damages, cracks or imperfections after the operations. Therefore, it is concluded that the materials created can be submitted to the manufacturing techniques evaluated in this article, reinforcing previous studies that suggest its use in the development of products such as furniture, table tops, decorative objects and others. Thus, this study contributes to Designer has knowledge of the potential of the material and make the best use of it

    Development of bioinspired grids applied to the design of gems and rocks

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    Joias e demais objetos que utilizam materiais gemológicos, pelas demandas de mercado, requerem inovação. Embora existam diversas maneiras de inovar, a diferenciação pelo design pode ser uma alternativa. Métodos para o design de gemas ou rochas são escassos. Este estudo fornece passo a passo um método para a configuração de gemas ou rochas a partir de grids bioinspirados e design de superfície. Através da revisão de literatura foram selecionados estudos que contribuíram para o desenvolvimento desse método denominado de biogrid ou gemagrid/gemogrid. O método de oito etapas foi experimentado, gerou sessenta grids bioinspirados, dentre eles quatro foram analisados e um utilizado para gerar oito designs de gemas ou rochas os quais foram categorizados. Os grids são vetores lineares produzidos por gravação a laser em substrato alternativo, papéis coloridos, e os designs gerados a partir deles são desenhos tridimensionais elaborados em software específico. Por fim, faz-se recomendações.Jewels and other objects that use gemological materials due to market desire require innovation. While there are several ways to innovate, design differentiation can be an alternative. Methods for the design of gemstones or rocks are scarce and need studies. This study provides a step-by-step method for the configuration of gems or rocks from bio-inspired grids and surface design. Through the literature review, was selected studies that contributed to the development of this method called biogrid or gemogrid. The eight-step method was experimented and generated sixty bio-inspired grids, four of which were analyzed and one of them was used to generate eight gem or rock designs which were categorized. Grids are linear vectors later laser engraved on colored papers, and the designs generated from them are three-dimensional drawings drawn up in specific software. Finally, recommendations are made

    Design and cellular material selection : characterization and analysis of cork and polymeric foams

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    Os materiais celulares possuem propriedades interessantes para aplicação no design. Dentre os mais conhecidos destacam-se a cortiça e alternativas poliméricas sintéticos bioinspirados no material natural. Contudo, pouco tem sido estudado em termos da relação entre a microestrutura e propriedades para aplicações no design de produto. Esta pesquisa apresenta a caracterização e comparação de materiais celulares através de um estudo de caso de rolhas, com foco na seleção de materiais, e relacionando a densidade relativa e porosidade das amostras com as técnicas de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), termogravimetria (TGA) e ensaios de compressão. As análises foram realizadas em amostras de rolhas confeccionadas fora do Brasil em cortiça natural e aglomerada, e de alternativas sintéticas de polipropileno expandido e EVA. As imagens via MEV apresentam a replicação do padrão celular da cortiça nas alternativas sintéticas. Os ensaios de compressão foram relacionados e discutidos quanto às propriedades mecânicas e à característica celular dos materiais. Foi, também, discutido como a microestrutura dos materiais celulares, sejam naturais ou sintéticos, reflete diretamente nas suas propriedades termomecânicas, bem como considerações na seleção de materiais para projetos de design. Foi possível concluir, ainda, que a análise por TGA mostrou a cortiça natural como um material mais homogêneo em comparação com a aglomerada, já as amostras sintéticas apresentaram-se mais resistentes à degradação térmica.Cellular materials present interesting properties for application in design. Among the most well-known are cork and synthetic polymer alternatives, bio-inspired in the plant material. However, little has been studied about the relationship between microstructure and properties for applications in product design. This research aims the characterization and comparison of cellular materials through a case study of stoppers, with focus on material selection, and relating the relative density and porosity of the samples with techniques of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetry (TGA) and compression tests. The analyzes were carried out on samples of natural and agglomerated cork and synthetic alternatives of expanded polypropylene and EVA. SEM images show the replication of the cork cell pattern in synthetic alternatives. Compression tests were related and discussed regarding the mechanical properties and the cellular characteristics of the materials. How the microstructure of both natural and synthetic cellular materials directly reflects on their thermomechanical properties was discussed, as well as considerations in the materials selection for design projects. Additionally, it could be concluded that TGA analyses showed natural cork as a more homogeneous material in comparison to the agglomerate, whereas the synthetic samples were more resistant to thermal degradation