48 research outputs found

    On the relationship between ENSO and overland accumulated cyclone energy of landfalling tropical cyclones over the western North Pacific

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    This study investigates the relationship between El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and overland accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) of tropical cyclones (TCs) over the western North Pacific (WNP). We find that there is only a weak correlation between ENSO and overland ACE during 1979–2019, compared to the significant relationship between ENSO and basinwide ACE over the WNP as reported in previous publications. Overland ACE is generally smaller in El Niño and La Niña years than that in neutral years, which mainly results from lower landfall frequency and shorter duration after landfall. Relative to neutral years, overland ACE is lower over almost the entire China mainland in both El Niño and La Niña years, which can be related to the changes in the formation and movement of landfalling TCs. During El Niño and La Niña years, fewer landfalling TCs form over the western WNP, mainly resulting from reduced 850-hPa humidity, which leads to a less chance of TCs making landfall over China mainland. In addition, the eastward (westward) shift of the western Pacific subtropical high in El Niño (La Niña) years steers more TCs to make landfall over the southern (northern) China

    Hazard Footprint-Based Normalization of Economic Losses from Tropical Cyclones in China During 1983–2015

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    Abstract Loss normalization is the prerequisite for understanding the effects of socioeconomic development, vulnerability, and climate changes on the economic losses from tropical cyclones. In China, limited studies have been done on loss normalization methods of damages caused by tropical cyclones, and most of them have adopted an administrative division-based approach to define the exposure levels. In this study, a hazard footprint-based normalization method was proposed to improve the spatial resolution of affected areas and the associated exposures to influential tropical cyclones in China. The meteorological records of precipitation and near-surface wind speed were used to identify the hazard footprint of each influential tropical cyclone. Provincial-level and national-level (total) economic loss normalization (PLN and TLN) were carried out based on the respective hazard footprints, covering loss records between 1999–2015 and 1983–2015, respectively. Socioeconomic factors—inflation, population, and wealth (GDP per capita)—were used to normalize the losses. A significant increasing trend was found in inflation-adjusted losses during 1983–2015, while no significant trend was found after normalization with the TLN method. The proposed hazard footprint-based method contributes to a more realistic estimation of the population and wealth affected by the influential tropical cyclones for the original year and the present scenario

    Neural Regulations in Tooth Development and Tooth–Periodontium Complex Homeostasis: A Literature Review

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    The tooth–periodontium complex and its nerves have active reciprocal regulation during development and homeostasis. These effects are predominantly mediated by a range of molecules secreted from either the nervous system or the tooth–periodontium complex. Different strategies mimicking tooth development or physiological reparation have been applied to tooth regeneration studies, where the application of these nerve- or tooth-derived molecules has been proven effective. However, to date, basic studies in this field leave many vacancies to be filled. This literature review summarizes the recent advances in the basic studies on neural responses and regulation during tooth–periodontium development and homeostasis and points out some research gaps to instruct future studies. Deepening our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of tooth development and diseases will provide more clues for tooth regeneration

    Increasing trend in rapid intensification magnitude of tropical cyclones over the western North Pacific

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    Rapid intensification (RI) refers to a significant increase in tropical cyclone (TC) intensity over a short period of time. A TC can also undergo multiple RI events during its lifetime, and these RI events pose a significant challenge for operational forecasting. The long-term tendency in RI magnitude of TCs over the western North Pacific is investigated in this study. During 1979–2018, a significant increasing trend is found in RI magnitude, which primarily results from the significant increasing number of strong RI events, defined as 24 h intensity increases of at least 50 kt. Furthermore, there are significantly more (slightly fewer) strong RI occurrences west (east) of 155°E in 1999–2018 than in 1979–1998. Significant increases in strong RI occurrences are located over the region bounded by 10°∼20°N, 120°∼150°E. These changes are likely induced by the warming ocean but appear uncorrelated with changes in the atmospheric environment. By contrast, there are slight decreases in strong RI occurrences over the region bounded by 12.5°∼22.5°N, 155°∼170°E, likely due to the offset between RI-favorable influences of the warming ocean and RI-unfavorable influences of increasing vertical wind shear (VWS)

    A Study of the Effects of Anthropogenic Gaseous Emissions on the Microphysical Properties of Landfalling Typhoon Nida (2016) over China

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    Using the Weather Research and Forecasting model with chemistry module (WRF-Chem), Typhoon Nida (2016) was simulated to investigate the effects of anthropogenic gaseous emissions on the vortex system. Based on the Multi-resolution Emission Inventory for China (MEIC), three certain experiments were conducted: one with base-level emission intensity (CTRL), one with one-tenth the emission of SO2 (SO2_C), and one with one-tenth the emission of NH3 (NH3_C). Results show that the simulations reasonably reproduced the typhoon’s track and intensity, which were slightly sensitive to the anthropogenic gaseous emissions. When the typhoon was located over the ocean, a prolonged duration of raindrop growth and more precipitation occurred in CTRL run. The strongest updraft in CTRL is attributed to the maximum latent heating through water vapor condensation. During the landfalling period, larger (smaller) differential reflectivities in the main-core of the vortex were produced in NH3_C (SO2_C) run. Such opposite changes of raindrop size distributions may lead to stronger (weaker) rainfall intensity, and the ice-related microphysical processes and the relative humidity in low troposphere were two possible influential factors. Moreover, additional ten-member ensemble results in which white noise perturbations were added to the potential temperature field, indicated that the uncertainty of thermodynamic field in the current numerical model should not be ignored when exploring the impacts of aerosol on the microphysics and TC precipitation

    Numerical study on the formation of typhoon ketsana (2003). Part I : roles of the mesoscale convective systems

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    The effects of multiple mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) on the formation of Typhoon Ketsana (2003) are analyzed in this study. Numerical simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with assimilation of Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT) and Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) oceanic winds and total precipitable water are performed. The WRF model simulates well the large-scale features, the convective episodes associated with the MCSs and their periods of development, and the formation time and location of Ketsana. With the successive occurrence of MCSs, midlevel average relative vorticity is strengthened through generation of mesoscale convective vortices (MCVs) mainly via the vertical stretching mechanism. Scale separation shows that the activity of the vortical hot tower (VHT)-type mesog-scale vortices correlated well with the development of the MCSs. These VHTs have large values of positive relative vorticity induced by intense low-level convergence, and thus play an important role in the low-level vortex enhancement with aggregation of VHTs as one of the possible mechanisms. Four sensitivity experiments are performed to analyze the possible different roles of the MCSs during the formation of Ketsana by modifying the vertical relative humidity profile in each MCS and consequently the strength of convection within. The results show that the development of an MCS depends substantially on that of the prior ones through remoistening of the midtroposphere, and thus leading to different scenarios of system intensification during the tropical cyclone (TC) formation. The earlier MCSs are responsible for the first stage vortex enhancement, and depending on the location can affect quite largely the simulated formation location. The extreme convection within the last MCS before formation largely determines the formation time.21 page(s