264 research outputs found

    Nature, Generation, and Dissipation of Alfvénic Kinks/Switchbacks Observed by Parker Solar Probe and WIND

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    The discovery of very prominent magnetic kinks/switchbacks in the solar wind within 0.3 au has become a scientific highlight of the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) mission. This discovery points at the promising impact of small-scale solar activity on the inner heliosphere. To address the nature, generation, and dissipation of these kinks, we perform a statistical analysis of the plasma and boundary properties of the kinks using PSP multi-encounter observations and WIND measurements at 1 au. The kinks show strong AlfvĂ©nicity and velocity fluctuations of the order of the local AlfvĂ©n speed. These findings suggest that the nature of the kinks is consistent with large-amplitude AlfvĂ©n pulses, and the steepening of these AlfvĂ©n pulses is likely the formation mechanism of these kinks. Based on the angle between the normal direction of the kinks’ boundaries and the background magnetic field vector, PSP kinks and WIND kinks can be divided into two groups: quasi-parallel and quasi-perpendicular kinks. We speculate that quasi-parallel kinks form through the coupling of AlfvĂ©n and fast waves as launched from coronal interchange magnetic reconnection. In contrast, quasi-perpendicular kinks may come from the steepening of AlfvĂ©n waves launched from both coronal interchange magnetic reconnection and from the more inhomogeneous lower solar atmosphere. We find that the kink velocity perturbation gradually decreases during outward propagation and is much lower than expected from WKB theory, suggesting a progressive dissipation of the kinks. Comparing PSP kinks and WIND kinks, we conjecture that the kinks dissipate through merging with the turbulent energy cascade within 0.25 au

    Growth of Outward Propagating Fast-magnetosonic/Whistler Waves in the Inner Heliosphere Observed by Parker Solar Probe

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    The solar wind in the inner heliosphere has been observed by Parker Solar Probe (PSP) to exhibit abundant wave activities. The cyclotron wave modes responding to ions or electrons are among the most crucial wave components. However, their origin and evolution in the inner heliosphere close to the Sun remains a mystery. Specifically, it remains unknown whether it is an emitted signal from the solar atmosphere or an eigenmode growing locally in the heliosphere due to plasma instability. To address and resolve this controversy, we must investigate the key quantity of the energy change rate of the wave mode. We develop a new technique to measure the energy change rate of plasma waves, and apply this technique to the wave electromagnetic fields measured by PSP. We provide the wave Poynting flux in the solar wind frame, identify the wave nature to be the outward propagating fast-magnetosonic/whistler wave mode instead of the sunward propagating waves. We provide the first evidence for growth of the fast-magnetosonic/whistler wave mode in the inner heliosphere based on the derived spectra of the real and imaginary parts of the wave frequencies. The energy change rate rises and stays at a positive level in the same wavenumber range as the bumps of the electromagnetic field power spectral densities, clearly manifesting that the observed fast-magnetosonic/whistler waves are locally growing to a large amplitude

    Non-field-aligned Proton Beams and Their Roles in the Growth of Fast Magnetosonic/Whistler Waves: Solar Orbiter Observations

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    The proton beam is an important population of the non-Maxwellian proton velocity distribution in the solar wind, but its role in wave activity remains unclear. In particular, the velocity vector of the proton beam and its influence on wave growth/damping have not been addressed before. Here we explore the origin and the associated particle dynamics of a kinetic wave event in the solar wind by analyzing measurements from Solar Orbiter and comparing them with theoretical predictions from linear Vlasov theory. We identify the waves as outward-propagating circularly polarized fast magnetosonic/whistler (FM/W) waves. The proton’s velocity distribution functions can destabilize FM/W waves. According to linear Vlasov theory, the velocity fluctuations of the core and the beam associated with FM/W waves render the original field-aligned background drift velocity non-field-aligned. This non-field-aligned drift velocity carrying the information of the velocity fluctuations of the core and the beam is responsible for the wave growth/damping. Specifically, for the FM/W waves we analyze, the non-field-aligned fluctuating velocity of the beam population is responsible for the growth of these unstable waves in the presence of a proton beam. In contrast, the core population plays the opposite role, partially suppressing the wave growth. Remarkably, the observed drift velocity vector between the core and the beam is not field aligned during an entire wave period. This result contrasts the traditional expectation that the proton beam is field aligned

    Ion Energization and Thermalization in Magnetic Reconnection Exhaust Region in the Solar Wind

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    Plasma energization and thermalization in magnetic reconnection is an important topic in astrophysical studies. We select two magnetic reconnection exhausts encountered by Solar Orbiter and analyze the associated ion heating in the kinetic regime. Both cases feature asymmetric plasma merging in the exhaust and anisotropic heating. For a quantitative investigation of the associated complex velocity-space structures, we adopt a three-dimensional Hermite representation of the proton velocity distribution function to produce the distribution of Hermite moments. We also derive the enstrophy and Hermite spectra to analyze the free energy conversion and transfer in phase space. We find a depletion of Hermite power at small m (corresponding to large-scale structures in velocity space) inside the reconnection exhaust region, concurrent with enhanced proton temperature and decreased enstrophy. Furthermore, the slopes of the 1D time-averaged parallel Hermite spectra are lower inside the exhaust and consistent with the effect of phase mixing that creates small fluctuations in velocity space. These fluctuations store free energy at higher m and are smoothed by weak collisionality, leading to irreversible thermalization. We also suggest that the perpendicular heating may happen via perpendicular phase mixing resulting from finite Larmor radius effects around the exhaust boundary

    Observations of rapidly growing whistler waves in front of space plasma shock

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    Whistler mode wave is a fundamental perturbation of electromagnetic fields and plasmas in various environments including planetary space, laboratory and astrophysics. The origin and evolution of the waves are a long-standing question due to the limited instrumental capability in resolving highly variable plasma and electromagnetic fields. Here, we analyse data with the high time resolution from the multi-scale magnetospheric spacecraft in the weak magnetic environment (i.e., foreshock) enabling a relatively long gyro-period of whistler mode wave. Moreover, we develop a novel approach to separate the three-dimensional fluctuating electron velocity distributions from their background, and have successfully captured the coherent resonance between electrons and electromagnetic fields at high frequency, providing the resultant growth rate of unstable whistler waves. Regarding the energy origin for the waves, the ion distributions are found to also play crucial roles in determining the eigenmode disturbances of fields and electrons. The quantification of wave growth rate can significantly advance the understandings of the wave evolution and the energy conversion with particles

    Kinetic Features of Alpha Particles in a Pestchek-like Magnetic Reconnection Event in the Solar Wind Observed by Solar Orbiter

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    The acceleration and heating of solar wind particles by magnetic reconnection are important mechanisms in space physics. Although alpha particles (4He2+) are the second most abundant population of solar wind ions, their kinetic behavior in solar wind magnetic reconnection is not well understood. Using the high-energy (1500–3000 eV) range of the Solar Wind Analyser/Proton–Alpha Sensor instrument on board Solar Orbiter, we study the kinetic features of alpha particles in an exhaust region of a Pestchek-like solar-wind reconnection event with a weak guide field. A pair of back-to-back compound discontinuities is observed in the exhaust region. We find that the plasma in the magnetic exhaust region is heated and bounded by slow shocks (SSs), while the accelerated reconnection jet is bounded by rotational discontinuities (RDs). The SSs are outside the RDs, which is not expected from the magnetohydrodynamical prediction. We suggest this different location of the discontinuities is due to the enhanced parallel temperature Tp∄ > Tp⊄, which reduces the local AlfvĂ©n speed in the exhaust region, allowing the SSs to propagate faster than the RDs. Inside the exhaust region, the guide field is dominant. We find a two-population distribution of the alpha particles. These two populations are field aligned downstream the SSs and shift to have a perpendicular offset in the reconnection jet, suggesting that the change of the magnetic field at the RDs has similar timescales with the proton gyroperiod, but faster than those of the alpha particles, such that the alpha particles behave like pickup ions
