27 research outputs found

    Are Diffusion Models Vulnerable to Membership Inference Attacks?

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    Diffusion-based generative models have shown great potential for image synthesis, but there is a lack of research on the security and privacy risks they may pose. In this paper, we investigate the vulnerability of diffusion models to Membership Inference Attacks (MIAs), a common privacy concern. Our results indicate that existing MIAs designed for GANs or VAE are largely ineffective on diffusion models, either due to inapplicable scenarios (e.g., requiring the discriminator of GANs) or inappropriate assumptions (e.g., closer distances between synthetic samples and member samples). To address this gap, we propose Step-wise Error Comparing Membership Inference (SecMI), a query-based MIA that infers memberships by assessing the matching of forward process posterior estimation at each timestep. SecMI follows the common overfitting assumption in MIA where member samples normally have smaller estimation errors, compared with hold-out samples. We consider both the standard diffusion models, e.g., DDPM, and the text-to-image diffusion models, e.g., Latent Diffusion Models and Stable Diffusion. Experimental results demonstrate that our methods precisely infer the membership with high confidence on both of the two scenarios across multiple different datasets. Code is available at https://github.com/jinhaoduan/SecMI.Comment: To appear in ICML 202

    An Efficient Membership Inference Attack for the Diffusion Model by Proximal Initialization

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    Recently, diffusion models have achieved remarkable success in generating tasks, including image and audio generation. However, like other generative models, diffusion models are prone to privacy issues. In this paper, we propose an efficient query-based membership inference attack (MIA), namely Proximal Initialization Attack (PIA), which utilizes groundtruth trajectory obtained by ϵ\epsilon initialized in t=0t=0 and predicted point to infer memberships. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method can achieve competitive performance with only two queries on both discrete-time and continuous-time diffusion models. Moreover, previous works on the privacy of diffusion models have focused on vision tasks without considering audio tasks. Therefore, we also explore the robustness of diffusion models to MIA in the text-to-speech (TTS) task, which is an audio generation task. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to study the robustness of diffusion models to MIA in the TTS task. Experimental results indicate that models with mel-spectrogram (image-like) output are vulnerable to MIA, while models with audio output are relatively robust to MIA. {Code is available at \url{https://github.com/kong13661/PIA}}

    Psychological contract breach and destructive voice:The mediating effect of relative deprivation and the moderating effect of leader emotional support

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    Psychological contract breach (PCB) and its consequences have mainly been studied from a social exchange perspective or an affective events perspective. In this study, we use a relative deprivation perspective to capture the experience of loss following PCB and its implications on employees' reactions. Drawing from relative deprivation theory, we propose that perceived PCB can elicit the feeling of relative deprivation, which, in turn, induces employee destructive voice. We also suggest that higher levels of supervisor emotional support can help mitigate the positive association of PCB with the feeling of relative deprivation, and thus destructive voice. We conducted three studies to test our theory. In Study 1, we obtained data from 168 subordinate–supervisor pairs in China. Using a three-wave time-lagged design, we tested and found the mediating effect of relative deprivation on the relationship between PCB and destructive voice. In Study 2, we obtained data from 293 subordinate–supervisor pairs in China. Using the same design, we replicated the findings in Study 1 and found support for the moderating effect of supervisor emotional support. In Study 3, we used self-report data of 170 participants from the United States over three waves. We controlled for alternative mediating variables and prior measures of the focal variables to gauge the effect of time. The results supported our proposed moderated mediation model. Altogether, our findings supported the applicability of relative deprivation theory to understand PCB and its consequences, offering a new lens to study PCB

    Using random forest algorithm for glomerular and tubular injury diagnosis

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    ObjectivesChronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common chronic condition with high incidence and insidious onset. Glomerular injury (GI) and tubular injury (TI) represent early manifestations of CKD and could indicate the risk of its development. In this study, we aimed to classify GI and TI using three machine learning algorithms to promote their early diagnosis and slow the progression of CKD.MethodsDemographic information, physical examination, blood, and morning urine samples were first collected from 13,550 subjects in 10 counties in Shanxi province for classification of GI and TI. Besides, LASSO regression was employed for feature selection of explanatory variables, and the SMOTE (synthetic minority over-sampling technique) algorithm was used to balance target datasets, i.e., GI and TI. Afterward, Random Forest (RF), Naive Bayes (NB), and logistic regression (LR) were constructed to achieve classification of GI and TI, respectively.ResultsA total of 12,330 participants enrolled in this study, with 20 explanatory variables. The number of patients with GI, and TI were 1,587 (12.8%) and 1,456 (11.8%), respectively. After feature selection by LASSO, 14 and 15 explanatory variables remained in these two datasets. Besides, after SMOTE, the number of patients and normal ones were 6,165, 6,165 for GI, and 6,165, 6,164 for TI, respectively. RF outperformed NB and LR in terms of accuracy (78.14, 80.49%), sensitivity (82.00, 84.60%), specificity (74.29, 76.09%), and AUC (0.868, 0.885) for both GI and TI; the four variables contributing most to the classification of GI and TI represented SBP, DBP, sex, age and age, SBP, FPG, and GHb, respectively.ConclusionRF boasts good performance in classifying GI and TI, which allows for early auxiliary diagnosis of GI and TI, thus facilitating to help alleviate the progression of CKD, and enjoying great prospects in clinical practice

    由“花园”“阁楼”“刀剑”三个意象看《红楼梦》中“情”“色”“空”三个世界 = Love, lust and emptiness : images of garden, chamber and sword in Dream of the Red Chamber

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    《红楼梦》作为一部现实主义巨著、“大旨谈情”的人情小说,包含了“情”、“色”、“空”三个 象征世界。这三个象征世界分别对应着以大观园为代表的理想世界、以荣宁二府为中心的现实世界,以及 以太虚幻境和大荒山为背景的幻想境界。以大观园这个“花园”为中心,《红楼梦》展现了大观园群芳的 盛放,并透过“意淫”性理想的介绍与“皮肤淫滥”的区分,在《西厢记》与《牡丹亭》的基础上发展诠 释“情”与“色”难以彻底分离的关系。在以荣宁二府为基础呈现出的肉欲横流的现实世界中,在富丽堂 皇的府邸隐晦的“阁楼”里,人类的动物性得到了肆无忌惮地发挥。当快感披上了危险的外皮,死亡便同 时到来了。在现实世界的逼迫下,薄命司的女子们只能通过“宝剑”了断自己的方式了结尘缘。由此,花 团锦簇的“色”的世界“哗啦啦似大厦倾”,全部都化为了如幻想境界一般的“空”的世界。 Dream of the Red Chamber is a realistic giant work like an encyclopedia that describes the Love World, the Lust World, and the Emptiness World. These three worlds are in correspondent to Da Guan Garden, the Ning and Rong Family, and the Tai Xu Fairyland. Meanwhile, the images of Garden, Chamber and Sword will help to picture how the three Worlds look like, and how the people who live in there spend their lives fighting for survival, where everything becomes zero in the end.Bachelor of Art

    How leader emotional labor is associated with creativity: A self‐determination theory perspective

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    Emotional labor is an important but overlooked leadership function. In the present research, we draw from the self-determination theory perspective and take a leader-centric approach to examine how different leader emotional labor strategies affect leaders’ own creativity. Using data collected from 118 leaders and 352 team members at three time points, we found that leader surface acting harmed leader creativity by reducing fulfillment of leader autonomy, while leader deep acting boosted leader creativity by increasing fulfillment of leader autonomy. Neither did leader surface acting nor deep acting influence leader creativity through competence or relatedness fulfillment. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the present research

    An exploration of social cognitive consequences of challenging and supportive voices

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    By drawing from cue consensus theory and status characteristic theory, we argue that the consensus between newcomers’ voices (i.e., challenging voice and supportive voice) and organizational cultures (i.e., individualistic organizational culture and collectivistic organizational culture) leads to distinct observers’ social cognition of status characteristics (i.e., warmth or competence). Through two studies (i.e., a three-wave field survey and an experiment), we found that an individualistic organizational culture moderated the relationship between challenging voice and perceived competence and that voice constructiveness mediated this moderated relationship. That is, newcomers’ challenging voice is more positively related to perceived competence when the level of individualistic organizational culture is higher. Additionally, a collectivistic organizational culture moderates the relationship between supportive voice and perceived warmth, and prosocial motivation mediates this moderated relationship. That is, newcomers’ supportive voice is more positively related to perceived warmth when the level of collectivistic organizational culture is higher. The theoretical and practical implications of these results are also discussed

    Servant leadership and follower voice: A dual-centric energizing process

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    Using a dual-centric perspective, this research investigates why and when servant leadership encourages follower voice. Drawing from conservation of resources theory, we developed a dual-centric moderated mediation model theorizing mediating roles of followers’ feelings of energy (i.e., a recipient-centric perspective) and leaders’ relational energy (i.e., an actor-centric perspective), as well as moderating role of leader trait of self-regulation between servant leadership and follower voice. Field surveys collecting time-lagged supervisor- subordinate matched data were used to test our dual-centric model. We found that followers’ feelings of energy and leaders’ relational energy mediated the relationship between servant leadership and follower voice, and high leader trait of self-regulation strengthened the positive relationships between servant leadership and both followers’ feelings of energy and leaders’ relational energy, as well as indirect relationships between servant leadership and follower voice. Theoretical and practical implications of these results are also discussed

    Using Network Pharmacology and Molecular Docking to Explore the Mechanism of Qiju Dihuang Pill against Dry Eye Disease

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    Background. Dry eye disease (DED) is a multifactorial disease of the ocular surface, which affects the quality of life and work efficiency of affected patients. The traditional Chinese medicine formula Qiju Dihuang Pill (QJDHP) has a good therapeutic effect on DED. However, the pharmacological mechanism is not clear. Objective. To explore the mechanism of QJDHP in the treatment of DED based on network pharmacology. Method. The active components in QJDHP were screened in Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology (TCMSP), and putative molecular targets of QJDHP were identified using the SwissTargetPrediction database. DED-related targets were screened by GeneCards and OMIM. We established protein-protein interaction (PPI) and core targets and corresponding active compound network by Cytoscape to identify the core targets and main compounds of QJDHP against DED. DAVID database was utilized for Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analyses. Molecular docking was used to evaluate the binding activity between key active compounds and core targets. Results. The results of network pharmacology showed that 253 targets of QJDHP were related to DED. PPI network analysis showed the 18 core targets. The binding affinity of docking results ranged from -5.7 to -9.3 kcal/mol, indicating a good docking effect. The results of GO enrichment analysis showed that the mechanism of QJDHP in the treatment of DED mainly involved biological processes such as apoptosis, oxidative stress, response to estrogen, angiogenesis, and the regulation of transcription factors. KEGG analysis showed that QJDHP may be regulated by the TNF signaling pathway, Toll-like receptor signaling pathway, MAPK signaling pathway, and estrogen signaling pathway in the treatment of DED. Conclusion. In this study, we demonstrated the multicomponent, multitarget, and multichannel action mechanism of QJDHP in the treatment of DED and provided a foundation for further drug development research