3,431 research outputs found

    Aging, rejuvenation and memory effects in re-entrant ferromagnets

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    We have studied the slow dynamics of the ferromagnetic phases of the re-entrant CdCr_{2x}In_{2-2x}S_4 system for 0.85<x<=1 by means of low frequency ac susceptibility and magnetization measurements. Experimental procedures widely used in the investigation of the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of spin glasses (such as the x=0.85 compound) have been applied to search for aging, rejuvenation and memory effects, and to test their dependence on the disorder introduced by dilution of the magnetic ions. Whereas the rejuvenation effect is found in all studied samples, the memory effect is clearly enhanced for increasing dilutions. The results support a description of aging in both ferromagnetic and re-entrant spin-glass phases in terms of hierarchical reconformations of domain walls pinned by the disorder.Comment: Service de Physique de l'Etat Condense, DRECAM, DSM, CEA Saclay,91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France, 9 pages, including 7 figures, To appear in Eur. Phys. J. B (2002

    Rheology of cholesteric blue phases

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    Blue phases of cholesteric liquid crystals offer a spectacular example of naturally occurring disclination line networks. Here we numerically solve the hydrodynamic equations of motion to investigate the response of three types of blue phases to an imposed Poiseuille flow. We show that shear forces bend and twist and can unzip the disclination lines. Under gentle forcing the network opposes the flow and the apparent viscosity is significantly higher than that of an isotropic liquid. With increased forcing we find strong shear thinning corresponding to the disruption of the defect network. As the viscosity starts to drop, the imposed flow sets the network into motion. Disclinations break-up and re-form with their neighbours in the flow direction. This gives rise to oscillations in the time-dependent measurement of the average stress.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Hall effect anomaly and collective modes in the magnetic-field-induced spin-density-wave phases of quasi-one-dimensional conductors

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    We study the collective modes in the magnetic-field-induced spin-density-wave (FISDW) phases experimentally observed in organic conductors of the Bechgaard salts family. In phases that exhibit a sign reversal of the quantum Hall effect (Ribault anomaly), the coexistence of two spin-density waves gives rise to additional collective modes besides the Goldstone modes due to spontaneous translation and rotation symmetry breaking. These modes strongly affect the charge and spin response functions. We discuss some experimental consequences for the Bechgaard salts.Comment: Final version (LaTex, 8 pages, no figure), to be published in Europhys. Let

    Aging phenomena in spin glass and ferromagnetic phases: domain growth and wall dynamics

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    We compare aging in a disordered ferromagnet and in a spin glass, by studying the different phases of a reentrant system. We have measured the relaxation of the low-frequency ac susceptibility, in both the ferromagnetic and spin-glass phases of a CdCr_{1.9}In_{0.1}S_4 sample. A restart of aging processes when the temperature is lowered (`chaos-like' effect) is observed in both phases. The memory of previous aging at a higher temperature can be retrieved upon re-heating, but in the ferromagnetic phase it can rapidly be erased by the growth of ferromagnetic domains. We interpret the behaviour observed in the ferromagnetic phase in terms of a combination of domain growth and pinned wall reconformations, and suggest that aging in spin glasses is dominated by such wall reconformation processes.Comment: SPEC, CEA Saclay, 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France, to appear in Europhys. Lett. (2000

    Holomorphic Simplicity Constraints for 4d Riemannian Spinfoam Models

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    Starting from the reformulation of the classical phase space of Loop Quantum Gravity in terms of spinor variables and spinor networks, we build coherent spin network states and show how to use them to write the spinfoam path integral for topological BF theory in terms of Gaussian integrals in the spinors. Finally, we use this framework to revisit the simplicity constraints reducing topological BF theory to 4d Riemannian gravity. These holomorphic simplicity constraints lead us to a new spinfoam model for quantum gravity whose amplitudes are defined as the evaluation of the coherent spin networks.Comment: 4 pages. Proceedings of Loops'11, Madrid. To appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    Coupling Lattice Boltzmann and Molecular Dynamics models for dense fluids

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    We propose a hybrid model, coupling Lattice Boltzmann and Molecular Dynamics models, for the simulation of dense fluids. Time and length scales are decoupled by using an iterative Schwarz domain decomposition algorithm. The MD and LB formulations communicate via the exchange of velocities and velocity gradients at the interface. We validate the present LB-MD model in simulations of flows of liquid argon past and through a carbon nanotube. Comparisons with existing hybrid algorithms and with reference MD solutions demonstrate the validity of the present approach.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Efficient Quantum Polar Coding

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    Polar coding, introduced 2008 by Arikan, is the first (very) efficiently encodable and decodable coding scheme whose information transmission rate provably achieves the Shannon bound for classical discrete memoryless channels in the asymptotic limit of large block sizes. Here we study the use of polar codes for the transmission of quantum information. Focusing on the case of qubit Pauli channels and qubit erasure channels, we use classical polar codes to construct a coding scheme which, using some pre-shared entanglement, asymptotically achieves a net transmission rate equal to the coherent information using efficient encoding and decoding operations and code construction. Furthermore, for channels with sufficiently low noise level, we demonstrate that the rate of preshared entanglement required is zero.Comment: v1: 15 pages, 4 figures. v2: 5+3 pages, 3 figures; argumentation simplified and improve

    Hubble Space Telescope FUV Spectra of the Post-Common-Envelope Hyades Binary V471 Tauri

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    We have carried out an analysis of the HST STIS archival spectra of the magnetic white dwarf in the Hyades eclipsing-spectroscopic, post-common envelope binary V471 Tauri, time resolved on the orbit and on the X-ray rotational phase of the magnetic white dwarf. An HST STIS spectrum obtained during primary eclipse reveals a host of transition region/chromospheric emission features including N V (1238, 1242), Si IV (1393, 1402), C IV (1548, 1550) and He II (1640). The spectroscopic characteristics and emission line fluxes of the transition region/chromosphere of the very active, rapidly rotating, K2V component of V471 Tauri, are compared with the emission characteristics of fast rotating K dwarfs in young open clusters. We have detected a number of absorption features associated with metals accreted onto the photosphere of the magnetic white dwarf from which we derive radial velocities. All of the absorption features are modulated on the 555s rotation period of the white dwarf with maximum line strength at rotational phase 0.0 when the primary magnetic accretion region is facing the observer. The photospheric absorption features show no clear evidence of Zeeman splitting and no evidence of a correlation between their variations in strength and orbital phase. We report clear evidence of a secondary accretion pole. We derive C and Si abundances from the Si IV and C III features. All other absorption lines are either interstellar or associated with a region above the white dwarf and/or with coronal mass ejection events illuminated as they pass in front of the white dwarf.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal, May 10, 2012 issue - 16 figure

    Holomorphic Simplicity Constraints for 4d Spinfoam Models

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    Within the framework of spinfoam models, we revisit the simplicity constraints reducing topological BF theory to 4d Riemannian gravity. We use the reformulation of SU(2) intertwiners and spin networks in term of spinors, which has come out from both the recently developed U(N) framework for SU(2) intertwiners and the twisted geometry approach to spin networks and spinfoam boundary states. Using these tools, we are able to perform a holomorphic/anti-holomorphic splitting of the simplicity constraints and define a new set of holomorphic simplicity constraints, which are equivalent to the standard ones at the classical level and which can be imposed strongly on intertwiners at the quantum level. We then show how to solve these new holomorphic simplicity constraints using coherent intertwiner states. We further define the corresponding coherent spin network functionals and introduce a new spinfoam model for 4d Riemannian gravity based on these holomorphic simplicity constraints and whose amplitudes are defined from the evaluation of the new coherent spin networks.Comment: 27 page
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