170 research outputs found

    Multifunctionality of antioxidant system in insects

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    Amount of reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced in tissues of vertebrates is regulated by their elimination through coordinate action and level of enzymatic (SODs - superoxide dismutases, CAT-catalase, GSH-Px - glutathione peroxidase, GSTs - glutathione-S-transferases and GR - glutathione reductase) and non-enzymatic (glutahione, ascorbate and tocopherols) antioxidant (AO) components. Different from vertebrates, incest species lack selenium-dependent GSH-Px and posses active enzymatic ascorbate recycling pathway serving to eliminate hydrogen peroxide. Moreover, the sites of ROS generation in insect cells are compartmentalized and dislocated within the cells. Consequently, AO components are widely distributed at subcellular level. The mode of the regulation of AO components functioning in insects has been studied in diverse insect species employing different agents acting as inducers of oxidative stress, as well as during reproduction, development and ageing. The results reported so far showed that incest AO system is very flexible and dynamically organized. Besides, it has been demonstrated that this system operates not only to eliminate extensive ROS but also to recompose particular ROS which express direct physiological effects (e.g. hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide) and to establish optimal redox state.Projekat ministarstv

    Complexity of free radical metabolism in human erythrocytes

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    The auto-oxidation of oxyhaemoglobin to methaemoglobin generating superoxide anion radical (O2 .-) represents the main source of free radicals in the erythrocytes. Hydrogen peroxide is produced by O2 .- dismutation or originates from the circulation. Human erythrocytes are also exposed to the prooxidative actions of nitric oxide (NO) from circulation. Free radicals that may induce reactions with direct dangerous consequences to erythrocytes are also preceded by the reaction of O2 .- and NO producing per oxynitrite. In physiological settings, erythrocytes show a self-sustaining activity of antioxidative defense (AD) enzymes, such as: superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC 1.11.16), catalase (CAT, EC, glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx, EC and glutathione reductase (GR, EC, as well as low molecular weight antioxidants: glutathione and vitamins E and C. Their coordinate actions protect the erythrocyte's biomacromolecules from free radical-mediated damage. Since there is no de novo synthesis of AD enzymes in mature erythrocytes, their defense capacity is limited. Free radicals influence antioxidative enzymes capacities and relative share of particular components in the whole anti oxidative system. Therefore, by measuring changes in the activity of individual AD components, as well as their inter relations by statistical canonical discriminate methods, valuable data about the complexity, overall relations and coordinated actions in the AD system in erythrocytes and its relevance for systemic effects can be acquired.Produkcija slobodnih radikala u eritrocitima uglavnom se odnosi na nastajanje superoksid anjon radikala (O2 .-) putem autooksidacije oksihemoglobina u methemoglobin. Ljudski eritrociti izloženi su prooksidacionom delovanju vodonik-peroksida nastalog dismutacijom O2 .- ili iz cirkulacije, kao i azot oksidu (NO) iz cirkulacije. Od di rektnih reakcija slobodnih radikala, reakcija O2 .- i NO uz nastajanje peroksinitrita je reakcija sa primarno Å”tetnim posledicama po eritrocite. U eritrocitima se nalaze enzimi zaÅ”tite od oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja, kao Å”to su superoksid dismutaza (SOD, EC, katalaza (CAT, EC, glutation peroksidaza (GSHPx, EC i glutation reduktaza (GR, EC kao i komponente male molekulske mase (glutation, vitamini E i C). Njihovim sadejstvom se kanaliÅ”u reakcije slobodnih radikala tako da direktna oÅ”tećenja biomakromolekula budu Å”to manja. Međutim, kako nema de novo sinteze enzima u maturiranim eritrocitima, kapacitet ovih sistema je ograničen, jer slobodnoradikalske vrste i direktno inhibiraju neke od enzima. Promene na enzimima i njihova inhibicija slobodnim radikalima utiču na kapacitet zaÅ”tite od oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja i relativni udeo pojedinih komponenti u ukupnom antioksidativnom potencijalu. To se može pratiti i preko promena aktivnosti pojedinačnih komponenti, ali i međusobnih odnosa između komponenti antioksidativne odbrane diskriminacionim statističkim metodama, koje ukazuju na sveukupnost i kompleksnost odnosa antioksidativnih komponenti u eritrocitima i njihov sistemski značaj.nul

    Multifunctionality of antioxidant system in insects

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    Amount of reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced in tissues of vertebrates is regulated by their elimination through coordinate action and level of enzymatic (SODs - superoxide dismutases, CAT-catalase, GSH-Px - glutathione peroxidase, GSTs - glutathione-S-transferases and GR - glutathione reductase) and non-enzymatic (glutahione, ascorbate and tocopherols) antioxidant (AO) components. Different from vertebrates, incest species lack selenium-dependent GSH-Px and posses active enzymatic ascorbate recycling pathway serving to eliminate hydrogen peroxide. Moreover, the sites of ROS generation in insect cells are compartmentalized and dislocated within the cells. Consequently, AO components are widely distributed at subcellular level. The mode of the regulation of AO components functioning in insects has been studied in diverse insect species employing different agents acting as inducers of oxidative stress, as well as during reproduction, development and ageing. The results reported so far showed that incest AO system is very flexible and dynamically organized. Besides, it has been demonstrated that this system operates not only to eliminate extensive ROS but also to recompose particular ROS which express direct physiological effects (e.g. hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide) and to establish optimal redox state.Projekat ministarstv

    Effect of protamine sulfate on the isolated mesenteric arteries of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats

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    We tested the relaxant effect of increased protamine sulfate (PS) amounts (10, 20, 50, 100 and 150 Ī¼g/ml) on the isolated mesenteric arteries of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive (SH) rats, with or without endothelium. PS caused concentration-dependent relaxation of isolated mesenteric arteries in both types of rats. The relaxation effect of PS was lower in SH rats than in normotensive ones. Our results indicate that the vascular smooth muscles play a significant role in PS-mediated relaxation.Ispitivan je relaksantni efekat rastućih količina (10, 20, 50, 100 i 150 Ī¼g/ml) protamin sulfata (PS) na izolovanim mezenteričnim arterijama normotenzivnih i spontano hipertenzivnih (SH) pacova sa i bez endotela. PS je uzrokovao koncentracijski zavisnu relaksaciju izolovanih mezenteričnih arterija kod oba tipa pacova. Kako je relaksantni efekat bio slabiji kod SH pacova upoređenju sa normotenzivnim, naÅ”i rezultati ukazuju da pored vaskularnog endotela, glatki miÅ”ići krvnih sudova imaju veoma značajnu ulogu u PS-posredovanoj relaksaciji.Projekat ministarstva br. 143034B: The Role of Redox-Active Substances in the Maintenance of Homeostasi

    Ekstrahepatične i intrahepatične vene portalnog krvotoka jetre u tekunice (Citellus citellus)

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    From studies of the extrahepatic veins and intrahepatic veins of the portal system in the ground squirrel, using anatomical methods and rentgenography the following can be concluded: The portal vein is formed by the confluence of three venous blood vessels which are present the extrahepatic part of the portal system in the ground squirrel: V. gastropancreaticoduodenalis, V. gastrolienalis and V. mesenterica cranialis. V. portae runs towards the portal fissure and divides, upon entering the liver, into a small right branch which is dispersed in the right lobes and a large left branch which ramifies in the remainder of the liver. V. gastropancreaticoduodenalis receives blood from the greater omentum of the stomach (V. gastroepiploica dextra), the cranial part of the duodenum and the right segment of the pancreas (V. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis). Truncus gastrolienalis drains the parietal and visceral wall of the stomach (V. gastrica sinistra), the spleen and left portion of the greater omentum (V. lienalis). V. mesenterica cranialis collects blood from the middle part of the duodenum and adjacent part of the pancreas (V. pancreaticoduodenalis media), from the caudal part of the duodenum and the caudal segment of the pancreas (V. pancreaticoduodenalis caudalis), from the jejunum (Vv. jejunales) and from the ileum, cecum and colon (Truncus ileocecocolicus). The extrahepatic veins of the portal system in the ground squirrel are joined through a number of anastomoses. V. portae enters the portal fissure and divides into V. advehens lobi dextri lateralis et processus caudatus, V. advehens lobi dextri medialis, V. advehens processus papillaris, V. advehens lobi quadrati et lobi sinistri medialis and Vv. advehentes lobi sinistri lateralis which branch into a large number of smaller vessels in corresponding lobes of the liver. These veins form the intrahepatic part of the portal system in the ground squirrel.Na osnovu proučavanja ekstrahepatičnih i intrahepatičnih vena portalnog krvotoka jetre u tekunice, koristeći anatomske metode i rentgenolografiju mogu se izvesti sledeći zaključci: Vena portae nastaje iz sliva tri venska krvna suda koja čine extrahepatični deo portalnog krvotoka u tekunice: V. gastropancreaticoduodenalis, V. gastrolienalis i V. mesenterica cranialis. V. portae se pruža prema portalnom žlebu i po ulasku u jetru deli se na manju, desnu granu koja se razgranava u desne režnjeve jetre i veću, levu granu koja se razgranava u ostale režnjeve jetre. V. gastropancreaticododenalis odvodi krv iz omentum majus-a (V. gastroepiploica dextra), početnog dela duodenuma i desnog režnja pankreasa (V. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis) Truncus gastrolienalis odvodi krv iz parijetalnog i visceralnog zida želudca (V. gastrica sinistra) i slezine i levog dela omentum majus-a (V. lienalis). V. mesenterica cranialis odvodi krv iz srednjeg i zavrÅ”nog dela duodenuma i odgovarajućeg dela pankreasa (V. pancreaticoduodenalis media), iz kaudalnog dela duodenuma i kaudalnoig dela pankreasa (V. pancreaticoduodenalis caudalis) iz jejunuma (Vv. jejunales) i iz ileuma, cekuma i kolona (Truncus ileocecocolicus). Ekstrahepatične vene portalnog krvotoka jetre tekunice stoje u vezi preko mnogobrojnih anastomoza. V. portae ulazi u portalni žleb i iz nje izbijaju vene (V. advehens lobi dextri lateralis et processus caudatus, V. advehens lobi dextri medialis, V. advehens processus papillaris, V. advehens lobi quadrati et lobi sinistri medialis and Vv. advehentes lobi sisnistri lateralis) koje se razgranavaju u odgovarajućim režnjevima jetre tekunice i čine intrahepatični deo portalnog krvotoka tekunice

    Activities of antioxidant defense enzymes in the blood of individuals with Leu144Phe mutation

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    Activities of cooper zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in the blood of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients with Leu144Phe mutation (FALS), asimptomatic carriers with Leu144Phe mutation and controls were studied. Activity of Cu,Zn SOD was significantly lower in the FALS patients and asimptomatic carriers than in controls (p<0.001). In the FALS patients GSH-Px activity was lower (p<0.01) and activity of GR was higher (p<0.001) in comparison with controls. Canonical discriminant analyses provide statistical evidence that examined groups are different in the composition of antioxidant enzymes in blood and revealed that each component confers to observed difference. Our results suggests that oxidative stress is involved in pathogenesis of FALS and the activities of antioxidant enzymes are exposed to different kind of oxidative pressure in FALS patients, asymptomatic carriers and controls.U ovom radu ispitivana je aktivnost: bakar cink sadržavajuće superoksid dismutaze (Cu, Zn SOD), katalaze (CAT), glutation peroksidaze (GSH-Px), glutation reduktaze (GR) i glutation-S-transferaze (GST) u krvi pacijenata sa familijarnim oblikom amiotrofične lateralne skleroze (FALS) sa mutacijom Leu144Phe, asimptomskim nosiocima mutacije Leu144Phe i kontrola. Aktivnost Cu,Zn SOD je statistički značajno niža kod FALS pacijenata i asimptomskih nosioca mutacije Leu144Phe nego kod kontrola (p < 0,001). Kod FALS pacijenata aktivnost GSH-Px je niža (p < 0,01), a aktivnost GR je veća (p < 0,001) u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom. Kanonijska diskriminantna analiza obezbeđuje statističku podrÅ”ku uočene razlike u sastavu antioksidacionih zaÅ”titnih enzima u krvi ispitivanih grupa i pokazuje nam da svaka komponenta značajno doprinosi toj razlici. NaÅ”i rezultati sugeriÅ”u da je oksidacioni stres uključen u patogenezu FALS i da su antioksidacioni zaÅ”titni enzimi izloženi različitom oksidacionom pritisku kod FALS, asimptomskih nosioca mutacije Leu144Phe i kontrola.nul

    Complexity of free radical metabolism in human erythrocytes

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    The auto-oxidation of oxyhaemoglobin to methaemoglobin generating superoxide anion radical (O2 .-) represents the main source of free radicals in the erythrocytes. Hydrogen peroxide is produced by O2 .- dismutation or originates from the circulation. Human erythrocytes are also exposed to the prooxidative actions of nitric oxide (NO) from circulation. Free radicals that may induce reactions with direct dangerous consequences to erythrocytes are also preceded by the reaction of O2 .- and NO producing per oxynitrite. In physiological settings, erythrocytes show a self-sustaining activity of antioxidative defense (AD) enzymes, such as: superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC 1.11.16), catalase (CAT, EC, glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx, EC and glutathione reductase (GR, EC, as well as low molecular weight antioxidants: glutathione and vitamins E and C. Their coordinate actions protect the erythrocyte's biomacromolecules from free radical-mediated damage. Since there is no de novo synthesis of AD enzymes in mature erythrocytes, their defense capacity is limited. Free radicals influence antioxidative enzymes capacities and relative share of particular components in the whole anti oxidative system. Therefore, by measuring changes in the activity of individual AD components, as well as their inter relations by statistical canonical discriminate methods, valuable data about the complexity, overall relations and coordinated actions in the AD system in erythrocytes and its relevance for systemic effects can be acquired.Produkcija slobodnih radikala u eritrocitima uglavnom se odnosi na nastajanje superoksid anjon radikala (O2 .-) putem autooksidacije oksihemoglobina u methemoglobin. Ljudski eritrociti izloženi su prooksidacionom delovanju vodonik-peroksida nastalog dismutacijom O2 .- ili iz cirkulacije, kao i azot oksidu (NO) iz cirkulacije. Od di rektnih reakcija slobodnih radikala, reakcija O2 .- i NO uz nastajanje peroksinitrita je reakcija sa primarno Å”tetnim posledicama po eritrocite. U eritrocitima se nalaze enzimi zaÅ”tite od oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja, kao Å”to su superoksid dismutaza (SOD, EC, katalaza (CAT, EC, glutation peroksidaza (GSHPx, EC i glutation reduktaza (GR, EC kao i komponente male molekulske mase (glutation, vitamini E i C). Njihovim sadejstvom se kanaliÅ”u reakcije slobodnih radikala tako da direktna oÅ”tećenja biomakromolekula budu Å”to manja. Međutim, kako nema de novo sinteze enzima u maturiranim eritrocitima, kapacitet ovih sistema je ograničen, jer slobodnoradikalske vrste i direktno inhibiraju neke od enzima. Promene na enzimima i njihova inhibicija slobodnim radikalima utiču na kapacitet zaÅ”tite od oksidacionih oÅ”tećenja i relativni udeo pojedinih komponenti u ukupnom antioksidativnom potencijalu. To se može pratiti i preko promena aktivnosti pojedinačnih komponenti, ali i međusobnih odnosa između komponenti antioksidativne odbrane diskriminacionim statističkim metodama, koje ukazuju na sveukupnost i kompleksnost odnosa antioksidativnih komponenti u eritrocitima i njihov sistemski značaj.nul

    Poređenje morfometrijskih i histoloÅ”kih osobina m. semitendinosus-a kod nazimica i kastrata na zavrÅ”etku tova

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    The aim of this paper was to investigate the differences in morphometric characteristics and histological structure of m. semitendinosus, between gilts and barrows of German Landrace breed at the end of the fattening period. Morphometric characteristics (weight, length, diameter and cross sectional area) of m. semitendinosus were not significantly different, while gender as a factor influenced the histological properties of this muscle. A very high statistical difference (p lt 0.01) in the total number of muscle fibers in m. semitendinosus was determined, with gilts having a higher total fiber number. The cross sectional area of fast twitch oxidative (FTO) fibers was significantly higher (p lt 0.05) in barrows. Gender did not affect the distribution of different fiber types: in both gender, the most present fiber types (48-52 %) were fast twitch glycolitic (FTG), FTO fibers represented 27-30 % of the total fiber number, while slow twitch oxidative fibers (STO) were the least represented (ā‰ˆ 20 %).Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita postojanje razlika u morfometrijskim osobinama i strukturi m.semitendinosus, između ženki i kastriranih mužjaka svinja Nemačkog landrasa, na kraju tova. Morfometrijske osobine (masa, dužina, obim i povrÅ”ina poprečnog preseka) m. semitendinosus, nisu bile statistički značajno različite između polova. HistoloÅ”ka analiza strukture miÅ”ića je pokazala da postoje neke razlike između polova. Ukupan broj miÅ”ićnih vlakana u m. semitendinosus bio je veoma značajno (p lt 0.01) veći kod ženki nego kod kastriranih mužjaka. PovrÅ”ina poprečnog preseka FTO vlakana bila statistički značajno veća (p lt 0.05) kod kastriranih mužjaka nego kod ženki. Procentualni udeo (zastupljenoost) tipova miÅ”ićnih vlakana u m.semitendinosus, se nije značajno razlikovao između polova. Kod oba pola najveći udeo (oko polovinu od svih tipova vlakana) su imala bela brzo kontrahujuća glikolitička (FTG) vlakana (48-52 %). Od crvenih, oksidativnih vlakana najmanji udeo (20.23-20.68 %) su imala sporo kontrahujuća (STO) vlakna dok su brzo kontrahujuća (FTO) vlakna bila zastupljena u većem procentu (27-30 %)

    Elevated serum uric acid reduce heart damage in patients undergoing open-heart surgery

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    Objectives: Peroxynitrite is species claimed to propagate ischemia/reperfusion damage. In this report levels of serum uric acid (UA), a peroxynitrite scavenger, are compared with creatine phosphokinase (CPK) in male patients before and after open-heart surgery in order to asses if increased levels of UA may protect heart from biochemical damage induced by peroxynitrite during the coronary by-pass grafting (CABG) intervention. Methods: 45 male patients (16 carvedilol pretreated (6.25 mg/ daily, during 6 weeks before surgery, mean age 55.3Ā±1.7 years, range 50-71) and 29 patients without carvedilol pretreatment (mean age 58.3Ā±1.4 years, range 47-73) underwent elective CABG were examined. Study inclusion criteria were CABG performed on two and more coronary-vessels with aortic crossclamp during 30-40 minutes. For assessment of patients objective health status before operations Euro- SCORE were used. Serum uric acid (UA) levels and creatine phosphokinase (CPK) were measured spectrophotometricaly by using a quantitative enzymatic assay. Results: Carvedilol pretreated patients had higher amount of serum UA (p<0.05) comparing to non-treated patients. During the surgical procedure patients are subjected to temporary ischemia due to transfer from corporeal to extracorporeal circulation. In this period of time the amount of UA decreased in carvedilol pretreated group (406Ā±46 (t1) vs. 300Ā±22 mmol/L (t2)) to the level of non-treated patients (328Ā±14 (t1) vs. 322Ā±18 mmol/L. Carvedilol pretreated patients and non-treated patients had the same level of CPK at the beginning of the surgical procedure (t1) (78Ā±6 vs. 83+13 U/L) but lower increase (p<0.05) in CPK activity in carvedilol pretreated patients in respect to nontreated patients (338Ā±46 vs. 644Ā±103 U/L) at the end of procedure (t2). Such results suggest that open heart surgery led to elevated CPK levels, but this effect was less pronounced in patients with higher level of UA. Conclusions: Our results suggest possible role of UA in the protection from reperfusion injury. Increase of UA before surgery may be beneficial factor during CABG procedure in patients treated with carvedilol by decreasing level of peroxynitrite as one of molecular causes of reperfusion injury. Our results showed influence of UA on CPK levels at the end of surgical procedure, indicating that increased levels of UA may protect heart from biochemical damage induced by peroxynitrite during the CABG intervention.Ciljevi: Postoji miÅ”ljenje da Peroxynitrite Å”iri - pojačava oÅ”tećenja koja potiču od ishemije /reperfuzije. U ovom radu poređen je nivo mokraćne kiseline (UA) u serumu, sakupljača peroksinitrita, sa nivoom kreatin fosfokinaze (CPK) kod muÅ”karaca pre i nakon operacije na otvorenom srcu, a u cilju procene da li povećani nivoi UA mogu služiti kao zaÅ”tita od biohemijskih oÅ”tećenja izazvanih upotrebom peroksinitrita tokom hirurÅ”ke CABG intervencije. Metode: Ispitivano je 45 bolesnika (16 je prethodno primalo karvedilol - 6.25 mg dnevno, tokom 6 nedelja pre operacije, prosečne starosti 55.3Ā±1.7 godina, 55-71, i 29 bolesnika koji nisu primali karvedilol, prosečne starosti 58.3Ā±1.4 godina, 47-73) koji su bili podvrgnuti CABG hirurÅ”koj intervenciji. Kriterijumi za uključenje u studiju su bili izvođenje CABG na dva ili viÅ”e sudova sa klemovanjem aorte u trajanju od 30 - 40 minuta. Za procenu zdravstvenog stanja bolesnika pre operacije koriŔćen je EuroSCORE. Nivoi UA i kreatin fosfokinaze (CPK) u serumu su mereni uz pomoć spektrofotometrije koriŔćenjem kvantitativnog enzimskog eseja. Rezultati: U bolesnika koji su prethodno primali karvedilol uočeni su uvećani nivoi UA u serumu (p< 0.05) u poređenju sa bolesnicima koji nisu primali pomenuti lek. Tokom hirurÅ”ke procedure bolesnici su podvrgnuti privremenoj ishemiji zbog prebacivanja sa telesnog na vantelesni krvotok. U tom periodu vrednosti UA su snižene u bolesnika koji su prethodno primali karvedilol (406+46 (t1) naspram 300Ā±22 mol/L (t2)) bolesnika koji ga nisu primali (328Ā±14 (t1) naspram 322Ā±18 mol/L). Bolesnici koji su primali karvedilol i oni koji nisu imali su isti nivo CPK na početku hirurÅ”ke procedure (t1) (78Ā±6 naspram 83Ā±13 U/L) ali je na kraju procedure uočen niži porast aktivnosti CPK (p<0.05) u bolesnika koji su primali karvedilol u poređenju sa bolesnicima koji nisu (338Ā±46 prema 644Ā±103 U/L) (t2). Ovakvi rezultati sugeriÅ”u da intervencija na otvorenom srcu dovodi do povećanja nivoa CPK, ali je taj efekat bio manje izražen u bolesnika koji su imali viÅ”i nivo UA. Zaključak: NaÅ”i rezultati ukazuju na moguću pozitivnu ulogu mokraćne kiseline u zaÅ”titi od oÅ”tećenja koja može prouzrokovati reperfuzija. Povećanje nivoa UA pre operacije može predstavljati koristan faktor tokom CABG procedure u bolesnika koji su primali karvedilol, jer snižava nivo peroksinitrita kao jedan od uzroka oÅ”tećenja od reperfuzije. NaÅ”i rezultati pokazuju uticaj UA na nivoe CPK pri kraju hirurÅ”ke intervencije, Å”to pak ukazuje na to da uvećani nivoi UA mogu Å”tititi srce od biohemijskih oÅ”tećenja izazvana peroksinitritom tokom CABG intervencije

    The effect of zinc diet on distribution of fatty acid in blood plasma chylomicrons

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    The effect of dietary zinc on the distribution of fatty acids in blood plasma chylomicrons was studied. The experiment was performed on male Mongolian Gerbils, fed ad libitum for 3 weeks with standard diet, containing 8 or 38 mg of Zn per kg of food (low zinc diet group, LZ, and saturated zinc diet group, SZ, respectivelly). At the 21st day gerbils were given sunflower oil by gavage. After 2.5 hours, blood was collected from abdominal vein, and samples were pooled (five animals per one sample). Chylomicron fractions were isolated by ultracentrifugation and mass of dried chylomicrons was measured. Fatty acid composition was analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography. Significantly higher amount of chylomicrons in blood plasma of SZ than in LZ group was found. In chylomicrons, following fatty acids were found: 16:0, 16:1, 17:0, 17:1, 18:0, 18:1, 18:2, 18:3, 20:0, 21:0 and 20:4. The amount of individual fatty acids in chylomicrons in both groups was similar, except 20:4 where lower amount in SZ group was found. Zinc diet did not affect fatty acid distribution in chylomicrons of both groups. Animals fed with zinc saturated diet had higher amount of fatty acids in blood plasma. Observed results suggest that dietary zinc influences the quantity of fatty acids absorption but not its distribution in chylomicrons.Ispitivan je efekat unosa dijetarnog cinka na distribuciju masnih kiselina u hilomikronima plazme. Eksperiment je rađen na mužjacima gerbila, hranjenim standardnom dijetom, ad libitum, u toku 3 nedelje hrana je sadržala 8 ili 38 mg cinka po kg hrane (grupa sa smanjenim unosom cinka, LZ i grupa sa povećanim unosom cinka, SZ, respektivno). Dvadeset prvog dana, životinjama je dato suncokretovo ulje sondom. Nakon 2,5 časa, krv je uzimana iz abdominalne vene i uzorci su pulovani (5 životinja za jedan uzorak). Hilomikronske frakcije su izolovane ultracentrifugiranjem i merena je masa suvih hilomikrona. Masnokiselinski sastav lipida u hilomikronima je određivan gasno-tečnom hromatografijom. Nađena je značajno veća količina hilomikrona u plazmi SZ grupe nego u LZ grupi. U hilomikronima su nađene sledeće masne kiseline: 16:0, 16:1, 17:0, 17:1, 18:0, 18:1, 18:2, 18:3, 20:0, 21:0 i 20:4. Zastupljenost pojedinačnih masnih kiselina u hilomikronima obe grupe bila je slična, izuzev za 20:4 gde je izmerena niža količina u SZ grupi. Ishrana cinkom ne utiče na distribuciju većine masnih kiselina u hilomikronima. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da cink utiče na metabolizam masti i to u delu formiranja hilomikrona, ali je uticaj ograničen na količinu formiranih hilomikrona, ali ne i distribuciju pojedinih masnih kiselina u hilomikronima.nul
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