4 research outputs found

    Outcomes of acute kidney injury in critically ill children who need renal replacement therapy

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    Aim To determine an outcome of acute kidney injury (AKI) in critically ill children (CIC) who needed renal replacement therapy (RRT) and were admitted to the Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (PICU and NICU) at the Paediatric Clinic, University Clinical Centre Sarajevo (UCCS). Methods The research included 81 children with AKI. The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria to define AKI was used. Other laboratory findings and imaging tests were made depending on childrenā€™s primary disease that led to the AKI. Results Among 81 children with AKI, 38 were girls and 43 boys. A total of 39 (48.1%) patients died; the death was due to the nature of the primary disease and multiple organ failure syndromes. Out of the total of 81 patients the highest mortality rate was found in children in the first year of life, 22 (56.4%), while 17 (43.6%) patients died after the first year of life. Conclusion Without an accurate diagnosis at the right time, due to the lack of adequate biomarkers for AKI screening, the heterogeneity of AKI, comorbidities often lead to unfavourable outcomes of the disease, among CIC, especially in infants with low birth weight and extreme immaturity. Some causes of AKI are preventable and can be reduced by a better organization of primary and secondary health care


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    Feohromocitom je neuroendokrini tumor, čija je glavna karakteristika sekrecijakateholamina sa posljedičnom hipertenzijom. Vrlo je rijedak u pedijatrijskoj populaciji,uobičajeno se javlja u bolesnika srednje životne dobi. Klinička slika podrazumijevaparoksizmalne napade glavobolje, bljedila, palpitacije i znojenja. Cilj rada je prikazslučaja feohromocitoma kod desetogodiŔnjeg dječaka, kao rijetkog tumora u pedijatrijskojpopulaciji


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je u bolesnika sa stabilnom koronarnom boleŔću procijeniti učestalost dispeptičnih tegoba, učestalost funkcionalne i organske dispepsije i moguće pretkazatelje organske dispepsije. U istraživanje je uključeno 150 bolesnika (109 muÅ”karaca; prosječna dob 62,61Ā±10,23 god.) sa stabilnom pektoralnom anginom koji su zbog signifikantne koronarne bolesti upućeni na operaciju aorto-koronarnog premoÅ”tenja. Dispepsija je zabilježena temeljem anamnestičkih podataka o postojanju: boli u žličici, napuhanosti, mučnine i povraćanja. Dispepsija praćena endoskopskim oÅ”tećenjima sluznice definirana je kao organska, a uz normalan endoskopski nalaz kao funkcionalna. Nezavisna korelacija niza kliničko-demografskih varijabla i organske dispepsije (zavisna varijabla) procijenjena je multivarijantnom analizom (logistička regresija). Sto trideset pet (90%) bolesnika imalo je barem jedan simptom dispepsije. U 85 (63 %) bolesnika zabilježena je organska dispepsija, a u 50 (37%) bolesnika funkcionalna dispepsija (P 3) korelirao je s težim oblicima gastroduodenalnih oÅ”tećenja (r=0,267, P<0,0001). Multivarijantnom analizom opažena je nezavisna povezanost primjene niskih doza acetilsalicilne kiseline (b=11,701, P=0,004), Å”ećerne bolesti (b=2,921, P=0,027), puÅ”enja (b=2,910, P=0,037) i mučnine (b =3,620, P=0,015) s organskom dispepsijom. Istraživanje je pokazalo visoku učestalost dispepsije u bolesnika s koronarnom boleŔću. Tri i viÅ”e simptoma dispepsije, kronična primjena niskih doza acetilsalicilne kiseline, puÅ”enje, Å”ećerna bolest i mučnina povećavaju vjerojatnost organske dispepsije, pa prisutnost navedenih parametara sugerira potrebu upućivanja bolesnika na ezofagogastroduodenoskopiju.The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of functional and organic dyspepsia and possible predictors for organic dyspepsia in coronary artery disease (CAD) patients. The 150 patients (109 men; mean age 62.61Ā±10.23 yr) undergoing coronary artery by-pass grafting because of stable pectoral angina due to significant CAD were enrolled in the study. Dyspepsia was determined by the existence of epigastralgy, heartburn, nausea and vomiting. Dyspepsia with endoscopic lesions was defined as organic, and dyspepsia with normal endoscopy was defined as functional. Multivariate analysis (logistic regression) was used to estimate predictive values of some independent clinical and demographic variables in relation to organic dyspepsia (dependent variable). One hundred thirty-five (90%) patients had at least one symptom of dyspepsia. Eighty five patients (63%) had organic dyspepsia, and 50 (37%) patients had functional dyspepsia (P<0.001). Patients with organic dyspepsia had more dyspeptic symptoms than patients with functional dyspepsia (1.92 Ā± 0.88 vs. 1.38 Ā± 0.87, P<0.001). More dyspeptic symptoms correlated with heavy GD lesions (r=0.267; P<0.0001). Multivariate analysis revealed independent correlation of consuming low-dose aspirin (standardized coefficient b=11.701, P=0.004), diabetes (b=2.921, P=0.027), cigarette smoking (b=2.910, P=0.037) and nausea (b=3.620, P=0.015) with organic dyspepsia. The study showed high frequency of dyspepsia, especially organic dyspepsia, in CAD patients. Three or more dyspeptic symptoms, low-dose aspirin, cigarette smoking, diabetes and nausea, increased the probability of organic dyspepsia. Therefore, for patients with combination of dyspeptic symptoms and present risk factors the endoscopic examination should be considered