12 research outputs found

    Noise enhanced performance of ratchet cellular automata

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    We present the first experimental realization of a ratchet cellular automaton (RCA) which has been recently suggested as an alternative approach for performing logical operations with interacting (quasi) particles. Our study was performed with interacting colloidal particles which serve as a model system for other dissipative systems i.e. magnetic vortices on a superconductor or ions in dissipative optical arrays. We demonstrate that noise can enhance the efficiency of information transport in RCA and consequently enables their optimal operation at finite temperatures.Comment: accepted for publication at Phys. Rew. Let

    Evanescent light scattering with magnetic colloids

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    We measure magnetic interactions between paramagnetic colloidal beads and an external magnetic field by using total internal reflection microscopy (TIRM). Our results demonstrate that TIRM can be applied to absorptive paramagnetic probe particles and thus extends the range of interaction types which can be addressed with this method. With our setup, we can detect magnetic forces on single superparamagnetic particle ranging from about 10 to 600 fN.publishe

    Colloids as model systems for problems in statistical physics

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    Owing to their mesoscopic length scales, colloidal suspensions provide ideal model systems suitable for addressing many problems in the field of statistical physics. Exemplarily, we highlight the versatile nature of such systems by discussing experiments with stochastic resonance and a practical realization of a recently proposed ratchet cellular automaton.publishe

    Stochastic resonance in colloidal systems

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    We investigate the dynamical properties of a colloidal particle in a double-well potential which is periodically modulated in time. In case of the modulation corresponding to a tilt of the potential (asymmetric modulation), stochastic resonance is observed when the modulation frequency vĪ© matches one half of the Kramers frequency of the unperturbed potential. In contrast, when only the potential barrier height is modulated (symmetric modulation), no synchronization between the modulation and the particle dynamics is observed as demonstrated by the lack of a peak in the power spectrum at vĪ©publishe

    Modeling and classification of alluvial fans with DEMs and machine learning methods

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    Alluvial (torrential) fans, especially those created from debris-flow activity, often endanger built environments and human life. It is well known that these kinds of territories where human activities are favored are characterized by increasing instability and related hydrological risktherefore, treating the problem of its assessment and management is becoming strongly relevant. The aim of this study was to analyze and model the geomorphological aspects and the physical processes of alluvial fans in relation to the environmental characteristics of the territory for classification and prediction purposes. The main geomorphometric parameters capable of describing complex properties, such as relative fan position depending on the neighborhood, which can affect their formation or shape, or properties delineating specific parts of fans, were identified and evaluated through digital elevation model (DEM) data. Five machine learning (ML) methods, including a hybrid Euler graph ML method, were compared to analyze the geomorphometric parameters and physical characteristics of alluvial fans. The results obtained in 14 case studies of Slovenian torrential fans, validated with data of the empirical model proposed by Bertrand et al. (2013), confirm the validity of the developed method and the possibility to identify alluvial fans that can be considered as debris-flow prone

    Analysis of fluid flow around a beating artificial cilium

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    Biological cilia are found on surfaces of some microorganisms and on surfaces of many eukaryotic cells where they interact with the surrounding fluid. The periodic beating of the cilia is asymmetric, resulting in directed swimming of unicellular organisms or in generation of a fluid flow above a ciliated surface in multicellular ones. Following the biological example, externally driven artificial cilia have recently been successfully implemented as micropumps and mixers. However, biomimetic systems are useful not only in microfluidic applications, but can also serve as model systems for the study of fundamental hydrodynamic phenomena in biological samples. To gain insight into the basic principles governing propulsion and fluid pumping on a micron level, we investigated hydrodynamics around one beating artificial cilium. The cilium was composed of superparamagnetic particles and driven along a tilted cone by a varying external magnetic field. Nonmagnetic tracer particles were used for monitoring the fluid flow generated by the cilium. The average flow velocity in the pumping direction was obtained as a function of different parameters, such as the rotation frequency, the asymmetry of the beat pattern, and the cilium length. We also calculated the velocity field around the beating cilium by using the analytical far-field expansion. The measured average flow velocity and the theoretical prediction show an excellent agreement

    Preparation of ultra-cold atomic-ensemble arrays using time-multiplexed optical tweezers

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    We use optical tweezers based on time-multiplexed acousto-optic deflectors to trap ultra-cold cesium atoms in one-dimensional arrays of atomic ensembles. For temperatures between 2.5 Ī¼\muK and 50 nK we study the maximal time between optical tweezer pulses that retains the number of atoms in a single trap. This time provides an estimate on the maximal number of sites in an array of time-multiplexed optical tweezers. We demonstrate evaporative cooling of atoms in arrays of up to 25 optical tweezer traps and the preparation of atoms in a box potential. Additionally, we demonstrate three different protocols for the preparation of atomic-ensemble arrays by transfer from an expanding ultra-cold atomic cloud. These result in the preparation of arrays of up to 74 atomic ensembles consisting of āˆ¼\sim100 atoms on average.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Self-assembled artificial cilia

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    Due to their small dimensions, microfluidic devices operate in the low Reynolds number regime. In this case, the hydrodynamics is governed by the viscosity rather than inertia and special elements have to be introduced into the system for mixing and pumping of fluids. Here we report on the realization of an effective pumping device that mimics a ciliated surface and imitates its motion to generate fluid flow. The artificial biomimetic cilia are constructed as long chains of spherical superparamagnetic particles, which self-assemble in an external magnetic field. Magnetic field is also used to actuate the cilia in a simple nonreciprocal manner, resulting in a fluid flow. We prove the concept by measuring the velocity of a cilia-pumped fluid as a function of height above the ciliated surface and investigate the influence of the beating asymmetry on the pumping performance. A numerical simulation was carried out that successfully reproduced the experimentally obtained data