340 research outputs found

    Power Corrections in Charmless B Decays

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    In this paper, we focus on the role of power corrections in QCD factorization(QCDF) method in charmless two-body nonleptonic BB meson decays. We use the ratio of the branching fraction of B+π+K0B^+ \to \pi^+ K^{\ast 0} to that of B0πρ+B^0 \to \pi^- \rho^+, for which the theoretical uncertainties are greatly reduced, to show clearly that the power corrections in charmless B decays are probably large. With other similar ratios considered, for example, for the B0Kρ+B^0 \to K^- \rho^+ decay, it is very likely that, among various sources of power corrections, annihilation topology plays an indispensable role at least for penguin dominated PV\rm PV channels. We also consider some selective ratios of direct CP asymmetries. Among these, we find that, if power corrections other than the chirally enhanced power corrections and annihilation topology were negligible, QCDF would predict the direct CP asymmetry of Bπ+πB \to \pi^+ \pi^- to be about 3 times larger than that of Bπ±KB \to \pi^\pm K^\mp, with opposite sign. Experimentally any significant deviation from this prediction would suggest either new physics or possibly the importance of long-distance rescattering effects.Comment: references and note added, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Impact of Subleading Corrections on Hadronic B Decays

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    We study the subleading corrections originating from the 3-parton (q\bar q g) Fock states of final-state mesons in B decays. The corrections could give significant contributions to decays involving an \omega or \eta^{(\prime)} in the final states. Our results indicate the similarity of \omega K and \omega \pi^- rates, of order 5\times 10^{-6}, consistent with the recent measurements. We obtain a_2(B\to J/\psi K)\approx 0.27+0.05i, in good agreement with data. Without resorting to the unknown singlet annihilation effects, 3-parton Fock state contributions can enhance the branching ratios of K\eta' to the level above 50\times 10^{-6}.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, revtex4; some typos corrected, a new figure and a reference added, more explanations for the calculation provided, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Charmless BˉsVV\bar{B}_s\to VV Decays in QCD Factorization

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    The two body charmless decays of BsB_s meson to light vector mesons are analyzed within the framework of QCD factorization. This approach implies that the nonfactorizable corrections to different helicity amplitudes are not the same. The effective parameters aiha_i^h for helicity h=0,+,h=0,+,- states receive different nonfactorizable contributions and hence are helicity dependent, contrary to naive factorization approach where aiha_i^h are universal and polarization independent. The branching ratios for BˉsVV\bar{B}_s\to VV decays are calculated and we find that branching ratios of some channels are of order 10510^{-5}, which are measurable at future experiments. The transverse to total decay rate ΓT/Γ\Gamma_T/\Gamma is also evaluated and found to be very small for most decay modes, so, in charmless BˉsVV\bar{B}_s\to VV decays, both light vector mesons tend to have zero helicity.Comment: 16pages. Typos and mistakes fixed. Numerical results change

    Study of Bc --> J/psi pi, etac pi decays with perturbative QCD approach

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    The Bc --> J/psi pi, etac pi decays are studied with the perturbative QCD approach. It is found that form factors and branching ratios are sensitive to the parameters w, v, f_J/psi and f_etac, where w and v are the parameters of the charmonium wave functions for Coulomb potential and harmonic oscillator potential, respectively, f_J/psi and f_etac are the decay constants of the J/psi and etac mesons, respectively. The large branching ratios and the clear signals of the final states make the Bc --> J/psi pi, etac pi decays to be the prospective channels for measurements at the hadron collidersComment: 21 pages, revtex

    Soft end-point and mass corrections to the eta' g*g* vertex function

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    Power-suppressed corrections arising from end-point integration regions to the space-like vertex function of the massive eta'-meson virtual gluon transition eta' - g*g* are computed. Calculations are performed within the standard hard-scattering approach (HSA) and the running coupling method supplemented by the infrared renormalon calculus. Contributions to the vertex function from the quark and gluon contents of the eta' -meson are taken into account and the Borel resummed expressions for F_{eta' g*g*}(Q2,\omega ,\eta), as well as for F_{eta' g g*}}(Q^{2},\omega =\pm 1,\eta) and F_{eta' g*g*}(Q^{2},\omega =0,\eta) are obtained. It is demonstrated that the power-suppressed corrections \sim (\Lambda ^{2}/Q^{2})^{n}, in the explored range of the total gluon virtuality 1 <Q2 < 25 GeV2, considerably enhance the vertex function relative to the results found in the framework of the standard HSA with a fixed coupling. Modifications generated by the eta ' -meson mass effects are discussed

    Dwarfing gene Rht18 from tetraploid wheat responds to exogenous GA<sub>3</sub> in hexaploid wheat

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    Rht18, derived from Triticum durum (tetraploid) wheat, is classified as a gibberellic acid (GA)-responsive dwarfing gene. Prior to this study, the responses of Rht18 to exogenous GA on agronomic traits in hexaploid wheat were still unknown. The response of Rht18 to exogenous GA3 on coleoptile length, plant height, yield components and other agronomic traits were investigated using F4:5 and F5:6 hexaploid dwarf lines with Rht18 derived from two crosses between the tetraploid donor Icaro and tall Chinese winter wheat cultivars, Xifeng 20 and Jinmai 47. Applications of exogenous GA3 significantly increased coleoptile length in both lines and their tall parents. Plant height was significantly increased by 21.3 and 10.7% in the GA3-treated dwarf lines of Xifeng 20 and Jinmai 47, respectively. Compared to the untreated dwarf lines, the partitioning of dry matter to ears at anthesis was significantly decreased while the partitioning of dry matter to stems was significantly increased in the GA3-treated dwarf lines. There were no obvious changes in plant height and dry matter partitioning in the GA3-treated tall parents. Exogenous GA3 significantly decreased grain number spike–1 while it increased 1000-kernel weight in both the dwarf lines and tall parents. Thus, applications of exogenous GA3 restored plant height and other agronomic traits of Rht18 dwarf lines to the levels of the tall parents. This study indicated that Rht18 dwarf mutants are GA-deficient lines with impaired GA biosynthesis

    Phenomenological Analysis of B->PP Decays with QCD Factorization

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    In this paper, we study nonleptonic charmless B decays to two light pseudoscalar mesons within the frame of QCD factorization, including the contributions from the chirally enhanced power corrections and weak annihilation. Predictions for the CP-averaged branching ratios and CP-violating asymmetries are given. Within the reasonable range of the parameters, we find that our predictions for the branching ratios of B -> PP are consistent with the present experimental data. But because of the logarithmic divergences at the endpoints in the hard spectator scatterings and weak annihilation, there are still large uncertainties in these predictions.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures. to appear in PR

    Charming penguin contributions to charmless B decays into two pseudoscalar mesons

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    We present estimates of the charming penguin contribution to B => K pi, pi pi,K eta, K eta' decays due to intermediate charmed meson states. We find that this contribution is indeed significant for B => K pi decays, and its inclusion, together with the tree and penguin terms, produces large branching ratios in agreement with data, though the analysis is affected by large theoretical uncertainties. On the other hand, for B => pi pi, K eta, K eta' decays, the effect of the charming penguin contribution is more modest. We also compute CP asymmetries for B => K pi, pi pi decays and we obtain rather large results.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX2e with epsfig. Minor changes in the text, this version will appear in Phys. Rev.

    BϕπB\to \phi \pi and B0ϕϕB^0 \to \phi\phi in the Standard Model and new bounds on R parity violation

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    We study the pure penguin decays BϕπB \to \phi\pi and B0ϕϕB^0 \to \phi\phi. Using QCD factorization, we find B(B±ϕπ±)=2.00.1+0.3×108{\cal B}(B^\pm \to\phi\pi^{\pm} )=2.0^{+0.3}_{-0.1}\times 10^{-8}. For the pure penguin annihilation process B0ϕϕB^0 \to \phi\phi, analyzed here for the first time, B(B0ϕϕ)=2.10.3+1.6×109{\cal B}(B^0 \to\phi\phi)=2.1^{+1.6}_{-0.3}\times 10^{-9}. The smallness of these decays in the Standard Model makes them sensitive probes for new physics. From the upper limit of BϕπB\to \phi\pi,we find constraints on R parity violating couplings, λi23λi21<6×105| \lambda{''}_{i23}\lambda{''}_{i21}|<6\times10^{-5}, λi23λi21<4×104| \lambda'_{i23}\lambda'_{i21}|<4\times10^{-4} and λi32λi12<4×104| \lambda'_{i32}\lambda'_{i12}|<4\times10^{-4} for i=1,2,3i=1,2,3. Our new bounds on λi23λi21|\lambda{''}_{i23}\lambda{''}_{i21}| are one order of magnitude stronger than before. Within the available upper bounds for λi23λi21| \lambda{''}_{i23}\lambda{''}_{i21}|, λi23λi21|\lambda'_{i23}\lambda'_{i21}| and λi32λi12|\lambda'_{i32}\lambda'_{i12}|, we find that B(Bϕϕ){\cal B}(B\to\phi\phi) could be enhanced to 10810710^{-8}\sim 10^{-7}. Experimental searches for these decays are strongly urged.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures embede

    Study of K0(1430)K^*_0(1430) and a0(980)a_0(980) from BK0(1430)πB\to K^*_0(1430)\pi and Ba0(980)KB\to a_0(980)K Decays

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    We use the decay modes BK0(1430)πB \to K^*_0(1430) \pi and Ba0(980)KB \to a_0(980) K to study the scalar mesons K0(1430)K^*_0(1430) and a0(980)a_0(980) within perturbative QCD framework. For BK0(1430)πB \to K^*_0(1430) \pi, we perform our calculation in two scenarios of the scalar meson spectrum. The results indicate that scenario II is more favored by experimental data than scenario I. The important contribution from annihilation diagrams can enhance the branching ratios about 50% in scenario I, and about 30% in scenario II. The predicted branching ratio of Ba0(980)KB \to a_0(980) K in scenario I is also less favored by the experiments. The direct CP asymmetries in BK0(1430)πB \to K^*_0(1430) \pi are small, which are consistent with the present experiments.Comment: More references are added. Published Versio