47 research outputs found

    Low-frequency Landau–Zener–Stückelberg interference in dissipative superconducting qubits

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    Landau–Zener–Stückelberg (LZS) interference of continuously driven superconducting qubits is studied. Going beyond the second order perturbation expansion, we find a time dependent stationary population evolution as well as unsymmetrical microwave driven Landau–Zener transitions, resulting from the nonresonant terms which are neglected in rotating-wave approximation. For the low-frequency driving, the qubit population at equi-librium is a periodical function of time, owing to the contribution of the nonresonant terms. In order to obtain the average population, it is found that the average approximation based on the perturbation approach can be applied to the low-frequency region. For the extremely low frequency which is much smaller than the decoherence rate, we develop noncoherence approximation by dividing the evolution into discrete time steps during which the co-herence is lost totally. These approximations present comprehensive analytical descriptions of LZS interference in most of parameter space of frequency and decoherence rate, agreeing well with those of the numerical simula-tions and providing a simple but integrated understanding to system dynamics. The application of our models to microwave cooling can obtain the minimal frequency to realize effective microwave cooling

    Excitonic topological order in imbalanced electron-hole bilayers

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    Correlation and frustration play essential roles in physics, giving rise to novel quantum phases [1-6]. A typical frustrated system is correlated bosons on moat bands, which could host topological orders with long-range quantum entanglement [4]. However, the realization of moat-band physics is still challenging. Here, we explore moat-band phenomena in shallowly-inverted InAs/GaSb quantum wells, where we observe an unconventional time-reversal-symmetry breaking excitonic ground state under imbalanced electron and hole densities. We find a large bulk gap exists encompassing a broad range of density imbalance at zero magnetic field (B), accompanied by edge channels that resemble helical transport. Under an increasing perpendicular B, the bulk gap persists, and an anomalous plateau of Hall signals appears, which demonstrates an evolution from helical-like to chiral-like edge transport with a Hall conductance ~e2/h at 35 Tesla. Theoretically, we show that strong frustration from density imbalance leads to a moat band for excitons, resulting in a time-reversal-symmetry breaking excitonic topological order, which explains all our experimental observations. Our work opens up a new direction for research on topological and correlated bosonic systems in solid states beyond the framework of symmetry-protected topological phases, including but not limited to the bosonic fractional quantum Hall effect.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, 9 extended data figures. This is the preprint version of the main text before proof; the final version together with the Supplemenatal Information is published in Nature and can be accessed via the DOI belo

    Images of Edge Current inᅠInAs/GaSbᅠQuantum Wells

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    Quantum spin Hall devices with edges much longer than several microns do not display ballistic transport; that is, their measured conductances are much less thanᅠe2/hᅠper edge. We imaged edge currents inᅠInAs/GaSbᅠquantum wells with long edges and determined an effective edge resistance. Surprisingly, although the effective edge resistance is much greater thanᅠh/e2, it is independent of temperature up to 30ᅠK within experimental resolution. Known candidate scattering mechanisms do not explain our observation of an effective edge resistance that is large yet temperature independent

    Electromagnetically induced interference in a superconducting flux qubit

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    Interaction between quantum two-level systems (qubits) and electromagnetic fields can provide additional coupling channels to qubit states. In particular, the interwell relaxation or Rabi oscillations, resulting, respective-ly, from the multi- or single-mode interaction, can produce effective crossovers, leading to electromagnetically induced interference in microwave driven qubits. The environment is modeled by a multimode thermal bath, ge-nerating the interwell relaxation. Relaxation induced interference, independent of the tunnel coupling, provides deeper understanding to the interaction between the qubits and their environment. It also supplies a useful tool to characterize the relaxation strength as well as the characteristic frequency of the bath. In addition, we demon-strate the relaxation can generate population inversion in a strongly driving two-level system. On the other hand, different from Rabi oscillations, Rabi-oscillation-induced interference involves more complicated and modulated photon exchange thus offers an alternative means to manipulate the qubit, with more controllable parameters in-cluding the strength and position of the tunnel coupling. It also provides a testing ground for exploring nonlinear quantum phenomena and quantum state manipulation in qubits either with or without crossover structure

    Optimal cooling of a driven artificial atom in dissipative environment

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    We study microwave-driven cooling in a superconducting flux qubit subjected to environment noises. For the weak decoherence, our analytical results agree well with the experimental observations and show that the microwave amplitude for optimal cooling should depend linearly on the dc flux detuning. With the decoherence stronger, more vibrational degrees of freedom (analogous with atomic physics) couple in, making the ordinary cooling method less effective or even fail. We propose an improved cooling method, which can eliminate the perturbation of additional vibrational degrees of freedom hence keep high efficiency, even under the strong decoherence. Furthermore, we point out that the decoherence can tune the frequency where microwave-driven Landau–Zener transition reaches maximum, displaying the feature of incoherent dynamics which is important for the optimal cooling of qubits and other quantum systems

    Estimating Multiple Breaks in Nonstationary Autoregressive Models

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    Chong (1995) and Bai (1997) proposed a sample splitting method to estimate a multiple-break model. However, their studies focused on stationary time series models, where the identification of the first break depends on the magnitude and the duration of the break, and a testing procedure is needed to assist the estimation of the remaining breaks in subsamples split by the break points found earlier. In this paper, we focus on nonstationary multiple-break autoregressive models. Unlike the stationary case, we show that the duration of a break does not affect if it will be identified first. Rather, it depends on the stochastic order of magnitude of signal strength of the break under the case of constant break magnitude and also the square of the magnitude of the break under the case of shrinking break magnitude. Since the subsamples usually have different stochastic orders in nonstationary autoregressive models with breaks, one can therefore determine which break will be identified first. We apply this finding to the models proposed in Phillips and Yu (2011), Phillips et al. (2011) and Phillips et al. (2015a, 2015b). We provide an estimation procedure as well as the asymptotic theory for the model

    De-Pinning Transition of Bubble Phases in a High Landau Level

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    While in the lowest Landau level the electron-electron interaction leads to the formation of the Wigner crystal, in higher Landau levels a solid phase with multiple electrons in a lattice site of crystal was predicted, which was called the bubble phase. Reentrant integer quantum Hall states are believed to be the insulating bubble phase pinned by disorder. We carry out nonlinear transport measurements on the reentrant states and study the de-pinning of the bubble phase, which is complementary to previous microwave measurements and provides unique information. In this study, conductivity is directly measured with Corbino geometry. Based on the threshold electric field of de-pinning, a phase diagram of the reentrant state is mapped. We discuss an interaction-driven topological phase transition between the integer quantum Hall state and the reentrant integer quantum Hall state.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure