1 research outputs found

    The national and state symbols of the Slovaks

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    Tematem niniejszej pracy jest zagadnienie symbolu narodowego i pa艅stwowego w kontek艣cie s艂owackim. W ramach wprowadzenia przedstawiono pokr贸tce problematyk臋 symbolu jako no艣nika to偶samo艣ci narodowej i pa艅stwowej. Streszczono tak偶e histori臋 S艂owacji ze szczeg贸lnym podkre艣leniem os贸b, wydarze艅 i innych element贸w, kt贸re po dzi艣 dzie艅 stanowi膮 wa偶n膮 cz臋艣膰 s艂owackiej kultury. Jako symbole pa艅stwowe uwzgl臋dniono god艂o, hymn i flag臋. Przedstawione w pracy symbole narodowe to: j臋zyk s艂owacki, Tatry i Janosik. Szczeg贸ln膮 uwag臋 zwr贸cono na rozw贸j historyczny kultu wybranych symboli. Starano si臋 podkre艣li膰 rol臋, jak膮 ka偶dy z nich odegra艂 w formowaniu s艂owackiej to偶samo艣ci narodowej.The topic of this thesis is the issue of national and state symbols in the Slovak context. As part of the introduction, the question of a symbol as a carrier of national and state identity is briefly presented. The history of Slovakia was also summed up with particular emphasis on people, events and other elements that are an important part of the Slovak culture to this day. As state symbols, the emblem, hymn and flag were taken into account. The national symbols depicted in the work are: Slovak, Tatra mountains and Janosik. Particular attention was paid to the historical development of the cult of those symbols. The role that each of them played in forming the Slovak national identity was stressed