41 research outputs found

    Role of strontium cations in ZSM-5 zeolite in the methanol-to-hydrocarbons reaction

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    The selectivity of the methanol-to-hydrocarbons (MTH) reaction can be tuned by modifying zeolite catalysts with alkaline earth metals, which typically increase propylene selectivity and catalyst stability. Here we employed Sr2+ as its higher atomic number in comparison to the zeolite T atoms facilitates characterization by scanning transmission electron microscopy and operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Sr2+ dispersed in the ZSM-5 micropores coordinates water, methanol, and dimethyl ether during the MTH reaction. Complementary characterization with nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis combined with mass spectrometry, operando infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction points to the retention of substantially more adsorbates during the MTH reaction in comparison to Sr-free zeolites. Our findings support the notion that alkaline earth metals modify the porous reaction environment such that the olefin cycle is favored over the aromatic cycle in the MTH, explaining the increased propylene yield and lower deactivation rate


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    The new economic policy of Russia is based on innovation and investment. Before choosing innovative changes, it is mandatory to assess the innovative potential of the organization. can distinguish Three main components can be distinguished in the innovative potential of a medical institution: innovative potential of medical personnel, innovation of facilities and resources, technology innovation (medico-institutional, therapeutic and diagnostic technologies). An audit of the innovative potential of a medical organization is a prerequisite for the formation of a competent economic policy, i. e. business strategies, priority investments. However, studies on a comprehensive assessment of the state of innovative potential of oncological medical organizations have not been conducted yet.Objective. To study the state of innovative potential of a medical organization, as part of its economic policy, using the example of cancer care.Materials and methods. The base of the research is the Higher Educational Institution “Ivanovo Regional Oncology Dispensary”, Department of Health, Ivanovo Region. The research program provided for the use of sociological, expert, mathematical-statistical and analytical methods. Units of observation: medical worker (doctor, paramedical worker) and material and technical resources of “Ivanovo Regional Oncology Dispensary”, The study was conducted in 2018. The integral estimation methodology of a medical organization’s innovation potential includes a quantitative assessment of each component of the potential according to the appropriate methodology.Results. Decline of the innovative capacity medical organization oncological profile on all of its components including: a personnel component at 9,0%, logistical component to 11,0%, technological component at 6,8%. Reduced innovative capacity of health workers is associated with low estimation of its parameters such as: the use of information sources for self-development, the ability to adapt to innovation and research activity. A decrease in the innovative potential of an oncological medical organization was noted in all its components, including: the personnel component by 9.0%, the material and technical component by 11.0%, the technological component by 6.8%. The decline in the innovative potential of health workers is associated with a low assessment of its parameters such as the use of information sources for self-development, the ability to adapt to innovation and research activities. The decrease in the innovation of the organization’s facilities and resources is associated with such indicators as: the scientific and technical level of equipment, the coefficient of accumulation of fixed assets, the coefficient of depreciation of equipment, the coefficient of inclusion of equipment in the standard of assistance. The decrease in innovation in the technological component is associated with the incomplete implementation of such quality attributes of medical services as: efficiency, adequacy, interpersonal interaction, uniqueness, convenience.Conclusion. The results of the study showed that a change in the innovative policy of medical organizations is required, its transfer from an extensive to an intensive strategic vector of development, the use of free financial resources for the purchase of new generation equipment, and the training of medical personnel in modern work technologies

    Phase Transitions in the “Spinel-Layered” Li1+xNi0.5Mn1.5O4 (x = 0, 0.5, 1) Cathodes upon (De)lithiation Studied with Operando Synchrotron X-ray Powder Diffraction

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    “Spinel-layered” Li1+xNi0.5Mn1.5O4 (x = 0, 0.5, 1) materials are considered as a cobalt-free alternative to currently used positive electrode (cathode) materials for Li-ion batteries. In this work, their electrochemical properties and corresponding phase transitions were studied by means of synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction (SXPD) in operando regime. Within the potential limit of 2.2–4.9 V vs. Li/Li+ LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 with cubic spinel type structure demonstrates the capacity of 230 mAh·g−1 associated with three first-order phase transitions with significant total volume change of 8.1%. The Li2Ni0.5Mn1.5O4 material exhibits similar capacity value and subsequence of the phase transitions of the spinel phase, although the fraction of the spinel-type phase in this material does not exceed 30 wt.%. The main component of Li2Ni0.5Mn1.5O4 is Li-rich layered oxide Li(Li0.28Mn0.64Ni0.08)O2, which provides nearly half of the capacity with very small unit cell volume change of 0.7%. Lower mechanical stress associated with Li (de)intercalation provides better cycling stability of the spinel-layered complex materials and makes them more perspective for practical applications compared to the single-phase LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 high-voltage cathode material