7 research outputs found

    Factors and conditions of the environmental and economic security formation in Ukraine

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    The article examines the peculiarities of the formation of the ecological and economic security system and the specifics of its principles. The relevance of the transformation of approaches to understanding the essence and principles of ecological and economic security in the context of the need to ensure sustainable development is substantiated. The levels of ecological and economic security and the peculiarities of changes in profits and costs during the transition of the economic system and business entities between these levels are determined. The principles of implementation and formation of economic tools for ensuring environmental safety are proposed

    Voluntary Community Fire Brigades as Means of Increasing the Environment Security

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    Nowadays, there are more and more emergency situations of natural character causing major damages to property. Handling them as well as dealing with the aftermath requires well-trained personal capacities. The article focuses on the importance and activities of voluntary community fire brigades. Despite the slightly donward trend of the number of drives of VCFB in Slovakia, based on the statistics of the Department of Home Affairs of Slovak Republic, the numbers of drives are increasing. The article provides results of an opinion survey of fire and rescue services members focusing on the activities and cooperation with VCFB. Based on the results, positive attitude towards the voluntary activities in this area from the perspective of professional fire fighters may be concluded

    Criminal Aspects of Illegal Migration

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    Illegal migration in Europe means that an ever-increasing number of people are leaving their homes to live in better countries. Migration carries risks that affect individuals and groups of people, sometimes society as a whole, and therefore states decide to intervene in migration processes. The causes of current irregular migration are quite diverse, but the common feature is that migrants had to leave their countries of origin because they could not live a normal life there. Illegal migrants are increasingly nationals of economically underdeveloped countries, who do not have financial resources, are socially deprived, and because of all these facts are involved in committing criminal anti-social activities. In countries where the number of migrants has risen sharply, the racial, ethnic and religious structure of the population composition may change. The escalating tensions between the indigenous peoples and immigrants accelerate racism (bilaterally), radicalism in politics, socio-economic problems, crime, and other risk factors. It is in the European Community’s interest to take all possible legal and effective measures to eliminate the risks of irregular migration and to ensure a safe environment for the population. The paper characterizes migration and analyzes its causes and consequences, including crime associated with illegal migration

    Military Defence Training as an Element of Civil Defence Education in Former Czechoslovakia

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    Civil defence education in Czechoslovakia was one of the elements of education and the creation of conditions for every citizen to be physically and mentally capable and willing to fulfil his or her duties related to homeland defence. The aim of the paper is to examine the basic approaches to the implementation of military defence training as one of the basic elements of civil defence education in Czechoslovakia in the period from 1918 to 1989. The historical-comparative analysis is used as a method for researching military defence training issues. This method is treated as a qualitative research tool. The individual elements that military defence training included, such as exercising in nature, field orientation practice, and marching exercises are characterized. In military defence training in Czechoslovakia, emphasis was simultaneously placed on enabling children to be in touch with nature, to toughen them up and to train their observation skills. The training was an organizational form of school civil defence education. Its main aim was to train and prepare individuals, as well as schools as wholes, for emergencies

    The Use of Virtual Reality Resources to Increase Safety in the Training of Fire and Rescue Corps Units

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    The work of fire departments is influenced by various factors that bring risks. The security of fire fighters is the most important thing when performing their job. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure their security by identifying risks and eliminating them in advance. Virtual reality resources help to increase the safety of firefighters during professional training activities. These activities are conducted with the usage of simulators, practical exercises and simulations; however, these exercises can only partly get them closer to reality. We claim that virtual reality is a huge aid for firefighters, and that by using this tool, efficient protection of life and health as well as property can be provided. The submitted article discusses the current state of virtual reality resources and their use in the professional training of fire brigades and rescue units. It also discusses the benefits of virtual reality use

    Environmental and economic security in the conditions of the Ukraine`s economy

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    The article examines the peculiarities and modern specifics of the formation of ecological and economic security in Ukraine in the conditions of digitalization. It was determined that the lack of dynamic growth, the violation of the optimal balance and balance of the ecological and economic system are caused by the depletion of raw resources, a decrease in the overall potential of the environment, and the irrational use of natural resources. It has been proven that in the conditions of digitalization, a new challenge for all enterprises is to ensure the ecological and economic efficiency of their activities, which combines the principles of transparency and openness in their functioning. It has been proven that the strategy of environmentally-oriented economic development should be aimed at solving environmental problems and preserving biological diversity