4 research outputs found

    Wpływ podania N-(-2-chloroethylo)-N-ethylo-2-bromobenzylaminy (DSP-4) u noworodków szczurzych na zachowania związane z przyjmowaniem pokarmów i reaktywność receptora 5-HT1B u dorosłych szczurów

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    BACKGROUND: We investigated the reactivity of 5-HT1B receptor in adult rats administered as neonates with noradrenergic neurotoxin N-(-2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2- bromobenzylamine (DSP-4; 50 mg/kg sc x2, P1 and P3). MATERIAL AND METHODS: At 8-10 weeks (after lesion), control and DSP-4 rats were divided into two subgroups injected either with saline or 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin; 5-HT) synthesis inhibitor (p-chlorophenylalanine; p-CPA; 100 mg/kg ip x 2 every 24h). On the following day food intake was examined after 5-HT1B receptor ligands administration; agonist CP 94,253, 4.0 mg/kg ip; and antagonist, SB 216641, 4.0 mg/kg ip respectively. Additionally, the level of monoamines, their metabolites and 5-hydroxytrptophane (5- HTP) as an indicator of 5-HT synthesis rate were analyzed by HPLC/ED methods. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: CP 94,253 in a dose of 4.0 mg/kg ip signifi cantly decreased food intake in control and DSP-4 rats in comparison to respective control (saline). 5-HT1B antagonist (SB 216641) alone did not alter the examined parameter but injected 30 min before CP 94,253 markedly abolished its eff ect in both tested groups. Similar results were obtained in p-CPA pretreated animals. The level of amines and their metabolites was not diff erent between control and DSP-4 treated rats. Administration of p-CPA (2 x 100 mg/kg ip) reduced the concentration of 5-HT and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in the hypothalamus of control rats by 94.9 % and 96.7 % respectively. In DSP-4 rats the percentage of 5-HT displacement was 92.5 % (5-HT) and 95.7 % (5-HIAA). As it was presented CP 94,253 and SB 216641 alike, administered in doses of 4.0 mg/kg ip, did not alter biogenic amines and their metabolites content in the hypothalamus of both examined groups (control and DSP-4). There were also no diff erences in the 5-HT synthesis rate in the hypothalamus between control and DSP-4 rats after 5-HT1B receptor ligands injection. We concluded that in contrast to our previous studies, DSP-4 being without eff ect on hypothalamus noradrenalin (NA) level and 5-HT synthesis rate did not also aff ect reactivity of terminal 5-HT1B autoreceptors in this brain area. On the basis of this experiments, it should be noted that in contrast to our previous studies which have shown that the consequence of DSP-4 administration is dramatic reduction in the NA contents in the frontal cortex, hippocampus, striatum, etc., with concomitant desensitization of 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptors (evaluated by behavioral and biochemical methods), in this experiment, there were no such eff ects. This proves that the noradrenergic fi bers in the hypothalamus are much more resistant to the neurotoxic action of DSP-4, furthermore, for the development of 5-HT1B receptors desensitization in the specifi c brain structure, decrease in NA contents in this part of the brain is required. In other words, a profound dysfunction of the noradrenergic system expresses as noradrenergic fi ber damage in the striatum, frontal cortex, hippocampus, etc. does not aff ect the status of 5-HT1B receptors in the hypothalamus.WSTĘP: W niniejszej pracy zbadano reaktywność ośrodkowego receptora serotoninergicznego 5-HT1B u dorosłych szczurów, które w okresie noworodkowym otrzymały neurotoksynę N-(-2-chloroethyl)- N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine (DSP-4; 50 mg/kg sc x 2, 1-go i 3-go dnia). MATERIAŁ I METODY: W 8-10-tym tygodniu życia zwierzęta kontrolne i z lezją podzielono na dwie podgrupy, jedna otrzymała sól fi zjologiczną, druga inhibitor syntezy serotoniny (5-hydroksytryptaminy; 5-HT) - p-chlorofenyloalaninę (p-CPA). Następnie po podaniu ligandów receptora 5-HT1B (agonisty; CP 94253 4.0 mg/kg ip i/lub antagonisty; SB 216641 4.0 mg/kg ip) oceniono ilość spożywanej karmy. Dodatkowo zbadano również zawartość amin biogennych po podaniu ligandów receptora 5-HT1B oraz oceniono szybkość syntezy serotoniny w podwzgórzu. WYNIKI I WNIOSKI: CP 94253 stosowany zarówno u szczurów kontrolnych jak i DSP-4 zmniejszał ilość spożywanej karmy w porównaniu do odpowiednich grup kontrolnych (po podaniu soli fi zjologicznej). Podobne efekty zaobserwowano u zwierząt, które wcześniej otrzymały p-CPA. Nie stwierdzono zmian zawartości amin biogennych po podaniu DSP-4. Również CP 94253 oraz SB 216641 nie wpływały na stężenie amin biogennych i ich metabolitów w badanej strukturze mózgu. Po podaniu p-CPA (2 x 100 mg/kg ip) obserwowano spadek zawartości 5-HT oraz 5-HIAA w podwzgórzu u kontroli odpowiednio o 94.9% i 96.7%, natomiast w grupie DSP-4 o 92.5 % (5-HT) i 95.7 % (5-HIAA). Szybkość syntezy 5-HT nie różniła się pomiędzy kontrolą a grupą DSP-4, również CP 94253 4.0 mg/kg ip i/lub SB 216641 4.0 mg/kg ip pozostawały bez wpływu na badany parametr. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych eksperymentów stwierdzić należy, że w przeciwieństwie do naszych poprzednich badań, w których wykazaliśmy, że konsekwencją podania DSP-4 jest spadek zawartości NA w korze czołowej, hipokampie i prążkowiu, które wywołuje zjawisko desensytyzacji receptorów 5-HT1A i 5-HT1B (oceniane metodami behawioralnymi i biochemicznymi), w niniejszym doświadczeniu nie stwierdzono takich efektów. Powyższe przemawia za tym, iż zakończenia noradrenergiczne w podwzgórzu są znacznie bardziej oporne na neurotoksyczne działanie DSP-4 oraz, że dla rozwoju desensytyzacji receptorów 5-HT1B w określonej strukturze mózgu konieczny jest spadek zawartości NA w tej części mózgu. Innymi słowy głęboka dysfunkcja układu noradrenergicznego pod postacią zniszczenia zakończeń noradrenergicznych w korze czołowej, prążkowiu oraz hipokampie pozostaje bez wpływu na „status” receptorów 5-HT1B w podwzgórzu

    Neonatal DSP-4 Treatment Impairs 5-HT\u3csub\u3e1b\u3c/sub\u3e Receptor Reactivity in Adult Rats. Behavioral and Biochemical Studies

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    To examine the effect of a central noradrenergic lesion on the reactivity of the 5-HT1B receptor we compared intact male rats with rats in which noradrenergic nerve terminals were largely destroyed with the neurotoxin DSP-4 (50 mg/kg × 2, on the 1st and 3rd days of postnatal life). When rats attained 10 weeks of age, control and DSP-4 rats were divided into two subgroups receiving either saline or the serotonin (5-HT) synthesis inhibitor (p-chlorophenylalanine; p-CPA; 100 mg/kg). Employing an elevated plus maze test, we demonstrated that CP 94,253 (5-propoxy-3-(1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-4-pyridinyl)-1H-pyrrolo[3,2-b]pyridine hydrochloride)(4.0 mg/kg; 5-HT1B agonist) induced an anxiogenic-like action in control rats; however, it failed to elicit this effect in the DSP-4 group. Surprisingly, in p-CPApretreated rats anxiogenic-like activity was observed both in control and DSP-4 treated rats. CP 94,253 significantly attenuated 5-HT synthesis in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of control rats, and SB 216641 (N-{3-[3-(dimethylamino) ethoxy]-4-methoxyphenyl}-2\u27-methyl-4\u27-(5-methyl-1,2,4-oxadiazol-3-yl)-[1,1\u27-biphenyl]-4-carboxamide hydrochloride) (4.0 mg/kg; 5-HT1B antagonist) was able to antagonize this effect. Conversely, CP 94,253 failed to significantly inhibit the 5-HT synthesis rate in DSP-4-treated rats. In the microdialysis study CP 94,253 induced long-lasting attenuation of 5-HT release in the mPFC of control rats but had no effect in DSP-4 rats. These data lead to the proposal that presynaptic 5-HT1B autoreceptors underwent desensitization in DSP-4 treated rats

    Amphetamine and mCPP Effects on Dopamine and Serotonin Striatal in Vivo Microdialysates in an Animal Model of Hyperactivity

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    In the neonatally 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-lesioned rat hyperlocomotor activity, first described in the 1970s, was subsequently found to be increased by an additional lesion with 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) (i.c.v.) in adulthood. The latter animal model (i.e., 134 μg 6-OHDA at 3 d postbirth plus 75 μg 5,7-DHT at 10 weeks; desipramine pretreatments) was used in this study, in an attempt to attribute hyperlocomotor attenuation by D,L-amphet-amine sulfate (AMPH) and m-chlorophenylpi-perazine di HCl (mCPP), to specific changes in extraneuronal (i.e., in vivo microdialysate) levels of dopamine (DA) and/or serotonin (5-HT). Despite the 98-99% reduction in striatal tissue content of DA, the baseline striatal microdialysate level of DA was reduced by 50% or less at 14 weeks, versus the intact control group. When challenged with AMPH (0.5 mg/kg), the microdialysate level of DA went either unchanged or was slightly reduced over the next 180 min (i.e., 20 min sampling), while in the vehicle group and 5,7-DHT (alone) lesioned group, the microdialysate level was maximally elevated by ∼225% and ∼450%, respectively - and over a span of nearly 2 h. Acute challenge with mCPP (1 mg/kg salt form) had little effect on microdialysate levels of DA, DOPAC and 5-HT. Moreover, there was no consistent change in the microdialysate levels of DA, DOPAC, and 5-HT between intact, 5-HT-lesioned rats, and DA-lesioned rats which might reasonably account for an attenuation of hyperlocomotor activity. These findings indicate that there are other important neurochemical changes produced by AMPH-and mCPP-attenuated hyperlocomotor activity, or perhaps a different brain region or multiple brain regional effects are involved in AMPH and mCPP behavioral actions