13 research outputs found

    Test Bench Of The Barrel Calorimeter Modules

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    A systematic procedure to qualify the barrel calorimeter modules is an essential step to guarantee a 0.7% constant term, which is the collaboration objective. The procedure detailed in this note consists of quality monitoring during mechanical assembling and of a set of electrical tests such as electrical continuity, cell and cross-talk capacitance measurement, and high-voltage behaviour. For the whole test, it has been necessary to develop dedicated electronic boards, to develop measurement methods, and the whole operation software. Making the procedure automatic will guarantee the quality of each module during assembling, cabling, and test in liquid argon

    Certifying procedures for lead tungstate crystal parameters during mass production for the CMS ECAL

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    Certifying procedures and fully automated equipment for testing of Pb WO/sub 4/ (PWO) scintillators have been developed. The parameters to be verified are the optical transmission spectra in the longitudinal and transversal 9directions;thelightyieldanditsnon−uniformityalongthecrystal;thescintillationkinetics;theradiationhardnessandthedimensions.Boththeprecisionofmeasurementsandtheoutputratemeetthestringentrequirementsof9 directions; the light yield and its non-uniformity along the crystal; the scintillation kinetics; the radiation hardness and the dimensions. Both the precision of measurements and the output rate meet the stringent requirements of 9 the mass production stage of PWO scintillating elements for the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter at CERN (full characterization of several tens of crystals per day for five years). This is achieved by a) the implementation of a 9‘start−stopâ€Čtechniquewithhighcountratecapabilityforscintillationdecaymeasurement;b)thedevelopmentofspecialcompactfastscanningspectrophotometers;c)theapplicationofamulti−axismovementsystemforcrystaland9 `start- stop' technique with high count rate capability for scintillation decay measurement; b) the development of special compact fast scanning spectrophotometers; c) the application of a multi-axis movement system for crystal and 9 spectrometers; d) the use of a standard programmable 3D machine for precise dimension measurement. Specific methods and an experimental set-up have also been developed for checking of radiation hardness on a sampling basis. (14 $9 refs)

    Acquisition system for the hodoscope spectrometer GAMS-4000

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    A data acquisition system with high amplitude resolution (12 bits), high speed conversion (clock frequency 50 MHz), used in an experiment with a large number of counters (∌ 4200) is described. Physical quantities (masses and momentum transfer) are computed during data transmission itself, allowing improved trigger selectivity. © 1985.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe