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    The aim of the study – the improvement of medical students’ independent work arrangement using interactive methods of pedagogy.The main body. The technique of medical students’ independent work innovative way of arrangement during Immunology course study is covered in the article. Case method and press method application methodology, their capacity and advantages are specified. The features of case problems development, classification and types of case demonstration are represented in the article; the issue of interactivity and motivation for the use of these methods during teaching medical students is covered.Conclusion: interactive methods of individual work arrangement are an alternative to traditional seminars classes effective mode of study, which improve retention of new material by students.  Мета роботи – вдосконалення організації самостійної роботи студентів медичного факультету з використанням інтерактивних методів педагогіки.Основна частина. У даній статті розглядається методика інноваційного способу організації самостійної роботи студентів медичного факультету під час вивчення курсу імунології. Детально описано методику застосування кейс-методу, прес-методу, їх можливості та переваги. У статті показано особливості побудови ситуаційних завдань, класифікацію і види демонстрації кейсів, висвітлена проблема інтерактивності та доцільності використання даних методів під час навчання студентів-медиків.Висновок. Інтерактивні методи організації самостійної роботи є альтернативними до традиційних семінарських занять ефективними формами навчання, що покращують успішність засвоєння нового матеріалу студентами

    Comparison of methods for diagnosing sarcopenia in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Background. Sarcopenia in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) occurs in connection with the chronic inflammatory process, hormonal therapy, and limitation of physical activity due to pain syndrome. For RA patients, it is important to preserve muscle mass and function to reduce the risk of disability and improve quality of life. The research purposed to assess muscle mass and function in RA patients with a comparison of me­thods for determining skeletal muscle mass recommended by ­EWCSOP2. ­Materials and methods. A total of 44 persons were exa­mined, 32 were patients with RA, and 12 ones were healthy persons (the control group). The following methods were used in the study: the SARC-F questionnaire, the determination of the appendicular mass of skeletal muscles using dual-photon X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), the percentage of muscle and fat tissue using bioimpe­dancemetry, the determination of the cross-sectional area of the lumbar muscle using computer tomography (CT), physical performance tests. Patients with RA were divided into 3 groups: group A (11 persons) — questionnaire (SARC-F), assessment of skeletal muscle strength and determination of muscle mass using DXA was performed; group B (11 patients) — questionnaire (SARC-F), assessment of skeletal muscle strength and determination of muscle mass using bioimpedancemetry; group C (10 persons) — questionnaire (SARC-F), assessment of skeletal muscle strength and determination of muscle mass using CT. Results. All indices of physical performance tests and instrumental methods of assessing muscle mass were significantly worse in patients with RA compared to the control group. Sarcopenia was diagnosed in 50 % of patients with RA, 6 cases in group A (the average value of appendicular lean mass was 15.7 kg in them, in the control group — 21 kg), 5 in group B (the average values of the proportion of muscle mass were 21.2 compared to 29.3 % in the control group) and 5 in group C (the average percentage of muscle mass was 49.46 %, in the control group 58.32 %). ­Conclusions. Each of the methods of assessing the mass of skeletal muscles has proven its ability in the diagnosis of sarcopenia. Improving the efficiency of diagnosing sarcopenia in patients with RA will improve the response to the treatment of the underlying disease and improve the quality of life of patients