3 research outputs found

    Two-Time Procedure for Calculation of Carrier Frequency of Phasomodulated in Communication Systems

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    The use in radio communication systems of phase modulation of a signal intended for the transmission of useful information in a continuous mode creates the problem of frequency uncertainty of the received signal by frequency.In practice, it is not possible to implement frequency estimation in the conditions of chat uncertainty of the signal in the channel with low energy of the signal received in the continuous mode. Therefore, the estimation of the carrier frequency offset of the signal received relative to the nominal value is carried out before other synchronization procedures are included, namely: phase synchronization and clock synchronization. The paper generalizes the procedure and forms a two-step procedure for calculating the carrier frequency of the phase-modulated signal of a radio communication system for data transmission in a continuous mode, taking into account the condition of uncertainty of all signal parameters. Achieving the minimum observation interval in the given order of calculation of the carrier frequency is ensured by the use of the fast Fourier transform function. In order to analyze the effectiveness of this procedure, the process of estimating the carrier frequency of the phase-modulated signal of the radio communication system during data transmission in continuous mode and functional dependences of the maximum frequency in the signal spectrum and the minimum variance of carrier frequency estimation. This procedure allows a two-stage assessment of the carrier frequency according to the rule of maximum likelihood, taking into account the condition of uncertainty of all parameters of the signal received by the satellite communication system in a continuous mode with a minimum observation interval. Achieving the minimum observation interval in the given order of carrier frequency estimation is ensured by using the fast Fourier transform function and two estimation steps. The analysis of the efficiency of the estimation of the specified order was carried out on the basis of comparison of a ratio of the received minimum variance of an estimation of a carrier frequency and theoretically possible border of the minimum variance


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    The article proposes the improved method of spectral analysis of radio signals. The improvement is achieved due to the use of special operators in the signal conversion process. This allows you to distinguish the signal accurately and to determine its characteristics at the background of many airspace obstacles. The obtained graphical results fully confirm the advantages of the proposed method. The simulation results proved the advantage of the improved method of spectral analysis of radio signals; the advantage is achieved through the usage summing matrix functions in the process of signals conversion. The proposed improved method increases the accuracy of signals detection of secretly obtaining information means by 12%.W artykule zaproponowano udoskonalon膮 metod臋 analizy widmowej sygna艂贸w radiowych. Popraw臋 osi膮ga si臋 dzi臋ki zastosowaniu specjalnych operator贸w w procesie konwersji sygna艂u. Pozwala to na dok艂adne rozr贸偶nienie sygna艂u i okre艣lenie jego charakterystyki na tle wielu przeszk贸d w przestrzeni powietrznej. Uzyskane wyniki graficzne w pe艂ni potwierdzaj膮 zalety proponowanej metody. Wyniki symulacji wykaza艂y przewag臋 udoskonalonej metody analizy widmowej sygna艂贸w radiowych; zalet臋 uzyskuje si臋 poprzez wykorzystanie funkcji macierzy sumuj膮cej w procesie konwersji sygna艂贸w. Zaproponowana udoskonalona metoda zwi臋ksza o 12% dok艂adno艣膰 wykrywania sygna艂贸w tajnego pozyskiwania informacji

    Psycho-pedagogical training as a mean of forming the occupational stress resistance of future teachers

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    Peculiarities of psycho-pedagogical training, and its role in the preparation of the future teachers for the preservation and strengthening of occupational health, formation of their professional stress resistance, and harmonization of personality are revealed in the article. Activity of the training group was described, aimed at: formation of skills of productive interaction and constructive overcoming of professional difficulties, formation of strategies of protection against stress, teaching of methods and techniques of self-regulation, formation of sanogenic thinking. Dynamics of psychological indicators of the occupational health of future teachers, who took part in the work of psycho-pedagogical training, was checked. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results of diagnostics (research of responses, selfreports of participants of training about their state of health, change of way of life or thinking, ways of interaction with others) was carried out. The effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical training as a means of forming professional stress resistance of future teachers has been proved