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    Teoretična izhodišča in namen: Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela in predstavlja agresijo, pojavnost in vpliv le te na zaposlene v psihiatrični zdravstveni negi. Delo zaposlenih na psihiatričnem področju zahteva, da se z agresijo spoprijemamo brez pomoči varnostnih služb, zato je zelo pomembno, da poznamo vse dejavnike tveganja za nastanek in porast agresije pri pacientu z duševno motnjo, zato smo v diplomskem delu dali velik poudarek pri poznavanju dejavnikov tveganja in evalvaciji agresivnega vedenja. Zanimalo nas je tudi v kolikšni meri se pojavlja agresija s strani pacientov na zaposlene v psihiatrični zdravstveni negi in kako nanje vpliva. Raziskovalne metode: Pri raziskovanju smo uporabili kvantitativno metodo dela. V raziskovanje smo vključili 50 članov negovalnega tima iz področja psihiatrične zdravstvene nege iz dveh različnih psihiatričnih ustanov. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da anketiranci opažajo večjo pojavnost agresije s strani pacientov v vseh oblikah na zaprtih oddelkih kot na odprtih oddelkih ustanov, kar lahko dokažemo s potrjeno hipotezo. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali tudi, da agresija s strani pacientov ima vpliv na zaposlene v psihiatrični zdravstveni negi. Sklep: Zdravstvenim delavcem agresija s strani pacientov predstavlja veliko grožnjo, prav zaradi velike pojavnosti le te, kar je razvidno iz več raziskav. Zaradi tega je izjemno pomembno poznavanje dejavnikov tveganja za agresivno vedenje in pravilno ukrepanje ob le tem.Theoretical baseline and purpose: The thesis consists of theoretical and empirical work and introduces aggression, incidence and its impact on employees in psychiatric nursing. The work of employees in the psychiatric field demands facing aggression without the help of security services. Therefore it is very important to be familiar with risk factors for the emergence and increase of aggression with a patient with a mental disorder. Thus our thesis emphasises knowledge of risk factors and evaluation of aggressive behavior. We are also interested in the extent of aggression from patients towards staff in psychiatric nursing and how it affects them. Research methods: Quantitative manner of work was being used for research. 50 members of the nursing team in the field of psychiatric nursing were involved. They were from two different psychiatric institutions. Results: The results have shown that respondents experienced a higher incidence of aggression by patients in both closed wards as in open sections of psychiatric institutions, which can be proved with a confirmed hypothesis. The survey results also showed that aggression by patients has an impact on employees in psychiatric nursing. Conclusion: For medical staff, patient\u27s aggresion presents a major threat, mainly because of the large incidence. Several studies shows that the incidence is high. For this reason, it is extremely important to be familiar with risk factors for aggressive behavior and proper response to aggressive behavior from patients