33 research outputs found

    Positioner and the procedure for measuring spatial characteristics

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    The present work focuses on the solution of management of measuring spatial characteristics of security detectors using a positioner, a precision manipulator. It deals with program management software in LabView. Graphical programming with subroutines, which are described as virtual instruments, is used. There are published results of measurements of the spatial characteristics of the PIR detector, where it is preferably used as the measuring station.Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic [LO1303 (MSMT-7778/2014)]; European Regional Development Fund under the project CEBIA-Tech [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0089]; Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava; Grant agency APVV [APVV-15-0164]; agency KEGA [KEGA 039STU-4/2017

    Simulation of the PIR detector active function

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    The work deals with the behaviour of the PIR detector in an environment with great influence of a thermal background. It was necessary to perform simulations of the thermal behaviour of the sensor by COMSOL Multiphysics in different modes of heating the room to be able to prove that the PIR detector can function as an active detector with improved detection possibilities of intruders who would be invisible to a detector under normal circumstances. This confirms the detector's ability to work on the principle of active detector, i.e. as transmitter and receiver of thermal radiation and evaluation of heat flux changes depending on the type of the heater and the shrouding.Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic within the National Sustainability Programme [LO1303 (MSMT-7778/2014)]; European Regional Development Fund under the project CEBIA-Tech [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0089]ERDF, European Regional Development Fund; MOE, Ministry of Educatio

    Measuring robot kinematics description and its workspace

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    Text deals with 6 degree of freedom measuring robot kinematics description enabling manipulation with measuring effector in 3D space. Mentioned description flowing from Denavit-Hartenberg notation for serial ordering of ideally stiff bodies connected by kinematic pairs, makes possible to create complete set of transformation matrices for coordinates transformation from distal to the adjoining proximal Cartesian coordinate system, which enables to calculate the coordinates of arbitrary structure point by means of joints' coordinates. Thenceforth it makes possible to determine standby and available robot workplace and mainly to perform the analysis of one fundamental control system problem of such robots-i. e. solving inverse kinematic problem. © 2016 The Authors, published by EDP Sciences

    Optimization of suspensions filtration with compressible cake

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    In this paper there is described filtering process for separating reaction mixture after enzymatic hydrolysis to process the chromium tanning waste. Filtration of this mixture is very complicated because it is case of mixture filtration with compressible cake. Successful process strongly depends on mathematical describing of filtration, calculating optimal values of pressure difference, specific resistant of filtration cake and temperature maintenance which is connected with viscosity change. The mathematic model of filtr ation with compressible cake we verified in laboratory conditions on special filtration device developed on our department.Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic within the National Sustainability Programme [LO1303 (MSMT-7778/2014)]; European Regional Development Fund under the project CEBIA-Tech [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0089]ERDF, European Regional Development Fund; MOE, Ministry of Educatio

    Mathematic model of heat transport in materials during cutting process

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    Printed circuit boards (PCBs) that represent a significant part of electronic waste are potential sources of material and energy. In the paper we focused on study of a cutting as an alternative method of conductive ways separating from plastic board as one of stages of the printed circuit board recycling procedure. High velocity of cutting belt is connected with enormous heat production. Due to the generation of high temperatures may lead to caking of separated components of metal and plastic materials. For this reason we formulated mathematic model of the cutting process and on the base we can determine of temperature fields in PCB materials during cutting. Of courses of them we can calculate the heat intensity and consequently the critical velocity of cut ting belt without damage of PCB materials

    Trends in fire alarm systems

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    Kapitola pojednává o současných požárních systémech, jejich vývoji a nejnovějších prvcích, používaných pro detekci požárů.Chapter discusses the current fire systems, their development and the latest components, used to detect fires.

    Additional and operated equipment of fire system

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    Doplňující a ovládaná zařízení významnou měrou rozšiřují funkce systému EPS v protipožární systému budov. Mezi nejčastěji používaná doplňující zařízení patří obslužné pole požární ochrany, klíčový trezor požární ochrany a zařízení dálkového přenosu.Additional operated equipment significantly extend the functionality of fire systems in the fire protection of building. The most commonly used complementary facilities include utilities field of fire protection, fire protection key safe and automatic transmission.

    X-rays for security inspections

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    Kapitola se zabývá základními fyzikálními principy zdrojů rentgenového záření, jejich využitím v bezpečnostních rentgenech, způsoby zpracování výstupních obrazů a použitím v různých bezpečnostních aplikacích.The chapter focuses on the basic physical principles X-ray sources, their use in security X-rays, methods of processing and output images using various security applications.


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