631 research outputs found

    A density theorem for parameterized differential Galois theory

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    We study parameterized linear differential equations with coefficients depending meromorphically upon the parameters. As a main result, analogously to the unparameterized density theorem of Ramis, we show that the parameterized monodromy, the parameterized exponential torus and the parameterized Stokes operators are topological generators in Kolchin topology, for the parameterized differential Galois group introduced by Cassidy and Singer. We prove an analogous result for the global parameterized differential Galois group, which generalizes a result by Mitschi and Singer. These authors give also a necessary condition on a group for being a global parameterized differential Galois group; as a corollary of the density theorem, we prove that their condition is also sufficient. As an application, we give a characterization of completely integrable equations, and we give a partial answer to a question of Sibuya about the transcendence properties of a given Stokes matrix. Moreover, using a parameterized Hukuhara-Turrittin theorem, we show that the Galois group descends to a smaller field, whose field of constants is not differentially closed.Comment: To appear in Pacific Journal of Mathematic

    Real difference Galois theory

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    In this paper, we develop a difference Galois theory in the setting of real fields. After proving the existence and uniqueness of the real Picard-Vessiot extension, we define the real difference Galois group and prove a Galois correspondence.Comment: Final versio

    Confluence of meromorphic solutions of q-difference equations

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    In this paper, we consider a q-analogue of the Borel-Laplace summation where q>1 is a real parameter. In particular, we show that the Borel-Laplace summation of a divergent power series solution of a linear differential equation can be uniformly approximated on a convenient sector, by a meromorphic solution of a corresponding family of linear q-difference equations. We perform the computations for the basic hypergeometric series. Following J. Sauloy, we prove how a fundamental set of solutions of a linear differential equation can be uniformly approximated on a convenient domain by a fundamental set of solutions of a corresponding family of linear q-difference equations. This leads us to the approximations of Stokes matrices and monodromy matrices of the linear differential equation by matrices with entries that are invariants by the multiplication by q

    Differential transcendence criteria for second-order linear difference equations and elliptic hypergeometric functions

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    We develop general criteria that ensure that any non-zero solution of a given second-order difference equation is differentially transcendental, which apply uniformly in particular cases of interest, such as shift difference equations, q-dilation difference equations, Mahler difference equations, and elliptic difference equations. These criteria are obtained as an application of differential Galois theory for difference equations. We apply our criteria to prove a new result to the effect that most elliptic hypergeometric functions are differentially transcendental

    Differential algebraic generating series of weighted walks in the quarter plane

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    In the present paper we study the nature of the trivariate generating series of weighted walks in the quarter plane. Combining the results of this paper to previous ones, we complete the proof of the following theorem. The series satisfies a nontrivial algebraic differential equation in one of its variable, if and only if it satisfies a nontrivial algebraic differential equation in each of its variables

    Computing the Galois group of some parameterized linear differential equation of order two

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    We extend Kovacic's algorithm to compute the differential Galois group of some second order parameterized linear differential equation. In the case where no Liouvillian solutions could be found, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the integrability of the system. We give various examples of computation.Comment: 14 pages, final version. To appear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Societ
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