179 research outputs found

    Can You Have Your Cake and Eat it Too? Impact of Grazing Cover Crops on Soil Properties

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    Does grazing of cover crops negate the soil health benefits of cover crops (CC)? A review of the literature was conducted to understand the soil impacts of grazing CC compared to a non-grazed CC control. Grazing CC did increase soil compaction in 50% of cases, but this increase was below the threshold that would be expected to impact root growth in most cases. It does appear that grazing under wet soils or high stocking rates can compact soil. Grazing did not affect wet aggregate stability in 83% of the studies. Soil carbon concentration was unaffected in 70% of the studies but resulted in a decrease in soil carbon in the remaining 30%. The effects on soil microbial biomass are mixed with 33% reporting no effect, 33% an increase and 33% a mixed effect. Grazing CC did not impact cash crop yields in 64%, increased yield in 7% and had mixed effects in 36% of the studies. There does appear to be an opportunity for crop producers to increase revenue from crop acres by incorporating grazing while capturing soil benefits of CC. However, more research is needed to better understand the key variables which interact to better predict and manage the soil impacts of grazing CC

    Effect of Injectable Trace Mineral on Reproductive Performance in Beef Heifers

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    Trace minerals serve an essential role in regulating reproduction. Free-choice trace mineral supplementation is often provided to grazing beef cattle. An injectable trace-mineral solution used with free-choice trace minerals may be beneficial before breeding to improve mineral status. Therefore, Red Angus-based, May-born heifers were utilized to determine the effects of an injectable trace mineral on reproductive performance. Pregnancy rates did not differ between heifers injected with a trace mineral and heifers that received no injection. Injectable trace mineral at CIDR insertion 33 d before artificial insemination did not influence reproductive performance in heifers with adequate trace mineral status

    Effect of Injectable Trace Mineral on Reproductive Performance in Beef Heifers

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    Trace minerals serve an essential role in regulating reproduction. Free-choice trace mineral supplementation is often provided to grazing beef cattle. An injectable trace-mineral solution used with free-choice trace minerals may be beneficial before breeding to improve mineral status. Therefore, Red Angus-based, May-born heifers were utilized to determine the effects of an injectable trace mineral on reproductive performance. Pregnancy rates did not differ between heifers injected with a trace mineral and heifers that received no injection. Injectable trace mineral at CIDR insertion 33 d before artificial insemination did not influence reproductive performance in heifers with adequate trace mineral status

    The Feeding Value of Heat Damaged Soybeans in Cattle Diets

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    Heat damaged grain, if not completely destroyed by fire, takes on a roasted appearance ranging from a slight brownish tint to black. This grain can be salvaged and used in cattle rations. The color can be used to determine relative digestibility and subsequent available energy in the diets of cattle

    Effect of Long- Term Corn Residue Grazing on Soil Properties

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    An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of long- term (16 years) corn residue grazing with cattle on soil compaction, soil structure, soil organic matter, and nutrients. Three treatments: 1) fall grazing (November through January; 1.8 to 2.5 AUM/ac), 2) spring grazing (February to middle April; 2.3 to 3.1 AUM/ac), and 3) control (no grazing) under a no- till irrigated corn- soybean system in eastern Nebraska were studied. Crop yields were increased and soil bulk density and cone index (parameters of soil compaction), wet soil aggregate stability (parameter of soil structural quality), and organic matter content were not affected by grazing during the fall. Spring grazing slightly increased crop yields while wet soil aggregate stability, bulk density, and organic matter content were unaffected. During spring grazing, only cone index was increased, but not above threshold levels. Crop residue grazing in the fall has no effect on soil and any effect from spring grazing is biologically unimportant

    Multidisciplinary Research and Extension Team Evolution: Processes, Outcomes, and Strategies

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    Team-based research is not an innovative concept; however, the current models of team research are based principally on self-formed teams with a defined duration. Current trends seem to point toward the development of administratively designed multidisciplinary teams. Although this seems logical, minimal guidelines exist to aid in team development or evaluate team outcomes. Critical processes in a team-based research atmosphere have not been identified, much less described, and strategies for successful implementation have not been proposed. The strength of this approach can be summarized as a unified focus during the course of problem definition and solution. Many trade-offs and obstacles are apparent with a broadbased focus. Chief obstacles and barriers include sustaining the balance between remaining small in size and focused on a problem while fitting into the departmental culture. Internal administrative support is mandatory for building a successful multidisciplinary research team. The required interdependence of multidisciplinary team research requires administrators, as well as peers, to recognize the positive value of each contribution

    Effect of Delaying the Feeding of High Sulfur until After Adaptation to a Finishing Diet

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    Sulfur (S) intake does not appear to be the only factor contributing to the likelihood of S-induced polioencephalomalacia (PEM). Cattle appear to be more susceptible during the early part of the finishing period. In this study, increasing S inclusion after the first 30 d of finishing resulted in lower peak hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentrations compared with feeding the same level of S earlier in the finishing period. Therefore, waiting to include high levels of ethanol co-products until after the first 30 d of finishing may decrease the likelihood of S toxicity

    Winter Growth Rate and Timing of Marketing on Economics of Yearling Systems

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    Economic analyses were conducted examining 18 years of Nebraska monthly- average auction data to ! nd the e ects of certain management decisions on the pro! tability of yearling production systems. A 2×2 experimental design was used to examine four possible scenarios. evariableswereeitherfastwintergrowth(dailygain,2.0lb/day)orslowwintergrowth(dailygain,0.8lb/day),andeitheraSeptemberoraJulymarketingdate.Inadditiontopro!tability,riskmanagementwasalsoexaminedinthisstudy.Averagepro!tabilityofallscenarioswasgood,rangingfrom e variables were either fast winter growth (daily gain, 2.0 lb/ day) or slow winter growth (daily gain, 0.8 lb/day), and either a September or a July marketing date. In addition to pro! tability, risk management was also examined in this study. Average pro! tability of all scenarios was good, ranging from 112 to $143 per calf. Utilizing fast winter growth combined with marketing steers in September was the most pro! table scenario

    Estimating a Fair Value for Standing Forage

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    Several things need to be considered when deciding what value to place on standing forage. Forage prices reflect current inventories, demand, expected current season production and associated yield risk, and quality characteristics. Standing forage can be harvested in a number of different ways which need to be considered when pricing it. Below, we provide a few general thoughts and questions concerning harvesting method and comparable feed value to consider when pricing standing forage. We follow with a few examples illustrating pricing calculations for forage mechanically harvested as hay, haylage, and silage. We close with pricing considerations for forage harvested by grazing

    The Value of Grazed Corn Residue for Crop and Cattle Producers

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    The Western Corn Belt has historically been corn and wheat cropping systems with cattle integrated on nearby grasslands. Recent agricultural production data ranked Nebraska, South Dakota, Kansas, and North Dakota in the top 10 states for both corn and beef cattle production in the United States. In 2017, these four states had about 20% of the beef cow inventory in the United States with Nebraska alone having 1.9 million beef cows (USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, 2018). Forage-based livestock production is a fundamental component of these agricultural economies. However, a large quantity of grasslands in this region were converted into annual crops during the mid-2000s (Wright and Wimberly, 2013). To maintain the efciencies of beef cattle production systems, synergistic use of forage resources in a sustainable manner is essential. In addition to grasslands, this includes the complementary use of corn residue for grazing during the winter months. In this article, we provide an economic assessment of current corn residue grazing in Nebraska as well as some comparisons to Kansas, South Dakota, and North Dakota
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