429 research outputs found

    Nauczanie oparte o wymagania kompetencyjne w naukach o komunikacji i jej zaburzeniach: propozycja nowego programu studiów

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    The aim of this paper is to describe the most relevant aspects of a competency-based curriculum in communication sciences and disorders education. Competences to be developed are associated to cognitive, technical, relational, affective, integrative and contextual dimensions. The new curriculum has duration of five years with 49% of the work-load assigned to supervised practice. This way, expected learning outcomes by the end of the first year involve the students knowing what they learned about the basic sciences of the area. By the end of the second year, the students should know what they learned about specific areas of the field. By the end of the third year, the students should know how to use what they learned. At the end of the fourth year, the students should be able to demonstrate how to use what they learned. Finally, at the end of the program, the students should perform professional activities with expertise, ethics and critical thinking. To sum up, the new curriculum proposed provides the student with general and specific knowledge about communication sciences and disorders and different scenarios of supervised practice. Its main objective is to develop the adequate competencies to professional practice.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie najbardziej istotnych aspektów nauczania opartego o wymogi kompetencyjne w naukach o ludzkiej komunikacji i edukacji specjalnej. Opracowano wymogi kompetencyjne w związku z uwarunkowaniami poznawczymi, technicznymi, relacyjnymi, emocjonalnymi i integracyjnymi pracy logopedy. Nowy program przewiduje okres 5 lat studiów z 49-procentowym udziałem nadzorowanej praktyki. W ten sposób, już przed końcem I roku studiów, studenci zaangażowani w pracę zdobywają wiedzę o podstawowych naukach wykorzystywanych na polu logopedii. Pod koniec II roku studenci powinni mieć bardziej szczegółową wiedzę o konkretnych obszarach tej dyscypliny. Pod koniec III roku powinni wiedzieć, jak wykorzystać to, czego się nauczyli. Pod koniec IV roku powinni być w stanie wykazać, jak korzystać z tego, co się nauczyli. Wreszcie, pod koniec programu, uczniowie powinni wykonywać czynności zawodowe z doświadczeniem, etyką i wykorzystaniem krytycznego myślenia. W podsumowaniu należy stwierdzić, że nowy program nauczania proponuje dostarczenie studentowi ogólnej i szczegółowej wiedzy na temat nauk o komunikacji i jej zaburzeniach oraz różnych rodzajach nadzorowanej praktyki. Jego głównym celem jest rozwijanie odpowiednich umiejętności, koniecznych do wykonywania praktyki zawodowej

    Cross-Basin Comparison of Phosphorus Stress and Nitrogen Fixation in Trichodesmium

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    We investigated the phosphorus (P) status and N2 fixation rates of Trichodesmium populations from the North Pacific, western South Pacific, and western North Atlantic. Colonies of Trichodesmium were collected and analyzed for endogenous alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity using enzyme-labeled fluorescence ( ELF) and for nitrogenase activity using acetylene reduction. AP hydrolyzes dissolved inorganic phosphate (DIP) from dissolved organic phosphorus and is active in Trichodesmium colonies experiencing P stress. Across multiple stations in the subtropical North and South Pacific, there was low to moderate ELF labeling in Trichodesmium, although labeling was present in other taxa. In contrast, Trichodesmium ELF labeling in the North Atlantic ranged from low to high. Low ELF labeling corresponded with high DIP concentrations while high ELF labeling occurred only at North Atlantic stations with DIP concentrations \u3c = 40 nmol L-1, indicating that Trichodesmium was not experiencing dramatic P stress in the Pacific Ocean while P stress was evident in the western North Atlantic. However, nitrogenase activity was significantly higher in the P-stressed western North Atlantic than in the Pacific Ocean (0.40-1.30 compared to 0.01-0.46 nmol C2H4 h-1 colony-1. These data underscore the differential basin-level importance of P availability to Trichodesmium and suggest that factors other than P are constraining their N2 fixation rates in the Pacific

    Potential Interactions Between Diatoms and Bacteria are Shaped by Trace Element Gradients in the Southern Ocean

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    The growth of diatoms in the Southern Ocean, especially the region surrounding the West Antarctic Peninsula, is frequently constrained by low dissolved iron and other trace metal concentrations. This challenge may be overcome by mutualisms between diatoms and co-occurring associated bacteria, in which diatoms produce organic carbon as a substrate for bacterial growth, and bacteria produce siderophores, metal-binding ligands that can supply diatoms with metals upon uptake as well as other useful secondary compounds for diatom growth like vitamins. To examine the relationships between diatoms and bacteria in the plankton (diatom) size class (\u3e 3 mu m), we sampled both bacterial and diatom community composition with accompanying environmental metadata across a naturally occurring concentration gradient of macronutrients, trace metals and siderophores at 21 stations near the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). Offshore Drake Passage stations had low dissolved iron (0.33 ± 0.15 nM), while the stations closer to the continental margin had higher dissolved iron (5.05 ± 1.83 nM). A similar geographic pattern was observed for macronutrients and most other trace metals measured, but there was not a clear inshore-offshore gradient in siderophore concentrations. The diatom and bacteria assemblages, determined using 18S and 16S rDNA sequencing respectively, were similar by location sampled, and variance in both assemblages was driven in part by concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorous, dissolved manganese, and dissolved copper, which were all higher near the continent. Some of the most common diatom sequence types observed were Thalassiosira and Fragilariopsis, and bacteria in the plankton size fraction were most commonly Bacteroidetes and Gammaproteobacteria. Network analysis showed positive associations between diatoms and bacteria, indicating possible in situ mutualisms through strategies such as siderophore and vitamin biosynthesis and exchange. This work furthers the understanding of how naturally occurring gradients of metals and nutrients influence diatom-bacteria interactions. Our data suggest that distinct groups of diatoms and associated bacteria are interacting under different trace metal regimes in the WAP, and that diatoms with different bacterial partners may have different modes of biologically supplied trace metals

    Interactions of Bioactive Trace Metals in Shipboard Southern Ocean Incubation Experiments

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    In the Southern Ocean, it is well‐known that iron (Fe) limits phytoplankton growth. Yet, other trace metals can also affect phytoplankton physiology. This study investigated feedbacks between phytoplankton growth and dissolved Fe, manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and cadmium (Cd) concentrations in Southern Ocean shipboard incubations. Three experiments were conducted in September–October 2016 near the West Antarctic Peninsula: Incubations 1 and 3 offshore in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, and Incubation 2 inshore in Bransfield Strait. Additions of Fe and/or vitamin B12 to inshore and offshore waters were employed and allowed assessment of metal (M) uptake relative to soluble reactive phosphorus (P) across a wide range of initial conditions. Offshore, treatments of \u3e1 nmol L−1 added Fe were Fe‐replete, whereas inshore waters were already Fe‐replete. Results suggest Mn was a secondary limiting nutrient inshore and offshore. No Fe‐vitamin B12 colimitation was observed. Overall, M:P uptake in the incubations was closely related to initial dissolved M:P for Fe, Mn, Co, Ni, and Cd, and for Cu inshore. Final concentrations of Fe and Zn were similar across light treatments of the experiments despite very different phytoplankton responses, and we observed evidence for Co/Cd/Zn substitution and for recycling of biogenic metals as inventories plateaued. In dark bottles, the absence of Mn oxidation may have allowed more efficient recycling of Fe and other trace metals. Our results provide insight into factors governing trace metal uptake, with implications for phytoplankton community composition locally and preformed micronutrient bioavailability in Southern Ocean water masses

    Examining Ecological Succession of Diatoms in California Current System Cyclonic Mesoscale Eddies

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    The California Current System is a diatom-dominated region characterized by seasonal coastal upwelling and additional elevated mesoscale activity. Cyclonic mesoscale eddies in the region trap productive coastal waters with their planktonic communities and transport them offshore with limited interaction with surrounding waters, effectively acting as natural mesocosms, where phytoplankton populations undergo ecological succession as eddies age. This study examines diatom community composition within two mesoscale cyclonic eddies that formed in the same region of the California Current System 2 months apart and in the California Current waters surrounding them. The diatom communities were analyzed in the context of shifting environmental gradients and through a lens of community succession to expand our understanding of biophysical interactions in California Current System cyclonic eddies. Diatom communities within each eddy were different from non-eddy communities and varied in concert with salinity and dissolved iron (Fe) concentrations. The younger, nearshore eddy displayed higher macronutrient and dissolved Fe concentrations, had higher values for diatom Shannon diversity and evenness, and had nutrient ratios indicative of either eventual silicic acid (Si) or Fe limitation or possibly co-limitation. The older, offshore eddy displayed low macronutrient and dissolved Fe concentrations, was likely nitrate-limited, and had lower diatom Shannon diversity and evenness indices. Sequences from the genus Rhizosolenia, some of which form vertically migrating mats to bypass nitrate limitation, dominated in the older eddy. This is of potential significance as the prevalence of Rhizosolenia mats could impact estimates of carbon cycling and export in the wider California coastal area

    Patterns of Diatom Diversity Correlate With Dissolved Trace Metal Concentrations and Longitudinal Position in the Notheast Pacific Coastal Offshore Transition Zone

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    Diatoms are important primary producers in the northeast Pacific Ocean, with their productivity closely linked to pulses of trace elements in the western high nitrate, low chlorophyll (HNLC) region of the oceanographic time series transect \u27Line P.\u27 Recently, the coastal-HNLC transition zone of the Line P transect was identified as a hotspot of phytoplankton productivity, potentially controlled by a combination of trace element and macronutrient concentrations. Here we describe diatom community composition in the eastern Line P transect, including the coastal- HNLC transition zone, with a method using high-throughput sequencing of diatom 18S gene amplicons. We identified significant correlations between shifting diatom community composition and longitude combined with concentrations of dissolved copper and 2 other dissolved trace metals (dissolved Fe [dFe] and/or dissolved zinc) and/or a physical factor (salinity or density). None of these variables on its own was significantly correlated with shifts in community composition, and 3 of the factors (dFe, salinity, and density) correlated with one another. Longitude could incorporate multiple factors that may influence diatom communities, including distance from shore, proximity of sampling stations, and an integration of previous pulses of macro- and micro-nutrients. We also evaluated in situ Fe limitation of the diatom Thalassiosira oceanica using a quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction method, and found biological evidence of Fe stress in samples from the coastal-HNLC transition zone. Combined, our results support a prior hypothesis that dissolved trace metals as well as longitudinal distance may be important to diatom diversity in the coastal-HNLC transition zone of the Line P transect

    Etat de l'art des systèmes robotisés en vue d'une application pour la chirurgie otologique

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    International audienceThis article deals with a patents state-of-the-art linked to our robotic system which holds an endoscope. In a first part, we analyze how the endoscope operates as well as we discover the environment where we wish to use it: the middle ear. In a second step, we establish a state-of-the-art on patents existing in the robotic and surgical fields. The approach is based on a specific search methodology using keywords and classifications. Thanks to all the patents found, we gather them according their country and date of publication, and we are able to analyze the results. This study brings to light technical solutions invented in recent years and allows us to find an innovative research axis.L'objectif de cet article est la réalisation d'un état de l'art des brevets en lien avec la robotisation des porte-endoscopes utilisés en otologie. Dans une première partie, nous présentons les fonctions d'un endoscope ainsi que l'environnement dans lequel nous souhaitons l'utiliser : l'oreille moyenne. Dans un second temps, nous avons réalisé un état de l'art des brevets existant dans les domaines de la robotique et de la chirurgie otologique. Cette approche se base sur une méthodologie précise de recherche qui utilise soit des mots-clés, soit la classification des brevets. A partir de ce résultat, nous avons classifié les brevets en fonction de leurs pays de dépôt et de leur date de publication afin d'en faire une synthèse. Cette étude permet de connaître les solutions techniques introduites ces dernières années afin de guider notre démarche d'innovation

    Cultural Competence and the Education of CSD Professionals in Times of COVID-19

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    This manuscript aims to discuss the experiences and expectations regarding the cultural competence of Brazilian CSD students and the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Cultural awareness has been one of the competencies focused on by CSD programs in Brazil. However, travel and face-to-face contact with persons from different cultures and environments is just one of the possible ways of experiencing cultural awareness. The interruption of these opportunities due to the COVID-19 pandemic did not reduce the interest in learning and improving cultural abilities. It is possible to think about alternatives for embedding discussions and experiences regarding cultural sensitivity in students’ routine studies and practice

    Diatom hotspots driven by western boundary current instability

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2021. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 48(11), (2021): e2020GL091943, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL091943.Climatic changes have decreased the stability of the Gulf Stream (GS), increasing the frequency at which its meanders interact with the Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) continental shelf and slope region. These intrusions are thought to suppress biological productivity by transporting low-nutrient water to the otherwise productive shelf edge region. Here we present evidence of widespread, anomalously intense subsurface diatom hotspots in the MAB slope sea that likely resulted from a GS intrusion in July 2019. The hotspots (at ∼50 m) were associated with water mass properties characteristic of GS water (∼100 m); it is probable that the hotspots resulted from the upwelling of GS water during its transport into the slope sea, likely by a GS meander directly intruding onto the continental slope east of where the hotspots were observed. Further work is required to unravel how increasingly frequent direct GS intrusions could influence MAB marine ecosystems.This research was supported by the National Science Foundation (OCE-1657803 and OCE-1657855) and the Dalio Explorer Fund. H. Oliver was supported by a WHOI Postdoctoral Scholar award