1,760 research outputs found

    Structure and spatial distribution of Ge nanocrystals subjected to fast neutron irradiation

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    The influence of fast neutron irradiation on the structure and spatial distribution of Ge nanocrystals (NC) embedded in an amorphous SiO2 matrix has been studied. The investigation was conducted by means of laser Raman Scattering (RS), High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR-TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The irradiation of NC-Ge samples by a high dose of fast neutrons lead to a partial destruction of the nanocrystals. Full reconstruction of crystallinity was achieved after annealing the radiation damage at 800 deg. C, which resulted in full restoration of the RS spectrum. HR-TEM images show, however, that the spatial distributions of NC-Ge changed as a result of irradiation and annealing. A sharp decrease in NC distribution towards the SiO2 surface has been observed. This was accompanied by XPS detection of Ge oxides and elemental Ge within both the surface and subsurface region

    And the winner is: galaxy mass

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    The environment is known to affect the formation and evolution of galaxies considerably best visible through the well-known morphology-density relationship. We study the effect of environment on the evolution of early-type galaxies for a sample of 3,360 galaxies morphologically selected by visual inspection from the SDSS in the redshift range 0.05<z<0.06, and analyse luminosity-weighted age, metallicity, and alpha/Fe ratio as function of environment and galaxy mass. We find that on average 10 per cent of early-type galaxies are rejuvenated through minor recent star formation. This fraction increases with both decreasing galaxy mass and decreasing environmental density. However, the bulk of the population obeys a well-defined scaling of age, metallicity, and alpha/Fe ratio with galaxy mass that is independent of environment. Our results contribute to the growing evidence in the recent literature that galaxy mass is the major driver of galaxy formation. Even the morphology-density relationship may actually be mass-driven, as the consequence of an environment dependent characteristic galaxy mass coupled with the fact that late-type galaxy morphologies are more prevalent in low-mass galaxies.Comment: 5 pages, proceedings of JENAM 2010, Symposium 2: "Environment and the formation of galaxies: 30 years later

    An XMM and Chandra view of massive clusters of galaxies to z=1

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    The X-ray properties of a sample of high redshift (z>0.6), massive clusters observed with XMM-Newton and Chandra are described, including two exceptional systems. One, at z=0.89, has an X-ray temperature of T=11.5 (+1.1, -0.9) keV (the highest temperature of any cluster known at z>0.6), an estimated mass of (1.4+/-0.2)x10^15 solar masses and appears relaxed. The other, at z=0.83, has at least three sub-clumps, probably in the process of merging, and may also show signs of faint filamentary structure at large radii,observed in X-rays. In general there is a mix of X-ray morphologies, from those clusters which appear relaxed and containing little substructure to some highly non-virialized and probably merging systems. The X-ray gas metallicities and gas mass fractions of the relaxed systems are similar to those of low redshift clusters of the same temperature, suggesting that the gas was in place, and containing its metals, by z=0.8. The evolution of the mass-temperature relation may be consistent with no evolution or with the ``late formation'' assumption. The effect of point source contamination in the ROSAT survey from which these clusters were selected is estimated, and the implications for the ROSAT X-ray luminosity function discussed.Comment: 9 pages, in Carnegie Observatories Astrophysics Series, Vol. 3: Clusters of Galaxies: Probes of Cosmological Structure and Galaxy Evolution, ed. J. S. Mulchaey, A. Dressler, and A. Oemler. See http://www.ociw.edu/ociw/symposia/series/symposium3/proceedings.html for a full-resolution versio

    MOND and the lensing Fundamental Plane: No need for dark matter on galaxy scales

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    Bolton et al. (2007) have derived a mass-based fundamental plane using photometric and spectroscopic observations of 36 strong gravitational lenses. The lensing allows a direct determination of the mass-surface density and so avoids the usual dependence on mass-to-light ratio. We consider this same sample in the context of modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) and demonstrate that the observed mass-based fundamental plane coincides with the MOND fundamental plane determined previously for a set of high-order polytropic spheres chosen to match the observed range of effective radii and velocity dispersions in elliptical galaxies. Moreover, the observed projected mass within one-half an effective radius is consistent with the mass in visible stars plus a small additional component of ``phantom dark matter'' resulting from the MOND contribution to photon deflection.Comment: Minor revisions in response to referee. Revised title. Accepted in MNRA

    Adsorption interaction of carrier-free thallium species with gold and quartz surfaces

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    The adsorption interactions of thallium and its compounds with gold and quartz surfaces were investigated. Carrier-free amounts of thallium were produced in nuclear fusion reactions of alpha particles with thick gold targets. The method chosen for the studies was gas thermochromatography and varying the redox potential of the carrier gases. It was observed that thallium is extremely sensitive to trace amounts of oxygen and water, and can even be oxidized by the hydroxyl groups located on the quartz surface. The experiments on aquartz surface with O2, He, H2 gas in addition with water revealed the formation and deposition of only one thallium species - TlOH. The adsorption enthalpy was determined to be Δ HSiO2ads(TlOH) = −134±5kJ mol−1. Aseries of experiments using gold as stationary surface and different carrier gases resulted in the detection of two thallium species - metallic Tl (H2 as carrier gas) and TlOH (O2, O2+H2O and H2+H2O as pure carrier gas or carrier gas mixture) with Δ HAuads(Tl) = −270±10kJ mol− and Δ HAuads(TlOH) = −146±3kJ mol−1. These data demonstrate a weak interaction of TlOH with both quartz and gold surfaces. The data represent important information for the design of future experiments with the heavier homologue of Tl in group 13 of the periodic table - element 113 (E113

    Gas chromatography of indium in macroscopic and carrier-free amounts using quartz and gold as stationary phases

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    The chemical investigation of E113 is likely to become soon feasible. The determination of chemical properties of carrier-free amounts of the lighter homologues of element 113, especially indium and thallium, allows designing experimental set-ups and selecting experimental conditions suitable for performing these studies. Here, we present investigations of the interaction of indium species with quartz and gold surfaces. Deposition temperatures as well as enthalpies of adsorption were determined for indium Tdep=739±20°C (−ΔHads(In)=227±10kJ mol−1) and for indium hydroxide Tdep=250±20°C (−ΔHads(InOH)= 124±10kJ mol−1) respectively, on quartz. In case of adsorption of indium on a gold surface only a lower limit of the deposition temperature was established Tdep>980°C (−ΔHads(In)≄315±10kJ mol−1). Investigations of macroscopic amounts of indium in thermosublimation experiments at similar experimental conditions were instrumental to establish a tentative speciation of the observed indium specie

    The thermal release of scandium from titanium metal - a simple way to produce pure 44Sc for PET application

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    The radionuclide-generator based access to radiopharmaceutical isotopes represents a valuable alternative to directly produced isotopes at particle accelerators or nuclear reactors. The 44Ti based generator is of increasing interest for the delivery of PET-radiopharmaceutical isotopes used for imaging. The product of this generator 44Sc represents with its 3.97h half-life and 94.3% positron branching[1] a very promising candidate for labeling PET radiopharmaceuticals. The long half-life of 58.9±0.3y[2] of the 44Ti assures a constant and long lasting production of the daughter nuclide. Here we present a gas phase separation method of scandium from titanium via thermal release in vacuum. Titanium foils were irradiated with 40Ar to produce scandium in multi-nucleon transfer reactions. Another production reaction used was the irradiation of titanium by neutrons from the SINQ neutron source at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). The titanium metal foils containing 44mSc and 46Sc were heated up for time periods of 15 and 60min to temperatures between 900°C and 1500°C in vacuum. Thus, release properties of scandium from titanium under these conditions were studied. The released scandium was collected on tantalum foils and could be rinsed of with concentrated nitric acid resulting in carrier free scandium nitrate solutions. From the experimental results optimum release conditions are suggeste

    Nanojets, Electrospray, and Ion Field Evaporation: Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Laboratory Experiments

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    The energetics, interfacial properties, instabilities, and fragmentation patterns of electrosprays made from formamide salt solutions are investigated in a mass spectrometric vacuum electrospray experiment and using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The electrospray source is operated in a Taylor cone-jet mode, with the nanojet that forms being characterized by high surface-normal electric field strengths in the vicinity of 1 V/nm. Mass-to-charge ratios were determined for both positive and negative currents sprayed from NaI−formamide solutions with solute−solvent mole ratios of 1:8.4 and 1:36.9, and from KI−formamide solutions with mole ratios of 1:41 and 1:83. The molecular dynamics simulations were conducted on isolated 10 nm NaI−formamide droplets at mole ratios of 1:8 and 1:16. The droplet was subjected to a uniform electric field with strengths ranging between 0.5 and 1.5 V/nm. Both the experiments and simulations demonstrate a mixed charge emission regime where field-induced desorption of solvated ions and charged droplets occurs. The macroscopic parameters, such as average mass-to-charge ratio and maximum surface-normal field strengths deduced from the simulations are found to be in good agreement with the experimental work and consistent with electrohydrodynamic theory of cone-jets. The observed mass spectrometric Na+ and I− solvated ion distributions are consistent with a thermal evaporation process, and are correctly reproduced by the simulation after incorporation of the different flight times and unimolecular ion dissociation rates in the analysis. Alignment of formamide dipoles and field-induced reorganization of the positive and negative ionic charges in the interfacial region are both found to contribute to the surface-normal field near the points of charge emission. In the simulations the majority of cluster ions are found to be emitted from the tip of the jet rather than from the neck region next to the Taylor cone. This finding is consistent with the experimental energy distributions of the solvated ions which demonstrate that indeed most ions are emitted closer to the jet region, that is, beyond the cone-neck region where ohmic losses occur. This observation is also consistent with continuum electrohydrodynamic predictions of cluster-ion evaporation at surface regions of high curvature and therefore maximum surface electric field strengths, which may be the cone-neck region, the breakup region of the jet (usually near the tip of the jet), or the emitted charged droplets. In the nanoscale jets observed in this study, the regions of highest spatial curvature are at the ends of the jets where nascent drops either are forming or have just detached
