791 research outputs found

    Non-Fermi liquid behavior in nearly charge ordered layered metals

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    Non-Fermi liquid behavior is shown to occur in two-dimensional metals which are close to a charge ordering transition driven by the Coulomb repulsion. A linear temperature dependence of the scattering rate together with an increase of the electron effective mass occur above T*, a temperature scale much smaller than the Fermi temperature. It is shown that the anomalous temperature dependence of the optical conductivity of the quasi-two-dimensional organic metal alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2MHg(SCN)4, with M=NH4 and Rb, above T*=50-100 K, agrees qualitatively with our predictions for the electronic properties of nearly charge ordered two-dimensional metals.Comment: accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Optical properties of the iron-pnictide analog BaMn2As2

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    We have investigated the infrared and Raman optical properties of BaMn2As2 in the ab-plane and along the c-axis. The most prominent features in the infrared spectra are the Eu and A2u phonon modes which show clear TO-LO splitting from the energy loss function analysis. All the phonon features we observed in infrared and Raman spectra are consistent with the calculated values. Compared to the iron-pnictide analog AFe2As2, this compound is much more two-dimensional in its electronic properties. For E || c-axis, the overall infrared reflectivity is insulating like. Within the ab-plane the material exhibits a semiconducting behavior. An energy gap 2{\Delta}=48 meV can be clearly identified below room temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Mobility gap in intermediate valent TmSe

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    The infrared optical conductivity of intermediate valence compound TmSe reveals clear signatures for hybridization of light dd- and heavy f-electronic states with m* ~ 1.6 m_0 and m* ~ 16 m_0, respectively. At moderate and high temperatures, the metal-like character of the heavy carriers dominate the low-frequency response while at low temperatures (T_N < T < 100 K) a gap-like feature is observed in the conductivity spectra below 10 meV which is assigned to be a mobility gap due to localization of electrons on local Kondo singlets, rather than a hybridization gap in the density of states

    Infrared study of valence transition compound YbInCu4 using cleaved surfaces

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    Optical reflectivity R(w) of YbInCu4 single crystals has been measured across its first-order valence transition at T_v ~ 42 K, using both polished and cleaved surfaces. R(w) measured on cleaved surfaces Rc(w) was found much lower than that on polished surface Rp(w) over the entire infrared region. Upon cooling through T_v, Rc(w) showed a rapid change over a temperature range of less than 2 K, and showed only minor changes with further cooling. In contrast, Rp(w) showed much more gradual and continuous changes across T_v, similarly to previously reported data on polished surfaces. The present result on cleaved surfaces demonstrates that the microscopic electronic structures of YbInCu4 observed with infrared spectroscopy indeed undergo a sudden change upon the valence transition. The gradual temperature-evolution of Rp(w) is most likely due to the compositional and/or Yb-In site disorders caused by polishing.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Fig.1(a) correcte

    Competition between Charge Ordering and Superconductivity in Layered Organic Conductors α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2M_2MHg(SCN)4_4 (M = K, NH4_4)

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    While the optical properties of the superconducting salt α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2_2NH4_4Hg(SCN)4_4 remain metallic down to 2 K, in the non-superconducting K-analog a pseudogap develops at frequencies of about 200 cm1^{-1} for temperatures T < 200 K. Based on exact diagonalisation calculations on an extended Hubbard model at quarter-filling we argue that fluctuations associated with short range charge ordering are responsible for the observed low-frequency feature. The different ground states, including superconductivity, are a consequence of the proximity of these compounds to a quantum phase charge-ordering transition driven by the intermolecular Coulomb repulsion.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Optical probe of carrier doping by X-ray irradiation in organic dimer Mott insulator κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_{2}Cu[N(CN)2]_{2}]Cl

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    We investigated the infrared optical spectra of an organic dimer Mott insulator κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_{2}Cu[N(CN)2_{2}]Cl, which was irradiated with X-rays. We observed that the irradiation caused a large spectral weight transfer from the mid-infrared region, where interband transitions in the dimer and Mott-Hubbard bands take place, to a Drude part in a low-energy region; this caused the Mott gap to collapse. The increase of the Drude part indicates a carrier doping into the Mott insulator due to irradiation defects. The strong redistribution of the spectral weight demonstrates that the organic Mott insulator is very close to the phase border of the bandwidth-controlled Mott transition.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Pressure Tuning of an Ionic Insulator into a Heavy Electron Metal: An Infrared Study of YbS

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    Optical conductivity [σ(ω)\sigma(\omega)] of YbS has been measured under pressure up to 20 GPa. Below 8 GPa, σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) is low since YbS is an insulator with an energy gap between fully occupied 4ff state and unoccupied conduction (cc) band. Above 8 GPa, however, σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) increases dramatically, developing a Drude component due to heavy carriers and characteristic infrared peaks. It is shown that increasing pressure has caused an energy overlap and hybridization between the cc band and 4ff state, thus driving the initially ionic and insulating YbS into a correlated metal with heavy carriers

    Pressure-dependent optical investigations of α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2_2I3_3: tuning charge order and narrow gap towards a Dirac semimetal

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    Infrared optical investigations of α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2_2I3_3 have been performed in the spectral range from 80 to 8000~cm1^{-1} down to temperatures as low as 10~K by applying hydrostatic pressure. In the metallic state, T>135T > 135~K, we observe a 50\% increase in the Drude contribution as well as the mid-infrared band due to the growing intermolecular orbital overlap with pressure up to 11~kbar. In the ordered state, T<TCOT<T_{\rm CO}, we extract how the electronic charge per molecule varies with temperature and pressure: Transport and optical studies demonstrate that charge order and metal-insulator transition coincide and consistently yield a linear decrease of the transition temperature TCOT_{\rm CO} by 898-9~K/kbar. The charge disproportionation Δρ\Delta\rho diminishes by 0.017 e0.017~e/kbar and the optical gap Δ\Delta between the bands decreases with pressure by -47~cm1^{-1}/kbar. In our high-pressure and low-temperature experiments, we do observe contributions from the massive charge carriers as well as from massless Dirac electrons to the low-frequency optical conductivity, however, without being able to disentangle them unambiguously.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.