32 research outputs found

    Surovinová základna Pohanska u Břeclavi

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    Raně středověká centra potřebovala ke své existenci celou řadu surovin používaných k výrobě nástrojů, zbraní, nádobí, oděvů, šperků atd. Životně potřebovala potraviny, ať již jako samozásobitel či nakupující subjekt. K tomu, aby centrum vůbec vzniklo, byly nutné tři základní suroviny: dřevo, zemina a kámen. Aby byly tyto věci zpracovatelné, byly třeba nástroje a tedy železo. Tento příspěvek se pokouší modelovat nezbytné množství (objem a hmotnost), místa těžby (blízká a vzdálená) a transport těchto důležitých surovin, s nimiž se při výzkumu neustále setkáváme, ale o kterých toho víme stále málo. Modelace je založena na archeologických i environmentálních proměnných získaných za posledních 50 let archeologických výzkumů na lokalitě a v jejím okolí.Raně středověká centra potřebovala ke své existenci celou řadu surovin používaných k výrobě nástrojů, zbraní, nádobí, oděvů, šperků atd. Životně potřebovala potraviny, ať již jako samozásobitel či nakupující subjekt. K tomu, aby centrum vůbec vzniklo, byly nutné tři základní suroviny: dřevo, zemina a kámen. Aby byly tyto věci zpracovatelné, byly třeba nástroje a tedy železo. Tento příspěvek se pokouší modelovat nezbytné množství (objem a hmotnost), místa těžby (blízká a vzdálená) a transport těchto důležitých surovin, s nimiž se při výzkumu neustále setkáváme, ale o kterých toho víme stále málo. Modelace je založena na archeologických i environmentálních proměnných získaných za posledních 50 let archeologických výzkumů na lokalitě a v jejím okolí.Early-mediaeval centres needed for their existence a number of materials used for the manufacture of tools, weapons, kitchenware, clothes, jewellery, etc. Foodstuffs were essential, both homegrown and purchased from elsewhere. Three raw materials were crucial for the construction of a settlement of this kind: wood, clay and stone. Iron was vital for working instruments. The contribution attempts to outline the required amount (volume and weight) of these materials, their deposits (close and distant) and transport. The model estimate is based on archaeological and environmental sources yielded by archaeological research carried out on the site and the surroundings in the last fifty years

    Vývoj osídlení a kulturní krajiny dolního Podyjí v raném středověku

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    Článek seznamuje s výsledky systematické archeologické prospekce na území dolního Podyjí. Zájmové území je charakterizováno z hlediska přírodního prostředí i dějin archeologického bádání. Hlavní pozornost je věnována výzkumu z let 2004–2012. Popsána je jak metoda, která kombinuje analytické povrchové sběry, prediktivní modelování, leteckou archeologii a prospekci detektorem kovů, tak výstupy projektu. Prezentovaný výzkum přispěl k hlubšímu poznání vývoje sídlištní struktury v dolním Podyjí v období od 6. do 13. století. Mimořádně významným výsledkem je objev centra druhého řádu na katastru obce Kostice s bohatými povrchovými nálezy keramiky, mincí, šperku, obchodních závaží a dalších artefaktů z neželezných kovů, které na konci 10. stol. nahradilo starší velkomoravskou aglomeraci na Pohansku u Břeclavi.The article presents the results of systematic archaeological surveys in the lower Dyje (Thaya) River region in the southeast part of the Czech Republic. The area is described from the perspective of the natural environment and the history of archaeological research. The main attention is devoted to research from the years 2004–2012, including a description of the method combining analytical surface surveys, predictive modelling, aerial archaeology and metal detector surveys; project outcomes are also presented. The research project contributed to a deeper understanding of the history of the settlement structure in the lower Dyje River region between the sixth and thirteenth centuries. Of extraordinary importance was the discovery of a secondary centre within the cadastre of the village of Kostice, with rich surface finds of pottery, coins, jewellery, trading weights and other artefacts made of non-ferrous metals; this centre replaced an earlier Great Moravia agglomeration at Pohansko near Břeclav

    Archeologický výzkum raně středověkého sídliště Kostice – Zadní hrúd v letech 2009–2011

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    V článku jsou představeny výsledky archeologického výzkumu lokality Kostice – Zadní hrúd, který proběhl v letech 2009 až 2011. Zkoumaná lokalita, vzdušnou čarou vzdálená 1,5 km od středu blízkého velkomoravského centra na Pohansku, se rozkládá u okraje nivy řeky Dyje na nevýrazné písčité duně. Konkrétní místo terénního odkryvu bylo vybráno pomocí predikčního modelování a na základě důkladné prospekce. Celkově byla odkryta plocha 2405 m2, na níž bylo prozkoumáno 160 zahloubených sídlištních objektů a dva hroby z různých období. Většina nálezů souvisela s raným středověkem, těžiště osídlení spadá do 10. až 12. století. Zdejší sídliště patřilo v 9. stol. k subsistenční základně rozlehlé velkomoravské aglomerace na Pohansku a po jeho zániku se transformovalo v řemeslně-agrární a obchodní centrum druhého řádu, tzv. trhovou ves. Mimořádně významné jsou nálezy mincí, skládacích vážek, kupeckých závaží a pozdně nomádských třmenů.The article presents the results of the archaeological excavation of the Kostice – Zadní hrúd site, conducted in 2009–2011. The investigated site, 1.5 km from the heart of the nearby Great Moravian centre at Pohansko, lies at the edge of the Dyje (Thaya) River floodplain on a nondescript sand dune. A total of 160 sunken features and two graves from various periods were investigated over the excavated area of 2,405 m2. The majority of finds were from the Early Middle Ages, with the peak of settlement falling between the tenth and twelfth centuries. In the ninth century, the local settlement was part of the subsistence base for the vast Great Moravian agglomeration at Pohansko; following the demise of Pohansko, the Kostice – Zadní hrúd settlement was transformed into a craft-agrarian and trade centre of the second level. Finds of coins, balance scales, merchants’ weights and late nomadic stirrups are of extraordinary importance

    Archaeological investigations at Otres in 2017 and 2018

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    Ovo izvješće prikazuje rezultate dviju posljednjih istraživačkih kampanja na lokalitetu Otres - Crkvina u Ostrovičkom polju. U prvoj kampanji, provedenoj 2017. godine, teren je u potpunosti saniran i stvorene su pretpostavke za nastavak sustavnih istraživanja. Sljedeće su godine radovi bili usredotočeni na sjeverni dio lokaliteta, na kojemu se nalazi otprije poznati sklop arhitekture. Utvrđeno je da je lokalitet znatno prostraniji nego što je do sada bilo poznato. Istražene prostorije potvrđuju da je građevina nastala između 330. i 410. godine te da je bila korištena za skladištenje poljodjelskih proizvoda. Preliminarni rezultati ukazuju da ljudska aktivnost na istraženom prostoru prestaje između 530. i 599. godine. U tijeku je nastavak istraživanja.This report presents the results of the two latest investigation campaigns at the Otres – Crkvina site in Ostrovičko polje. During the first campaign in 2017, the site was completely remediated, and prerequisites created for further systematic investigations. The following year, the works were focused on the northern section of the site, with an already known architectural complex. The site has been found to be significantly larger than known to date. The investigated rooms confirm that the structure was made between 330 and 410 and used as agricultural storage. The preliminary results indicate that human activities in the investigated area ceased between AD 530 and 599. Continued investigation is currently under way

    Das Ende Großmährens – Überlegungen zur relativen und absoluten Chronologie des ostmitteleuropäischen Frühmittelalters

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    Die Datierung des sogenannten großmährischen Schmucks und der großmährischen Kirchenfriedhöfe gehört zu den zentralen Aufgaben der Archäologie des frühen Mittelalters. In den vergangenen 60 Jahren wurden reiche Gräber untersucht, auf deren Basis chronologische Systeme entwickelt wurden, die dabei helfen, europaweit Funde des 9. bis 10. Jahrhundert zu datieren. Diese Studie beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie lange herausragende Objekte wie luxuriöser Schmuck als Teil der lebenden Kultur noch in Verwendung war, außerdem mit dem Zeitpunkt, bis zu dem in Mähren Menschen in ihrer traditionellen einheimischen Tracht auf den Kirchfriedhöden bestattet wurden. Zur Klärung der Frage wurden Grabbeigaben aus Pohansko bei Břeclav sowie Radiokarbondatierungen herangezogen, deren Anwendung in der Archäologie des frühen Mittelalters noch wenig üblich ist. Das Ergebnis der vorliegenden Forschungen ist die Feststellung, dass entsprechende Bestattungen auf Friedhöfen der großmährischen Kirchen bis zur Mitte des 10. Jahrhunderts konstant und zum Teil noch darüber hinaus erfolgten. Dort wurden Menschen beigesetzt, welche eine mit luxuriösem Schmuck kombinierte typisch mährische Tracht trugen. Ab den 1970er Jahren präferierte Datierungsansätze konnten damit korrigiert werden, Vorstellungen aus den 1950er und 1960er Jahren zur Datierung der großmährischen materiellen Kultur erwiesen sich hingegen als zutreffend.Datování tzv. velkomoravského šperku a velkomoravských kostelních hřbitovů patří k důležitým úkolům archeologie raného středověku. Chronologické systémy vypracované na základě bohatých hrobů prozkoumaných v posledních 60 letech na území České republiky pomáhají při datování archeologických památek z 9. a 10. stol. v celé Evropě. Tato studie se zabývá otázkou jak dlouho zůstal honosný šperk součástí živé kultury a do kdy existovaly na Moravě nejstarší kostelní hřbitovy, kde pochovávali lidé, odění do tradičního velkomoravského kroje. Řešení této problematiky se opírá o vyhodnocení nálezů z hrobových celků objevených na Pohansku u Břeclavi a především o radiokarbonové datování, jehož použití stále není v raně středověké archeologii úplně běžné. Výsledkem prezentovaného výzkumu je zjištění, že na velkomoravských kostelních hřbitovech se kontinuálně pohřbívalo až do poloviny 10. stol., někde možná i o něco déle. Lidé zde byli pochovaní v typickém velkomoravském kroji, jehož součástí byl i diskutovaný šperk. Jde o podstatnou korekci dosavadních názorů a částečný návrat k původnímu datování velkomoravské materiální kultury z 50. a 60. let 20. stol.The Fall of Great Moravia. Reflections on relativeand absolute chronology of Early Middle Ages in theEast-Central Europe. Dating the so-called Great Moravianjewelry and Great Moravian church graveyards is one ofthe crucial tasks of archaeology of the Early Middle Ages.The chronological systems developed based on the richgraves investigated over the past 60 years within theCzech Republic help in dating archaeological finds fromthe 9th to the 10th century all over Europe. This studyaddresses the question of how long the luxury jewelryexisted as part of living culture and until when the earliestchurch graveyards with burials of people clad in thetraditional Great Moravian costume existed in Moravia.The solution to this problem is supported by assessmentsof finds from graves excavated at Pohansko near Břeclavand, most importantly, by radiocarbon dating the applicationof which is still not common in archaeology of theEarly Middle Ages. The result of the present research is afinding that in Great Moravian church graveyards burialscontinued consistently until the mid-10th century, occasionallyprobably even a little longer. People were interredthere wearing the typical Great Moravian costume whichincluded the luxury jewelry as its component. It is a significantcorrection of the previous opinions and a partialreturn to the original dating of Great Moravian materialculture from the 1950s and 1960s

    Quaternary deposits on the Northern bailey of the Pohansko site near Břeclav

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    Sedimentological study on the Northern bailey of the fortified site Pohansko allows identification of 9th lithofacies and 2 facies associations. The lower facies association is interpreted as an infill of fluvial channels (mostly mid-channel dunes) with two cycles of filling. The fluvial channels were relatively shallow and broad (high width/depth channel ratio) and they point to braided fluvial style and channel migration. The upper fluvial association reflects significant change of the fluvial style. The sedimentary infill of the upper fluvial association is interpreted as deposits of levee and overbank deposits. Results of the OSL dating for the sample of lower facies association provide an age of 13.5 ky. Such age can be correlated with the Upper Pleistocene Allerød Interstadial (13.7‒12.9 ky BP), i.e. relatively warmer phase of the Weichselian late glacial. Data of OSL dating for two samples from the upper facies association were 11.8 ky and 10.3 ky BP. The upper age can be correlated with Younger Dryas (12.9‒11.7 ky BP) whereas the lower one to Preboreal. The deposition of the upper facies associations are therefore interpreted as Uppermost Pleistocene to Early Holocene in age.Sedimentological study on the Northern bailey of the fortified site Pohansko allows identification of 9th lithofacies and 2 facies associations. The lower facies association is interpreted as an infill of fluvial channels (mostly mid-channel dunes) with two cycles of filling. The fluvial channels were relatively shallow and broad (high width/depth channel ratio) and they point to braided fluvial style and channel migration. The upper fluvial association reflects significant change of the fluvial style. The sedimentary infill of the upper fluvial association is interpreted as deposits of levee and overbank deposits. Results of the OSL dating for the sample of lower facies association provide an age of 13.5 ky. Such age can be correlated with the Upper Pleistocene Allerød Interstadial (13.7‒12.9 ky BP), i.e. relatively warmer phase of the Weichselian late glacial. Data of OSL dating for two samples from the upper facies association were 11.8 ky and 10.3 ky BP. The upper age can be correlated with Younger Dryas (12.9‒11.7 ky BP) whereas the lower one to Preboreal. The deposition of the upper facies associations are therefore interpreted as Uppermost Pleistocene to Early Holocene in age

    Velkomoravská rotunda z Pohanska u Břeclavi

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    Studie seznamuje s archeologickým objevem, který byl učiněn roku 2006 na severovýchodním předhradí Pohanska. Během následujících pěti let zde proběhl interdisciplinárně pojatý výzkum, který odkryl pozůstatky dosud neznámé raně středověké církevní architektury – rotundy obklopené rozsáhlým pohřebištěm (152 jedinců). K dnešnímu dni tak evidujeme na Pohansku již druhý velkomoravský kostel. Odkryv první křesťanské svatyně stál v roce 1958 na počátku systematických archeologických výzkumů, které na lokalitě a v jejím okolí probíhají kontinuálně dodnes. Za nejdůležitější výsledek nových výzkumů považujeme zjištění, že základní nosná konstrukce rotundy ze severovýchodního předhradí byla vybudována ze dřeva, i když kostel se z vnějšího pohledu jevil jako celokamenný. Pozoruhodná je i přítomnost pěti hrobů v interiéru chrámu. Dva muži a tři děti ve věku od 18 měsíců do 12 let zde byli uloženi pod podlahu již stojící stavby. Na základě nálezů z hrobů v kostele i mimo něj datujeme existenci stavby do vrcholného velkomoravského období (druhá pol. 9. stol.) s pravděpodobným přesahem do prvních decennií 10. stol.The study presents the archaeological discovery made in 2006 in the northeast suburb of Pohansko. The interdisciplinary excavation conducted at the site over the following five years revealed the remains of previously unknown early medieval church architecture – a rotunda surrounded by a large cemetery in which one-hundred and fifty-two individuals were buried. The rotunda represents the second Great Moravian church discovered at Pohansko. The first Christian shrine was discovered in 1958 at the beginning of systematic archaeological excavations that continue at the site and the surrounding area to this day. The most significant finding from the latest excavation is that the basic load-bearing structure of the rotunda in the northeast suburb was made of wood, despite the fact that the church appeared from the outside to be made entirely of stone. The presence of five graves inside the church is likewise noteworthy. Two men, and three children aged between eighteen months and twelve years were buried beneath the floor of the church at a time when the building was already standing. Based on finds from the graves in and outside of the church, the existence of the rotunda can be dated to the high Great Moravian period in the second half of the ninth century, with a probable duration into the first decades of the tenth century

    Břeclav - Pohansko X. Sídelní areál na Severovýchodním předhradí : archeologické výzkumy v letech 2008-2016

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    Kniha je výsledkem mnohaletého výzkumu archeologů z Ústavu archeologie a muzeologie FF MU v prostoru Severovýchodního předhradí Pohanska u Břeclavi. Publikace přibližuje odborné veřejnosti sídlištní strukturu předhradí, nálezový fond i první interpretace archeologických pramenů získaných terénními výzkumy v letech 2008–2016. Monografie obsahuje kapitoly, ve kterých jsou analyzovány a interpretovány jak nemovité, tak movité archeologické prameny. Například, na základě prostorové distribuce keramiky, kuchyňského odpadu a mazanice se podařila jasná identifikace raně středověkých nadzemních staveb, které by za jiných podmínek nebylo možné odhalit. Studie obsahuje dílčí závěry a interpretace výsledků devítiletého archeologického výzkumu. Vše je doplněno podrobným textovým katalogem prozkoumaných terénních reliktů, doprovázeným bohatou obrazovou a plánovou přílohou.This book is the result of many years continual research of the archaeologists from Department of Archaeology and Museology FA MU in the area of the Northeast Suburb at Pohansko near Břeclav. Publication is aimed at archaeology professionals or students and describes in some detail the settlement structure of the suburb, the inventory of finds and the first interpretations of the archaeological sources gathered by excavations carried out in the 2008–2016 period. The monograph contains chapters in which immovable and movable archaeological sources are analysed and interpreted. For instance, the authors were successful of the functional interpretation of the individual excavated settlement sectors based on the using the spatial distribution of pottery, kitchen waste and daub. One of the important results of the method employed is the relatively unambiguous identification of early medieval above-ground buildings which could not have been revealed under different conditions. There is an additional detailed text catalogue of the investigated field relics accompanied by an extensive supplement with images and plans

    Isotope record of the first lower molars of domestic cattle from the early medieval Pohansko-Southern bailey and Kostice-”Zadní hrúd” localities (Czech Republic)

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    In this essay, we focused on the evaluation of isotope analyses (δ13Ccoll and δ15Ncoll) of the first lower molars (m1) of domestic cattle (Bostaurus) from two early medieval Pohansko-Southern bailey (Pohansko-JP) and Kostice-”Zadní hrúd” (Kostice-ZH) sites. The aim of the study is the evidence of the breast-feeding effect of calves and subsequent weaning on the dentine average isotope  composition. Results from both sites are compared with the data obtained from recent experimental cattle breeding. Possible differences in the cattle breeding between both studied localities are evaluated. The first lower molars of the domestic cattle (n = 15) were selected for analyses from both sites supplemented by a sample of the compact bone of the shinbone of an adult individual from the Pohansko-JP site. The determination of the ontogenetic age of the analyzed individuals is based on the dentition development stage. For the purpose of isotope analyzes (δ13Ccoll and δ15Ncoll), dentine collagen was extracted from all tooth crowns. The δ13Ccoll dentine values of the m1 of cattle from the Pohansko-JP ranged from -17.75‰ to -21.8‰ (n = 11) with mean value of -19.81 ± 1.03‰. δ15Ncoll values for dentine of all m1 samples from Pohansko-JP range from 6.2‰ to 11.87‰ with mean value of 8.29 ± 1.71‰ (n = 11). The highest δ15Ncoll values were observed primarily in samples of juvenile individuals, with the exception of one adult specimen (10.90 ‰). δ13Ccoll values in m1 of adult individuals from the Kostice-ZH site range from -19.30‰ to -20.91‰ (n = 4). The mean value -19.83 ± 1.01‰ is lower if compared to results from recent experimental breedings. The volume of 15N isotope is significantly lower contrary to those in Pohansko-JP and aforementioned experimental study. It can be assumed that the diet of the cattle in both studied sites was primarily based on C3 plants; however, we cannot exclude a small admixture of C4 plants (millet) in the diet of some observed individuals. The cattle from the Pohansko-JP could be driven to graze from the open meadows up to the ecotones in the vicinity of the forest which is partly supported by the palaeobotanic record. In Kostice-ZH site, the grazing in open meadows was most prevalent. The volume of 15N from the Pohansko-JP site shows that in most cases, calves were not prematurely weaned. In samples from Kostice-ZH, the 15N content in adult individuals was significantly lower contrary to values from Pohansko-JP. A present stage of the knowledge indicates that the cattle (i. e., including mother cows) was probably fed plants characterized by low δ15N values; however, a premature weaning to increase the milk production cannot be excluded.In this essay, we focused on the evaluation of isotope analyses (δ13Ccoll and δ15Ncoll) of the first lower molars (m1) of domestic cattle (Bostaurus) from two early medieval Pohansko-Southern bailey (Pohansko-JP) and Kostice-”Zadní hrúd” (Kostice-ZH) sites. The aim of the study is the evidence of the breast-feeding effect of calves and subsequent weaning on the dentine average isotope  composition. Results from both sites are compared with the data obtained from recent experimental cattle breeding. Possible differences in the cattle breeding between both studied localities are evaluated. The first lower molars of the domestic cattle (n = 15) were selected for analyses from both sites supplemented by a sample of the compact bone of the shinbone of an adult individual from the Pohansko-JP site. The determination of the ontogenetic age of the analyzed individuals is based on the dentition development stage. For the purpose of isotope analyzes (δ13Ccoll and δ15Ncoll), dentine collagen was extracted from all tooth crowns. The δ13Ccoll dentine values of the m1 of cattle from the Pohansko-JP ranged from -17.75‰ to -21.8‰ (n = 11) with mean value of -19.81 ± 1.03‰. δ15Ncoll values for dentine of all m1 samples from Pohansko-JP range from 6.2‰ to 11.87‰ with mean value of 8.29 ± 1.71‰ (n = 11). The highest δ15Ncoll values were observed primarily in samples of juvenile individuals, with the exception of one adult specimen (10.90 ‰). δ13Ccoll values in m1 of adult individuals from the Kostice-ZH site range from -19.30‰ to -20.91‰ (n = 4). The mean value -19.83 ± 1.01‰ is lower if compared to results from recent experimental breedings. The volume of 15N isotope is significantly lower contrary to those in Pohansko-JP and aforementioned experimental study. It can be assumed that the diet of the cattle in both studied sites was primarily based on C3 plants; however, we cannot exclude a small admixture of C4 plants (millet) in the diet of some observed individuals. The cattle from the Pohansko-JP could be driven to graze from the open meadows up to the ecotones in the vicinity of the forest which is partly supported by the palaeobotanic record. In Kostice-ZH site, the grazing in open meadows was most prevalent. The volume of 15N from the Pohansko-JP site shows that in most cases, calves were not prematurely weaned. In samples from Kostice-ZH, the 15N content in adult individuals was significantly lower contrary to values from Pohansko-JP. A present stage of the knowledge indicates that the cattle (i. e., including mother cows) was probably fed plants characterized by low δ15N values; however, a premature weaning to increase the milk production cannot be excluded

    Paleomeander at the Northern bailey of the archaeological site Pohansko near Břeclav

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    The site is situated in the bottomland near the confluence of Dyje and Morava rivers. The junction area is split by many sides and inactive channels. The human impact (settlement establishment, deforestation and landscape management) is also reflected in the bottomland development. Processes lead to erosion, accumulation of sediments in river beds and changes in vegetation. One of the peaks of the settlement of the studied area can be considered during existence of the Great Moravian Empire when the settlement agglomerations developed directly in the floodplain. The area has been intensively archaeologically studied for a long time. In the context of the ongoing climate change and increasing intensity of floods the relationship between climate, natural conditions and the functioning of the human settlements comes to the forefront of scientific interest. For the reconstruction of the complicated floodplain development a combination of different research methods was used. For direct determination of stratigraphy an excavated transect through the sediments connecting the edge of the settlement (in the area of the so called Northern bailey) on the sand elevation („hrúd“) and lower flood-plain step in the area of presumptive paleomeander has been studied. Direct field documentation and palynological and sedimentological studies and 14C dating method were utilized. These methods have been supplemented by remote sensing methods: Geophysics (ERT, DEMP), Lidar. On their basis a digital relief model (extend of measured area was 54 000 m2) was created as well as a map of conductivity anomalies. The study documented a sequence of extinct riverbeds (a series of fluvial point bars) of various ages at the northern edge of Pohansko. Their stratigraphic position proves the stage when the active channel was eroding the edge of the archaeological site. The sediments stored in previous periods were destroyed by erosion in this space. The aggradation of the floodplain occurred in 14th–16th century. Results of pollen analysis indicate the presence of a mosaic of forested and open landscape of mesophilous alluvial woodlands and open areas. The immediate vicinity of the sedimentary area was not too much affected by agricultural activity at that time. Compared to palynospectra from sediments of the Great Moravian settlement, the deforestation intensity and the proportion of anthropogenic indicators were noticeably lower.The site is situated in the bottomland near the confluence of Dyje and Morava rivers. The junction area is split by many sides and inactive channels. The human impact (settlement establishment, deforestation and landscape management) is also reflected in the bottomland development. Processes lead to erosion, accumulation of sediments in river beds and changes in vegetation. One of the peaks of the settlement of the studied area can be considered during existence of the Great Moravian Empire when the settlement agglomerations developed directly in the floodplain. The area has been intensively archaeologically studied for a long time. In the context of the ongoing climate change and increasing intensity of floods the relationship between climate, natural conditions and the functioning of the human settlements comes to the forefront of scientific interest. For the reconstruction of the complicated floodplain development a combination of different research methods was used. For direct determination of stratigraphy an excavated transect through the sediments connecting the edge of the settlement (in the area of the so called Northern bailey) on the sand elevation („hrúd“) and lower flood-plain step in the area of presumptive paleomeander has been studied. Direct field documentation and palynological and sedimentological studies and 14C dating method were utilized. These methods have been supplemented by remote sensing methods: Geophysics (ERT, DEMP), Lidar. On their basis a digital relief model (extend of measured area was 54 000 m2) was created as well as a map of conductivity anomalies. The study documented a sequence of extinct riverbeds (a series of fluvial point bars) of various ages at the northern edge of Pohansko. Their stratigraphic position proves the stage when the active channel was eroding the edge of the archaeological site. The sediments stored in previous periods were destroyed by erosion in this space. The aggradation of the floodplain occurred in 14th–16th century. Results of pollen analysis indicate the presence of a mosaic of forested and open landscape of mesophilous alluvial woodlands and open areas. The immediate vicinity of the sedimentary area was not too much affected by agricultural activity at that time. Compared to palynospectra from sediments of the Great Moravian settlement, the deforestation intensity and the proportion of anthropogenic indicators were noticeably lower