2 research outputs found

    Rozwój przemysłu szklarskiego w centralnej części Wietnamu

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    A modern society is characterized by functional infrastructure and sufficient number and variety of materials in the form of various technical goods. All these civilization achievements are not only the result of human skills, but their material principles are based on industrial minerals. This group of materials includes a wide range of the natural raw materials which are used in many industries. This includes the raw materials for the manufacture of glass, ceramics or fillers. In 2014 was complete three-year international development aid project under the title "The Development of the Glass Industry in Central Vietnam". The aim of the project was to find suitable sources of raw materials in formulations for glass production based on previously proven Phong Dien deposit of glass sand. Works carried out for the Czech Development Agency the GET Company from Czech Republic, Prague. In addition to the optimisation of the glass batch, detailed technological research was also implemented with the goal of achieving the full utilisation of Vietnamese raw materials for the manufacture of high quality glass. The production programme may be varied - focusing not only on the purest crystal type glass, but also on flat glass and container glass and even coloured glass.Współczesne społeczeństwo charakteryzuje się funkcjonalną infrastrukturą oraz wystarczającą liczbą i różnorodnością materiałów w postaci różnych technicznych dóbr. Te wszystkie osiągnięcia cywilizacyjne są nie tylko rezultatem ludzkich zdolności, ale również źródeł materialnych opartych na przemysłowych złożach minerałów. Ta grupa minerałów zawiera szeroki zakres naturalnych surowców, które są stosowane w wielu działach przemysłu. W ich skład wchodzą surowce stosowane do produkcji szkła, ceramiki lub wypełniaczy. W 2014 roku ukończono trzyletni międzynarodowy projekt badawczy zatytułowany: „Rozwój przemysłu szklarskiego w centralnej części Wietnamu”. Celem projektu było znalezienie odpowiednich źródeł surowców mineralnych niezbędnych do produkcji szkła na bazie wcześniej sprawdzonych złóż piasku szklanego Phong Dien. Prace wykonano dla Czeskiej Agencji Rozwoju przez firmę GET Company z Pragi. Oprócz przeprowadzonej optymalizacji gatunków szkła, wykonano również szczegółowe badania technologiczne w celu pełnego wykorzystania wietnamskich surowców do produkcji wysokiej jakości szkła. Program produkcji szkła może być wieloraki, skoncentrowany nie tylko na najczystszym szkle typu kryształ, ale również na szkle płaskim (szyby), szkle gospodarczym i nawet szkle kolorowym.Web of Science33316214

    Inhibition of the Renal Apical Sodium Dependent Bile Acid Transporter Prevents Cholemic Nephropathy in Mice with Obstructive Cholestasis.

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS Cholemic nephropathy (CN) is a severe complication of cholestasis-associated liver diseases, with no specific treatment. We revisited the pathophysiology to identify therapeutic strategies. METHODS Cholestasis was induced by bile duct ligation (BDL) in mice. Bile flux in kidneys and livers was visualized by intravital imaging, supported by MALDI-MSI and LC-MS/MS. The effect of AS0369, a systemically bioavailable apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT) inhibitor, was evaluated by intravital imaging, RNA-sequencing, histological, blood, and urine analyses. Translational relevance was assessed by ASBT immunostaining in kidney biopsies of CN patients, analysis of mice with humanized BA spectrum, and by analysis of serum bile acids (BA) and kidney injury molecule (KIM-1) in liver disease and hyperbilirubinemia patients. RESULTS Proximal tubular epithelial cells (TEC) reabsorbed and enriched BA, leading to oxidative stress and death of proximal TEC, casts in distal tubules and collecting ducts, peritubular capillaries leakiness, and glomerular cysts. Renal ASBT inhibition by AS0369 blocked BA uptake into TEC and prevented kidney injury up to 6 weeks after BDL. Similar results were obtained in mice with humanized BA composition. In advanced liver disease patients, serum BA were the main determinant of KIM-1 levels. ASBT expression in TEC was preserved in biopsies from CN patients, further highlighting the translational potential of targeting ASBT for treatment of CN. CONCLUSIONS BA enrichment in proximal TEC followed by oxidative stress and cell death is an early key event in CN. Inhibiting renal ASBT and consequently BA enrichment in TEC prevents CN and systemically decreases BA concentrations. IMPACT AND IMPLICATIONS Cholemic nephropathy (CN) is a severe complication of cholestasis with an unmet clinical need for therapy. We demonstrate that CN is triggered by the renal accumulation of bile acids (BA)- that are considerably increased in the systemic blood. Specifically, the proximal tubular epithelial cells (TEC) of the kidney take up BA via the apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT). We developed a therapeutic compound that blocks ASBT in the kidneys, prevents BA overload in TEC, and almost completely abolished all disease hallmarks in a CN mouse model. Renal ASBT inhibition represents a potential therapeutic strategy for CN patients