8 research outputs found

    Neuropsychology Data and Between-Groups Comparisons: ANCOVAs (controlling for age differences) of the 2-group (HC v MJ) comparisons (1-tailed).

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    <p>Neuropsychology Data and Between-Groups Comparisons: ANCOVAs (controlling for age differences) of the 2-group (HC v MJ) comparisons (1-tailed).</p

    ANCOVAs (controlling for age differences) of the 4-group (HC, MJ, BP, MJBP with Dunnett <i>t</i> post hoc comparisons) and 2-group (BP v MJBP) comparisons of overall 4-week average mood EMA ratings (1-tailed).

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    <p>ANCOVAs (controlling for age differences) of the 4-group (HC, MJ, BP, MJBP with Dunnett <i>t</i> post hoc comparisons) and 2-group (BP v MJBP) comparisons of overall 4-week average mood EMA ratings (1-tailed).</p

    Neuropsychology Data and Between-Groups Comparisons: ANCOVAs (controlling for age) of the 2-group (HC v All BP) and 3-group (HC, BP, and MJBP) comparisons (2-tailed).

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    <p>Neuropsychology Data and Between-Groups Comparisons: ANCOVAs (controlling for age) of the 2-group (HC v All BP) and 3-group (HC, BP, and MJBP) comparisons (2-tailed).</p

    Paired <i>t</i>-Test EMA Analyses of Clinical State Pre- versus Post-MJ Use.

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    <p>EMA analyses of clinical state (POMS, HAMA, MADRS, YRMS) changes pre- versus post-MJ use in the (A) MJ group and (B) MJBP group revealed a slight worsening of symptoms in the MJ group after smoking MJ but a significant mood improvement in the MJBP group after smoking MJ, <b>*</b><i>t</i>(≥9)≥1.942, <i>p</i>≤.042, 1-tailed. <i>POMS = Profile of Mood States</i>, <i>TMD = Total Mood Disturbance</i>, <i>HAM-A = Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale</i>, <i>MADRS = Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale</i>, <i>YMRS = Young Mania Rating Scale</i></p