845 research outputs found

    The puzzle of the 1996 Bardarbunga, Iceland, Earthquake: No volumetric component in the source mechanism

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    A volcanic earthquake with Mw 5:6 occurred beneath the Bárdarbunga caldera in Iceland on 29 September 1996. This earthquake is one of a decade-long sequence of M 5 events at Bárdarbunga with non-double-couple mechanisms in the Global Centroid Moment Te

    Darkness’s Descent on the American Anthropological Association: A Cautionary Tale

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    In September 2000, the self-styled “anthropological journalist” Patrick Tierney began to make public his work claiming that the Yanomamö people of South America had been actively—indeed brutally—harmed by the sociobiological anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon and the geneticist-physician James Neel. Following a florid summary of Tierney’s claims by the anthropologists Terence Turner and Leslie Sponsel, the American Anthropological Association (AAA) saw fit to take Tierney’s claims seriously by conducting a major investigation into the matter. This paper focuses on the AAA’s problematic actions in this case but also provides previously unpublished information on Tierney’s falsehoods. The work presented is based on a year of research by a historian of medicine and science. The author intends the work to function as a cautionary tale to scholarly associations, which have the challenging duty of protecting scholarship and scholars from baseless and sensationalistic charges in the era of the Internet and twenty-four-hour news cycles

    Source Analysis of the Crandall Canyon, Utah, Mine Collapse

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    Sommergrundlinien 2011

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    Das kräftige Wachstum der deutschen Wirtschaft hält an. Nach dem Rekordzuwachs von 3,6 Prozent im Jahr 2010 wird die deutsche Wirtschaft dieses Jahr noch einmal um 3,2 Prozent wachsen. Für das nächste Jahr ist immer noch mit einem überdurchschnittlichen Wachstum von 1,8 Prozent zu rechnen. Entsprechend verbessert sich auch die Lage auf dem Arbeitsmarkt weiter, wenn auch nicht so schwungvoll wie in den letzten Monaten. Für das Jahr 2011 ist mit einer durchschnittlichen Arbeitslosenquote von sieben Prozent zu rechnen, im nächsten Jahr dürfte die Quote weiter sinken.Business cycle forecast, economic outlook

    Expression and localization of nuclear proteins in autosomal-dominant Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy with LMNA R377H mutation

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    BACKGROUND: The autosomal dominant form of Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (AD-EDMD) is caused by mutations in the gene encoding for the lamins A and C (LMNA). Lamins are intermediate filament proteins which form the nuclear lamina underlying the inner nuclear membrane. We have studied the expression and the localization of nuclear envelope proteins in three different cell types and muscle tissue of an AD-EDMD patient carrying a point mutation R377H in the lamin A/C gene. RESULTS: Lymphoblastoid cells, skin fibroblasts, primary myoblasts and muscle thin sections were studied by immunocytochemistry and electron microscopy. Cellular levels of A-type lamins were reduced compared to control cells. In contrast, the amount of emerin and lamin B appeared unaltered. Cell synchronization experiments showed that the reduction of the cellular level of A-type lamin was due to instability of lamin A. By electron microscopy, we identified a proportion of nuclei with morphological alterations in lymphoblastoid cells, fibroblasts and mature muscle fibres. Immunofluorescence microscopy showed that a major population of the lamin B receptor (LBR), an inner nuclear membrane protein, was recovered in the cytoplasm in association with the ER. In addition, the intranuclear organization of the active form of RNA polymerase II was markedly different in cells of this AD-EDMD patient. This aberrant intranuclear distribution was specifically observed in muscle cells where the pathology of EDMD predominates. CONCLUSIONS: From our results we conclude: Firstly, that structural alterations of the nuclei which are found only in a minor fraction of lymphoblastoid cells and mature muscle fibres are not sufficient to explain the clinical pathology of EDMD; Secondly, that wild type lamin A is required not only for the retention of LBR in the inner nuclear membrane but also for a correct localization of the transcriptionally active RNA pol II in muscle cells. We speculate that a rearrangement of the internal chromatin could lead to muscle-specific disease symptoms by interference with proper mRNA transcription

    Verunsicherung und hohe Schulden bremsen Wachstum

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    Nachdem die deutsche Wirtschaft 2011 noch um drei Prozent gewachsen ist, sind die Aussichten für 2012 durch die Krise im Euroraum überschattet. Dadurch wird der kräftige Aufschwung unterbrochen, obwohl die Kapazitäten bis zuletzt nicht voll ausgelastet waren. Vorübergehend wird die deutsche Wirtschaft sogar leicht schrumpfen. Für 2012 ist daher nur mit einer Wachstumsrate von 0,6 Prozent zu rechnen. 2013 ist dank des ab Sommer einsetzenden Aufholwachstums dann aber wieder eine Rate von 2,2 Prozent zu erwarten. Auch die Fortschritte auf dem Arbeitsmarkt dürften damit zunächst deutlich nachlassen. Auf das Jahr betrachtet, ist ein wesentlicher Anstieg der Arbeitslosenquote aber nicht zu erwarten. Die Inflationsrate in Deutschland dürfte weiter zurückgehen.Business cycle forecast, economic outlook

    The Controversy Surrounding The Man Who Would Be Queen: A Case History of the Politics of Science, Identity, and Sex in the Internet Age

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    In 2003, psychology professor and sex researcher J. Michael Bailey published a book entitled The Man Who Would Be Queen: The Science of Gender-Bending and Transsexualism. The book’s portrayal of male-to-female (MTF) transsexualism, based on a theory developed by sexologist Ray Blanchard, outraged some transgender activists. They believed the book to be typical of much of the biomedical literature on transsexuality—oppressive in both tone and claims, insulting to their senses of self, and damaging to their public identities. Some saw the book as especially dangerous because it claimed to be based on rigorous science, was published by an imprint of the National Academy of Sciences, and argued that MTF sex changes are motivated primarily by erotic interests and not by the problem of having the gender identity common to one sex in the body of the other. Dissatisfied with the option of merely criticizing the book, a small number of transwomen (particularly Lynn Conway, Andrea James, and Deirdre McCloskey) worked to try to ruin Bailey. Using published and unpublished sources as well as original interviews, this essay traces the history of the backlash against Bailey and his book. It also provides a thorough exegesis of the book’s treatment of transsexuality and includes a comprehensive investigation of the merit of the charges made against Bailey that he had behaved unethically, immorally, and illegally in the production of his book. The essay closes with an epilogue that explores what has happened since 2003 to the central ideas and major players in the controversy