451 research outputs found

    Narkomanije mladih

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    Clinical and No-Clinical Setting Specificities in First Session Short-Term Psychotherapy Psychodrama Group

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    Modern history of short-term group psychotherapy dates back to the late 1950-ies. From then to present day, this psychotherapeutic method has been used in various forms, from dynamic-oriented to cognitive behavioural psychotherapies. Although it has always been considered rather controversial, due its cost-effectiveness, it has been capturing more and more popularity. This paper presents the specificities of first session short-term psychotherapy psychodrama group through session work with two examined groups: a group of 20 adult women who suffer from mild or moderate forms of unipolar depression and a group of 20 students of the School of Medicine in Zagreb without any psychiatric symptomatology. The results indicate the high importance of having structure in first psychodrama session, of relating it with the previously thoroughly conducted, initial, clinical, interviews, and of the clarity and focus in terms of determining the goals of therapy, especially in a clinical context. This study also confirmed assumptions regarding the need for different approaches of warming-up in psychodrama, both in the clinical and in non-clinical samples. A psychodrama psychotherapist should have good time managing skills and capability to convert the time available into an opportunity for directly boosting the group energy and work on therapeutic alliance


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    This work gives an overview of the methods of scenic expression which can be used to help cope with the crisis caused by the global threat of the coronavirus pandemic. The virus is new, the vaccine has not been developed yet and there are no unified prevention and post-prevention policies. In the following lines some modified elements of psychodrama interventions are presented including the ways of preventing the retraumatization of the patient (protagonist). This can be achieved by conscious reliving of the trauma and by activating new, transformative roles to guide the protagonist on his way to recovery

    New Model of Maximal Covering Location Problem with Fuzzy Conditions

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    The objective of Maximal Covering Location Problem is locating facilities such that they cover the maximal number of locations in a given radius or travel time. MCLP is applied in many different real-world problems with several modifications. In this paper a new model of MCLP with fuzzy conditions is presented. It uses two types of fuzzy numbers for describing two main parameters of MCLP - coverage radius and distances between locations. First, the model is defined, then Particle Swarm Optimization method for solving the problem is described and tested

    Establishment and initial characterization of SOX2-overexpressing NT2/D1 cell clones

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    SOX2, a universal marker of pluripotent stem cells, is a transcription factor that helps control embryonic development in vertebrates; its expression persists in neural stem/progenitor cells into adulthood. Considering the critical role of the SOX2 transcription factor in the regulation of genes required for self-renewal and pluripotency of stem cells, we developed and characterized SOX2-overexpressing NT2/D1 cell clones. Using Southern blot and semi-quantitative RT-PCR, we confirmed integration and expression of exogenous SOX2 in three NT2/D1 cell clones. Overexpression of the SOX2 gene was detected in two of these clones. SOX2 overexpression in NT2/D1 cell clones resulted in altered expression of key pluripotency genes OCT4 and NANOG. Furthermore, SOX2-overexpressing NT2/D1 cell clones entered into retinoic acid-dependent neural differentiation, even when there was elevated SOX2 expression. After 21 days of induction by retinoic acid, expression of neural markers (neuroD1 and synaptophysin) was higher in induced cell clones than in induced parental cells. The cell clone with SOX2 overexpression had an approximately 1.3-fold higher growth rate compared to parental cells. SOX2 overexpression did not increase the population of cells undergoing apoptosis. Taken together, we developed two SOX2-overexpressing cell clones, with constitutive SOX2 expression after three weeks of retinoic acid treatment. SOX2 overexpression resulted in altered expression of pluripotency-related genes, increased proliferation, and altered expression of neural markers after three weeks of retinoic acid treatment

    Gene expression analysis by non-radioactive RNA-RNA in situ hybridization techniques

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    RNK-RNK in situ hibridizacija je pogodna metoda za izučavanje specifične ekspresije gena u tkivima i ćelijama, kojom je omogućena vizualizacija obeležene antisens RNK probe hibridizovane za specifičnu iRNK. U ovom radu prikazano je detektovanje ekspresije SOX gena u tumorskim ćelijskim linijama primenom neradioaktivne RNK-RNK in situ hibridizacije koristeći RNK probe obeležene biotinom ili digoksigeninom. Koristeći ovaj pristup potvrđeni su rezultati dobijeni Northern blot analizom, tj. pokazano je prisustvo SOX2 iRNK u NT2/D1 i SOX14 iRNK u HepG2 ćelijama. Cilj ovog rada bio je uspostavljanje RNK-RNK in situ hibridizacije na in vitro kultivisanim ćelijama da bi metodu primenili pri proučavanju ekspresije SOX gena u različitim normalnim i tumorskim tkivima.RNA-RNA in situ hybridization is a reliable method for studying tissue and cell specific gene expression, which enables visualization of labeled antisense RNA probe hybridized to specific mRNA. In this study we employed non-radioactive RNA-RNA in situ hybridization using biotin- or digoxigenin-labeled RNA probes in order to detect SOX gene expression in carcinoma cell lines. By this approach we confirmed results obtained by Northern blot analysis, where the presence of SOX2 mRNA in NT2/D1 and SOX14 mRNA in HepG2 cells has been established. Our aim was to set up RNA-RNA in situ hybridization method in in vitro cultured cells in order to perform further analyses of SOX gene expression on various normal and cancer tissues


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    Obrazovanje odraslih posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća sve viÅ”e počinje dobivati na važnosti. Pažnja se počela usmjeravati i na etičke pristupe u obrazovanju odraslih. Mnogi su autori raspravljali o različitim etičkim dilemama, predlagali etičke modele te nastojali osmisliti univerzalni etički kodeks za edukatore odraslih Å”to ukazuje na značaj problema i na važnost rasprave o navedenoj temi. U Hrvatskoj, konkretno, osim etičkih kodeksa pojedinih institucija, ne postoji univerzalni etički kodeks koji bi priznao i zaÅ”titio prava institucija, edukatora odraslih te samih polaznika edukacija. Svrha ovog rada je ponuditi kratak pregled rasprava različitih autora o navedenoj temi, pregled njihovih definicija etike i morala, prijedlog modela i principa etičkog ponaÅ”anja te načina na koji pokuÅ”avaju osmisliti univerzalni kodeks za edukatore odraslih. Svrha je, također, sve uključene u obrazovanje odraslih, počevÅ”i od institucija, pojedinaca koji poučavaju i onih koji se obrazuju, pa sve do druÅ”tva koje čini (ili bi trebalo činiti) aktivno građanstvo, potaknuti na razmiÅ”ljanje te pozvati na poduzimanje akcije i na sudjelovanje u stvaranju etičkog kodeksa za obrazovanje odraslih u Hrvatskoj.In recent decades, adult education is gaining more significance than ever. Ethical approach to adult education is being addressed more frequently as well. Many authors have discussed various ethical dilemmas, suggested different ethical models and tried to produce a universal ethical code for educators of adult learners what points to the significance of the problem and the importance of further discussion on the matter. Apart from the ethical codes of a few educational institutions, in Croatia there is no universal ethical code by which would the rights of the institutions, the educators and the learners themselves be recognized and protected. The goal of this article it to provide the reader with a brief overview of different discussions on the matter by various authors, an overview of their definitions of ethics and moral, suggested models and principles of ethical behavior and different approaches to producing a universal ethical code for the educators of adult learners. The purpose of the article is also to encourage everyone included in the adult education - starting with the institutions, educators and learners along with the society, which consists of (or should consist of) active citizens, to reflect on this matter and to take action in participating in producing a universal ethical code for adult education in Croatia

    Djelovanje sustava uzdužne ventilacije cestovnog tunela u uvjetima požara

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    U radu su analizirani mogući scenariji djelovanja sustava uzdužne ventilacije cestovnog tunela u uvjetima požarnog incidenta; s ciljem povećanja zaÅ”tite i sigurnosti putnika; vatrogasnih i spasilačkih službi; kao i očuvanja integriteta građevine u cjelini. Pri tome je posebna pažnja posvećena proučavanju aerodinamičkih fenomena raspodjele i Å”irenja dima unutar tunela; zbog potrebe da se svakoj fazi požarnog incidenta pridruže oni oblici razvoja i Å”irenja dima koji bi omogućili postizanje optimalnih uvjeta za provedbu karakterističnih aktivnosti promatrane faze (npr. evakuacija putnika; gaÅ”enje požara i dr.). Sinteza saznanja i podataka dobivenih iz niza provedenih požarnih testova i terenskih ispitivanja sustava ventilacije novoizgrađenih domaćih tunela; uz uvažavanje postojećih znanstvena dostignuća iz predmetnog područja; te koriÅ”tenje rezultata modeliranja razdiobe dima suvremenim CFD alatom; dovelo je do oblikovanja cjelovite operativne strategije sustava uzdužne ventilacije u uvjetima požara. Predmetna strategija prikazana je u obliku ā€žgeneričkih algoritamaā€œ; čija unutarnja struktura je potpuno neovisna o raspoloživim pogonskim mogućnostima sustava uzdužne ventilacije; te geometrijskim i građevinskim specifičnostima pojedinog tunela. U radu su također obrazloženi i karakteristični detalji matematičkog i regulacijskog modela upravljanja sustavom ventilacije; koji su okosnica računalnog programa za kontrolu uzdužnog strujanja. Program; koji je u zavrÅ”noj fazi razvoja; predviđen je za upravljanje sustavom uzdužne ventilacije u automatskim sekvencijama rada; kako u uvjetima normalnog pogona; tako i u uvjetima požarnog incidenta; za koji je prvenstveno i razvijen

    Early effects of ionizing ir-radiation on the ecto- 5'nucleotidase activity in rat brain during postnatal development

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    In the present study, early effects of low (50 cGy) and therapeutic dose (2 Gy) of ionizing Ī³-irradiation on ecto-5ā€™nucleotidase activity in rat brain neuronal cells during postnatal development were studied. Ecto-5ā€™-nucleotidase is the major enzyme that hydrolyzes extracellular AMP and is responsible for the formation of the P1 receptor agonist-adenosine. It was shown that the levels of AMP hydrolyses by the enzyme were not affected by irradiation in the rats during first 4 postnatal weeks. A both low- and therapeutic dose significantly decreased hydrolyses of extracellular AMP in pubertal and adult rats by 10-14%. These findings indicate that low dose exerts the same effects on ecto-5'nucleotidase activity as therapeutic one in first hour after irradiation. Another findings is that in early postnatal development, brain ecto-5'nucleotidase was resistant to irradiation damage.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200
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