12 research outputs found


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    The development of the innovative digital system, as an important part of the market infrastructure, partly reflects the overall economic level of the country, but its further positive dynamics with the growth of the national economy determines the progress of society as a whole. Methodology. The article provides basis for propositions, aimed at the improvements of development of innovative infrastructure of Ukrainian national economy in the framework of international digital transformation with definition and systematization of all factors that have an impact on the formation of innovation potential and the justification of strategic directions of the development of the infocommunication sphere as a component of the national innovation infrastructure. The development of infocommunication technologies has become an impetus for the formation of the innovation infrastructure of the national economy. The purpose of the article is to study the formation and development of the innovation infrastructure of the digital system in the transitive economy of Ukraine through the reduction of the level of technological development and productivity of production, which requires the stimulation of business entities to innovate. Dependence of the effectiveness of state regulation of the innovation development of infocommunications and the growth of the competitiveness of the national economy is crucial for maximizing the effect of infocommunication thanks to a favourable state policy and an adaptive regulatory framework, taking into account technological changes. Value/originality. The principles of ensuring the development of innovation infrastructure, the effective activity of which guarantees the interaction of subjects and objects of innovation activity, as well as access to various information resources, which, in turn, will increase the efficiency of using the country’s innovative potential in the transition period, which is caused by market changes, technological breakthroughs and shifts in the regulatory sphere of Ukraine. The strategic tasks of creating a modern innovation system, including technological and scientific parks, venture funds, technology transfer networks, etc., are grounded. It requires the introduction of mechanisms of public-private partnership in the innovation sphere


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    Transformational processes in the global economy are due to strengthening the integration of national economies, increasing transnationalization, deepening internationalization of production and exchange, are accompanied by the activation of migration challenges. The purpose of the article is to examine and analyse the migration challenges, their development trends and the potential consequences for Ukraine’s and countries of Eastern Europe economic potential. To achieve the goal, the study focuses on the following tasks: to consider and analyse the main factors that have a direct impact on the socio-economic development of the country, such as the activation of international mobility of the Ukrainian people, armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, the introduction of a visa-free regime with the EU; to make a socio-economic analysis of migration processes in the countries of Eastern Europe; to consider and analyse the possible (potential) scenario of the development of the impact of migration challenges on the Ukrainian economy; to offer recommendations on mitigating the negative manifestations of the current migration challenges for Ukraine. Methodology. In the process of writing the article, methods of scientific abstraction, observation, synthesis of generalization were used to distinguish key socio-economic factors influencing migration challenges. The information and analytical base for the study of migratory challenges is the monographic works of foreign and domestic economists devoted to international migration, materials and analytical reports of international organizations dealing with migration (International Organization for Migration, International Labor Organization, United Nations Population and Development Commission, World Bank and others), regulatory and statistical data of the state authorities of Ukraine, results of scientific research of the Institute of Demography and Social Research after M. V. Ptukha NASU, Internet resources. The practical significance of the scientific research is to clarify the migration challenges, their development trends and potential implications for the economic potential of Ukraine on the basis of macroeconomic indicators; the likely economic consequences of the introduction of a visafree regime for the European Union for Ukraine and the projected tendencies of migration challenges as proposed scenarios, indicating developers and prospects for forecasting


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    The system of public administration in Ukraine as a set of state bodies and institutions, officials who are authorized to perform management functions in all spheres of state and public life has been considered in the article. It is emphasized that the process of reforming the bodies of public administration in Ukraine continues, which reaffirms the thesis of the permanent modification of the state power and administrative functions connected with the emergence of new realities of social development. The article analyzes the important methodological provision of the relevant processes in this way so that the obtained results have the ability to ensure not only the accomplishment of the tasks set, but also in general realize the goals and directions of the whole system of public administration. It is generalized that the improvement of administrative procedures in the state has an important methodological value for the implementation of public administration.W artykule rozważono system administracji publicznej na Ukrainie jako zespół organów państwowych i instytucji, urzędników uprawnionych do pełnienia funkcji zarządczych we wszystkich sferach życia państwowego i publicznego. Podkreśla się, że trwa proces reformowania organów administracji publicznej na Ukrainie, co potwierdza tezę o permanentnej modyfikacji władzy państwowej i funkcji administracyjnych związanych z pojawieniem się nowych realiów rozwoju społecznego. Artykuł analizuje w ten sposób ważne dostarczanie metodologiczne odpowiednich procesów, aby uzyskane wyniki miały zdolność zapewnienia nie tylko realizacji wyznaczonych zadań, ale także w ogóle realizowały cele i kierunki całego systemu administracji publicznej. Uogólnia się, że usprawnienie procedur administracyjnych w państwie ma ważną wartość metodologiczną dla wdrażania administracji publicznej

    Eight papers translated from the russian

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    Covers a variety of topics including modal logic, arithmetic algebraic geometry, orthogonal polynomials, stochastic matrices, and computing theor