109 research outputs found

    Radiative Transfer Model of Dust Attenuation Curves in Clumpy, Galactic Environments

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    The attenuation of starlight by dust in galactic environments is investigated through models of radiative transfer in a spherical, clumpy ISM. Extinction properties for MW, LMC, and SMC dust types are considered. It is illustrated that the attenuation curves are primarily determined by the wavelength dependence of absorption rather than by the underlying extinction (absorption+scattering) curve. Attenuation curves consistent with the "Calzetti attenuation curve" are found by assuming the silicate-carbonaceous dust model for the MW, but with the 2175A absorption bump suppressed or absent. The discrepancy between our results and previous work that claimed the SMC-type dust to be the most likely origin of the Calzetti curve is ascribed to the difference in adopted albedos; this study uses the theoretically calculated albedos whereas the previous ones adopted empirically derived albedos from observations of reflection nebulae. It is also found that the model attenuation curves calculated with the MW dust are well represented by a modified Calzetti curve with a varying slope and UV bump strength. The strong correlation between the slope and UV bump strength, with steeper curves having stronger bumps, as found in star-forming galaxies at 0.5<z<2.0, is well reproduced by our models if the abundance of the UV bump carriers or PAHs is assumed to be 30% or 40% of that of the MW-dust. The trend is explained by radiative transfer effects which lead to shallower attenuation curves with weaker UV bumps as the ISM is more clumpy and dustier. We also argue that at least some of the IUE local starburst galaxies may have a UV bump feature in their attenuation curves, albeit much weaker than that of the MW extinction curve.Comment: 28 pages, 30 figures, submited to ApJ

    Polarized Infrared Emission by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons resulting from Anisotropic Illumination

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    We study the polarized infrared emission by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), when anisotropically illuminated by UV photons. PAH molecules are modeled as planar disks with in-plane and out-of-plane vibrational dipoles. As first pointed out by Leger (1988), infrared emission features resulting from in-plane and out-of-plane modes should have orthogonal polarization directions. We show analytically how the degree of polarization depends on the viewing geometry and the molecule's internal alignment between principal axis of inertia and angular momentum, which gets worse after photon absorption. Longer wavelength features, emitted after better internal alignment is recovered, should be more strongly polarized. The degree of polarization for uni-directional illumination (e.g., by a star) is larger than for diffuse illumination (e.g., by a disk galaxy), all else being equal. For PAHs in the Cold Neutral Medium, the predicted polarization is probably too small to distinguish from the contribution of linear dichroism by aligned foreground dust. The level of polarization predicted for PAH emission from the Orion Bar is only ~0.06% at 3.3 microns; Sellgren et al. (1988) report a much larger value, 0.86+-0.28%, which suggests that the smallest PAHs may have moderately suprathermal rotation rates. Future observations of (or upper limits on) the degree of polarization for the Orion Bar or for dust above edge-on galaxies (e.g., NGC 891 or M82) may constrain the internal alignment of emitting PAHs, thus providing clues to their rotational dynamics.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, submitted to Ap

    Radiative properties of visible and subvisible Cirrus: Scattering on hexagonal ice crystals

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    One of the main objectives of the First International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) Regional Experiment (FIRE) is to provide a better understanding of the physics of upper level clouds. The focus is on just one specific aspect of cirrus physics, namely on characterizing the radiative properties of single, nonspherical ice particles. The basis for further more extensive studies of the radiative transfer through upper level clouds is provided. Radiation provides a potential mechanism for strong feedback between the divergence of in-cloud radiative flux and the cloud microphysics and ultimately on the dynamics of the cloud. Some aspects of ice cloud microphysics that are relevant to the radiation calculations are described. Next, the Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA) is introduced and some new results of scattering by irregular crystals are presented. The Anomalous Diffraction Theory (ADT) was adopted to investigate the scattering properties of even larger crystals. In this way the scattering properties of nonspherical particles were determined over a range of particle sizes