19 research outputs found

    On the Performance of Software Transactional Memory

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    The recent proliferation of multi-core processors has moved concurrent programming into mainstream by forcing increasingly more programmers to write parallel code. Using traditional concurrency techniques, such as locking, is notoriously difficult and has been considered the domain of a few experts for a long time. This discrepancy between the established techniques and typical programmer's skills raises a pressing need for new programming paradigms. A particularly appealing concurrent programming paradigm is transactional memory: it enables programmers to write correct concurrent code in a simple manner, while promising scalable performance. Software implementations of transactional memory (STM) have attracted a lot of attention for their ability to support dynamic transactions of any size and execute on existing hardware. This is in contrast to hardware implementations that typically support only transactions of limited size and are not yet commercially available. Surprisingly, prior work has largely neglected software support for transactions of arbitrary size, despite them being an important target for STM. Consequently, existing STMs have not been optimized for large transactions, which results in poor performance of those STMs, and sometimes even program crashes, when dealing with large transactions. In this thesis, I contribute to changing the current state of affairs by improving performance and scalability of STM, in particular with dynamic transactions of arbitrary size. I propose SwissTM, a novel STM design that efficiently supports large transactions, while not compromising on performance with smaller ones. SwissTM features: (1) mixed conflict detection, that detects write-write conflicts eagerly and read-write conflicts lazily, and (2) a two-phase contention manager, that imposes little overhead on small transactions and effectively manages conflicts between larger ones. SwissTM indeed achieves good performance across a range of workloads: it outperforms several state-of-the-art STMs on a representative large-scale benchmark by at least 55% with eight threads, while matching their performance or outperforming them across a wide range of smaller-scale benchmarks. I also present a detailed empirical analysis of the SwissTM design, individually evaluating each of the chosen design points and their impact on performance. This "dissection" of SwissTM is particularly valuable for STM designers as it helps them understand which parts of the design are well-suited to their own STMs, enabling them to reuse just those parts. Furthermore, I address the question of whether STM can perform well enough to be practical by performing the most extensive comparison of performance of STM-based and sequential, non-thread-safe code to date. This comparison demonstrates the very fact that SwissTM indeed outperforms sequential code, often with just a handful of threads: with four threads it outperforms sequential code in 80% of cases, by up to 4x. Furthermore, the performance scales well when increasing thread counts: with 64 threads it outperforms sequential code by up to 29x. These results suggest that STM is indeed a viable alternative for writing concurrent code today

    STM in the Small: Trading Generality for Performance in Software Transactional Memory

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    Data structures implemented using software transactional memory (STM) have a reputation for being much slower than data structures implemented directly from low-level primitives such as atomic compare-and-swap (CAS). In this paper we present a specialized STM system (SpecTM) that allows the program to express additional knowledge about the particular operations being performed by transactions - e.g., using a separate API to write transactions that access small, fixed, numbers of memory locations. We show that data structures implemented using SpecTM offer essentially the same performance and scalability as implementations built directly from CAS. We present results using hash tables and skip lists on machines with up to 8 sockets and up to 128 hardware threads. Specialized transactions can be mixed with normal transactions, allowing fast-path operations to be specialized for greater performance, while allowing less common cases to be expressed using normal transactions for simplicity. We believe that SpecTM provides a “sweet spot” for expert programmers developing scalable data structures

    Stretching Transactional Memory

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    Transactional memory (TM) is an appealing abstraction for programming multi-core systems. Potential target applications for TM, such as business software and video games, are likely to involve complex data structures and large transactions, requiring specific software solutions (STM). So far, however, STMs have been mainly evaluated and optimized for smaller scale benchmarks. We revisit the main STM design choices from the perspective of complex workloads and propose a new STM, which we call SwissTM. In short, SwissTM is lock- and word-based and uses (1) optimistic (commit- time) conflict detection for read/write conflicts and pessimistic (encounter-time) conflict detection for write/write conflicts, as well as (2) a new two-phase contention manager that ensures the progress of long transactions while inducing no overhead on short ones. SwissTM outperforms state-of-the-art STM implementations, namely RSTM, TL2, and TinySTM, in our experiments on STMBench7, STAMP, Lee-TM and red- black tree benchmarks. Beyond SwissTM, we present the most complete evaluation to date of the individual impact of various STM design choices on the ability to support the mixed workloads of large applications

    Optimizing Transactions for Captured Memory

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    In this paper, we identify transaction-local memory as a major source of overhead from compiler instrumentation in software transactional memory (STM). Transaction-local memory is memory allocated inside a transaction, which cannot escape (i.e., is captured by) the allocating transaction. Accesses to such memory do not require calls to STM memory access functions (i.e., STM barriers). A compiler unaware of that may translate accesses to captured memory into expensive STM barriers. This presents us opportunities to improve STM performance. Our measurements with the STAMP benchmark suite (version 0.9.9) revealed that as many as 60% of the STM barriers generated by our baseline compiler access captured memory, including 90% of the write barriers and 45% of the read barriers. We propose runtime and compiler optimizations to elide STM barriers to captured memory. These techniques can also elide barriers for accesses to thread-local and read-only data. We implemented those optimizations in the Intel C++ STM compiler. Our experiments with the STAMP benchmark suite on a Intel Dunnington system (with 24 cores in a 4-node SMP system) show that these optimizations can improve performance by to 18% at 16 threads

    Unifying Thread-Level Speculation and Transactional Memory

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    Abstract. The motivation of this work is to ask whether Transactional Memory (TM) and Thread-Level Speculation (TLS), two prominent con-currency paradigms usually considered separately, can be combined into a hybrid approach that extracts untapped parallelism and speed-up from common programs. We show that the answer is positive by describing an algorithm, called TLSTM, that leverages an existing TM with TLS capabilities. We also show that our approach is able to achieve up to a 48 % increase in throughput over the base TM, on read dominated workloads of long transactions in a multi-threaded application, among other results.

    Honeycomb: ordered key-value store acceleration on an FPGA-based SmartNIC

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    In-memory ordered key-value stores are an important building block in modern distributed applications. We present Honeycomb, a hybrid software-hardware system for accelerating read-dominated workloads on ordered key-value stores that provides linearizability for all operations including scans. Honeycomb stores a B-Tree in host memory, and executes SCAN and GET on an FPGA-based SmartNIC, and PUT, UPDATE and DELETE on the CPU. This approach enables large stores and simplifies the FPGA implementation but raises the challenge of data access and synchronization across the slow PCIe bus. We describe how Honeycomb overcomes this challenge with careful data structure design, caching, request parallelism with out-of-order request execution, wait-free read operations, and batching synchronization between the CPU and the FPGA. For read-heavy YCSB workloads, Honeycomb improves the throughput of a state-of-the-art ordered key-value store by at least 1.8x. For scan-heavy workloads inspired by cloud storage, Honeycomb improves throughput by more than 2x. The cost-performance, which is more important for large-scale deployments, is improved by at least 1.5x on these workloads

    RPCValet: NI-Driven Tail-Aware Balancing of ”s-Scale RPCs

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    Modern online services come with stringent quality requirements in terms of response time tail latency. Because of their decomposition into fine-grained communicating software layers, a single user request fans out into a plethora of short, ÎŒs-scale RPCs, aggravating the need for faster inter-server communication. In reaction to that need, we are witnessing a technological transition characterized by the emergence of hardware-terminated user-level protocols (e.g., InfiniBand/RDMA) and new architectures with fully integrated Network Interfaces (NIs). Such architectures offer a unique opportunity for a new NI-driven approach to balancing RPCs among the cores of manycore server CPUs, yielding major tail latency improvements for ÎŒs-scale RPCs. We introduce RPCValet, an NI-driven RPC load-balancing design for architectures with hardware-terminated protocols and integrated NIs, that delivers near-optimal tail latency. RPCValet's RPC dispatch decisions emulate the theoretically optimal single-queue system, without incurring synchronization overheads currently associated with single-queue implementations. Our design improves throughput under tight tail latency goals by up to 1.4x, and reduces tail latency before saturation by up to 4x for RPCs with ÎŒs-scale service times, as compared to current systems with hardware support for RPC load distribution. RPCValet performs within 15% of the theoretically optimal single-queue system