12 research outputs found

    The influence of some sowing technology parameters on winter wheat in Banat Plain

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    The two years experience was organized at the Didactic Facility of Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Timişoara. The research objectives are determining the influence of sowing period, row distance and sowing density on the winter wheat yield, the variety used in the study being Alex, a variety representative for the Western Romania. The experimental plots were laid down after the subdivision of plots using three replications, under the climatic conditions of Timişoara. We monitored four sowing periods, three row distances and four sowing densities. In the experimental plots the technology applied was the classic one. The forecrop was corn. Wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare L, var. erythrospermum) ensures approximately 35-45% of the world food necessity, specifically being used for producing bread and other flour products, as well as for domestic animal feeding. Thus, obtaining a high productivity is very important. The average data obtained after two years indicate that the first period of sowing, 1-15 October, registered the best results in both years by experience, followed by the variant sown during 15 - 30 October. Periods three and four resulted in significant yield losses. The row distance of the best results was the control, followed by sowing at a row distance of 25 cm with a drop by over 80 kg/ha. The variant sown by scattering registered in both years losses by approximately 1500 kg/ha. Sowing density resulted in constant increases in the yield, from the control variant with a density of 400 seeds/m2 , to 700 seeds/m2 increases were statistically significant

    Research on the behavior of certain oilseed rape varieties in Gătaia area

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    The study monitored the behavior of some rapeseed varieties in terms of oilseed rape yield and for their introduction in the culture. The study was conducted over a period of three years 2008-2010, in the Gătaia area of Timis county. For testing five varieties of oilseed rape (Alaska, Attila, Triangle, Digger, Milena) were selected .The soil of the experimental field was a vertic-preluvosol, medium clay loam/loam clay on medium fine clays. In the first year of experimentation (2008), the smallest oilseed rape yields have been recorded due to important deviations in this area. Under these conditions the oilseed rape yield ranged between 569 kg/ha and 732 kg/ha. The oilseed rape yield level of the second year of study (2009) ranged between 984 kg/ha and 1142 kg/ha, slightly higher than the previous year. In 2008 the highest oilseed rape yield of 732 kg/ha was obtained from variety Milena, followed by Alaska with a yield of 640 kg/ha, while the lowest oil-seed rape yield (569 kg/ha) was obtained from the variety Digger. In 2009 the highest oilseed rape yield (1149 kg/ha) was obtained from the variety Triangle, and the lowest oil-seed rape crop (984 kg / ha) was obtained from variety Alaska. Research results show that by the introduction of the most suitable varieties in the culture, respecting the fertilizer recovering capacity of the varieties at the determination of the fertilization conditions and respecting the zonal optimum planting period, rape is a crop with real opportunities for expansion in the reference areas

    Tehnică alternativă de cosmetizare a grupului de dinți frontal superior (studiu pilot)

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    Background. A current topic in aesthetic dentistry is the cosmeticisation of aesthetic issues of the upper frontal teeth. Numerous solutions and methods have been proposed in this regard, exhibiting varying efficacy and prognosis while being inapplicable for every single clinical situation. Objective of the study. To develop an alternative technique for the cosmeticisation of the upper frontal dento-gingival composition in patients with aesthetic complaints. Material and Methods. The technique was developed on dental models, recreating the similarity in appearance and chromatic concordance of homologous teeth (shade guide, shade map). It was applied by direct technique (composites) in 16 patients with aesthetic complaints, assessing their self-perception of orofacial aesthetics (OES questionnaire) pre- (T1) and post-treatment (T2). Results. The impact of using the proposed technique in aesthetic rehabilitation was positively evaluated by the patients, with the following statistically significant improvements (p<0.01) in the the mean of the OES questionnaire items (T2 vs. T1): facial appearance from the frontal view (+15.7%), tooth alignment (+10.9%), tooth contour (+21.2%), tooth color (+26.7%), overall impression (+23.6%), total score (+30.4%). Conclusion. The proposed technique has demonstrated viability in cosmeticising aesthetic complaints of the upper frontal group of teeth, with potential for expansion and adaptation for complex clinical situations.Introducere. În stomatologia estetică este actuală cosmetizarea problemelor estetice la nivel de grup frontal superior, fiind propuse numeroase scheme și metode, însă cu eficacitate, pronostic variabil și neaplicabile pentru fiecare situație clinică. Scopul lucrării. Elaborarea unei tehnici alternative de cosmetizare a compoziției dento-gingivale frontale superioare la pacienții cu acuze estetice. Material și Metode. Tehnica a fost dezvoltată pe modele dentare, recreându- se similitudinea aspectului și concordanța cromatică a dinților omologi (cheia de culori, harta cromatică). La 16 pacienți cu acuze estetice, s-a aplicat tehnica prin metoda directă (compozite), cu evaluarea autopercepției esteticii orofaciale (chestionarul OES) pre- (T1) și post-tratament (T2). Rezultate. Impactul utilizării tehnicii propuse în reabilitarea estetică a fost evaluată pozitiv de către pacienți, fiind atestate următoarele ameliorări statistic semnificative (p<0.01) ale mediei itemilor chestionarului OES (T2 vs. T1): aspectul feței în plan frontal (+15.7 %), alinierea dinților (+10.9%), conturul dinților (+21.2%), culoarea (26.7%), impresia generală (+23.6%), scor total (+30.4%). Concluzii. Tehnica propusă a demonstrat viabilitatea în cosmetizarea acuzelor estetice a grupului frontal superior de dinți, având un potențial de extindere și adaptare pentru situații clinice complexe


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. În stomatologia estetică este actuală cosmetizarea problemelor estetice la nivel de grup frontal superior, fiind propuse numeroase scheme și metode, însă cu eficacitate, pronostic variabil și neaplicabile pentru fiecare situație clinică. Scopul lucrării. Elaborarea unei tehnici alternative de cosmetizare a compoziției dento-gingivale frontale superioare la pacienții cu acuze estetice. Material și Metode. Tehnica a fost dezvoltată pe modele dentare, recreându-se similitudinea aspectului și concordanța cromatică a dinților omologi (cheia de culori, harta cromatică). La 16 pacienți cu acuze estetice, s-a aplicat tehnica prin metoda directă (compozite), cu evaluarea autopercepției esteticii orofaciale (chestionarul OES) pre- (T1) și post-tratament (T2). Rezultate. Impactul utilizării tehnicii propuse în reabilitarea estetică a fost evaluată pozitiv de către pacienți, fiind atestate următoarele ameliorări statistic semnificative (p<0.01) ale mediei itemilor chestionarului OES (T2 vs. T1): aspectul feței în plan frontal (+15.7 %), alinierea dinților (+10.9%), conturul dinților (+21.2%), culoarea (26.7%), impresia generală (+23.6%), scor total (+30.4%). Concluzii. Tehnica propusă a demonstrat viabilitatea în cosmetizarea acuzelor estetice a grupului frontal superior de dinți, având un potențial de extindere și adaptare pentru situații clinice complexe.Background. A current topic in aesthetic dentistry is the cosmeticisation of aesthetic issues of the upper frontal teeth. Numerous solutions and methods have been proposed in this regard, exhibiting varying efficacy and prognosis while being inapplicable for every single clinical situation. Objective of the study. To develop an alternative technique for the cosmeticisation of the upper frontal dento-gingival composition in patients with aesthetic complaints. Material and Methods. The technique was developed on dental models, recreating the similarity in appearance and chromatic concordance of homologous teeth (shade guide, shade map). It was applied by direct technique (composites) in 16 patients with aesthetic complaints, assessing their self-perception of orofacial aesthetics (OES questionnaire) pre- (T1) and post-treatment (T2). Results. The impact of using the proposed technique in aesthetic rehabilitation was positively evaluated by the patients, with the following statistically significant improvements (p<0.01) in the the mean of the OES questionnaire items (T2 vs. T1): facial appearance from the frontal view (+15.7%), tooth alignment (+10.9%), tooth contour (+21.2%), tooth color (+26.7%), overall impression (+23.6%), total score (+30.4%). Conclusion. The proposed technique has demonstrated viability in cosmeticising aesthetic complaints of the upper frontal group of teeth, with potential for expansion and adaptation for complex clinical situations

    Dual-light antibacterial photodynamic therapy in peri-implant mucositis treatment

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    Introducere. Relația existentă între acumularea biofilmului în jurul implanturilor dentare și dezvoltarea unei afecțiuni inflamatorii a fost demonstrată în diverse studii pre-clinice și clinice.În cazul pacienților cu mucozită peri-implantară, ghidul de practică clinică de nivel S3 al EFP sugerează să nu se utilizeze agenți administrați local (antiseptice, postbiotice, gel desicant) sau terapia fotodinamică, ca metode adjuvante la îndepărtarea mecanică profesională a plăcii bacteriene (PMPR). În schimb, se poate lua în considerare utilizarea unei autoadministrări limitate în timp a antisepticelor prin clătituri orale (pe bază de clorhexidină și pe bază de plante) sau autoadministrarea probioticelor ghidată de un medic. În studiile anterioare, unele antiseptice au fost asociate cu efecte secundare nedorite, cum ar fi senzația de anestezie tranzitorie la nivelul mucoasei orale sau niveluri sporite de colorare a dinților sau a limbii. Anterior, terapia fotodinamică antibacteriană (aPDT) a fost utilizată în principal în cabinetele stomatologice, iar utilizările rare, atunci când a fost aplicată rar (1-4 ori pe an), de obicei nu a determinat o îmbunătățire a indicilor clinici. Recent, aPDT pe bază de LED a fost dezvoltată, facilitând utilizarea repetată și practică la domiciliu.Scopul lucrării. Acest studiu a avut ca scop determinarea rezultatelor clinice obținute cu terapia fotodinamică antibacteriană regulată în tratamentul mucozitei peri-implantare. Material și metode. După aplicarea criteriilor de includere și excludere, 29 de pacienți au fost incluși în studiu. Fiecare dintre ei avea cel puțin 1 implant diagnosticat cu mucozită peri-implantară. Pacienții au fost repartizați aleatoriu în 2 grupuri: Grupul de studiu (GS) - 14 pacienți, și Grupul de control (GC) - 15 pacienți. Pacienții din GS, pe lângă instrumentarea submarginală, au primit tratament repetat cu aPDT. În cadrul studiului s-a folosit un dispozitiv medical care conținea apă de gură Lumorinse® activată cu ajutorul luminii și un activator luminos Lumoral®. Variabila de rezultat primar a fost reducerea adâncimii de sondare periimplantară (PiPD), în timp ce variabilele de rezultat secundare au fost modificările indicelui de sângerare la sondare (mBOP) și ale indicelui de placă modificat (mPI). Indicii clinici au fost evaluați inițial și la 2 luni. Rezultate. Toți cei 29 de pacienți incluși în studiu au finalizat studiul. În GS și, respectiv, GC, rezultatele au fost următoarele: PiPD de 5,3±0,6 mm și 5,4±0,5 mm inițial, iar după 2 luni de 4,1±0,5 mm și respectiv 4,2±0,7 mm (p >0,05), mPI a fost mai redus în grupul GS decât în GC (p <0,05), iar mBoP a fost mai mic în GS comparativ cu GC (p <0,05). Concluzii. Pacienții din grupul de control au prezentat rezultate bune ale indicilor mPI și mBoP. Tratamentul repetat cu aPDT la domiciliu poate îmbunătăți igiena orală și rezultatele tratamentului mucozitei peri-implantare. Sunt necesare studii suplimentare pentru a valida rezultatele actuale.Background. The link between biofilm accumulation around dental implants and the development of an inflammatory disease around them has been demonstrated in classical pre-clinical and clinical studies. In patients with peri-implant mucositis, the EFP S3 level clinical practice guideline suggest not to use locally administered agents (antiseptics, postbiotics, desiccant gel) or photodynamic therapy, as adjunct methods to professional mechanical plaque removal (PMPR). Instead, the use of a time limited self-administration of oral rinse antiseptics (chlorhexidine and herbal-based) or the professionally guided self-administration of probiotics may be considered. In previous studies, some antiseptics have been associated with undesirable side effects, such as transient anaesthetic sensation in the oral mucosa or higher levels of staining of the teeth or tongue. Previously, antibacterial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) has been used mainly in dental offices practice and rare aplications (1-4 times per year ) usually did not improve the results. Recently, LED based aPDT has been developed allowing repeated and practical use at home.Objective of the study. This study aimed to determine the clinical outcomes obtained with regular antibacterial photodynamic therapy in peri-implant mucositis treatment. Materials and methods. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 29 patients were enrolled in the study. Each of them had at least 1 implant diagnosed with mucositis. Patients were randomized into 2 groups: Study Group (GS) – 14 patients, and Control Group (GC) – 15 patients. Patients from GS, besides submarginal instrumentation, received repeated aPDT treatment. The study used a medical device containing a light-activated Lumorinse® mouthwash and a Lumoral® light activator. The primary outcome variable was peri-implant probing depth reduction (PiPD), while the secondary outcome variables were changes in bleeding on probing (mBOP) and plaque index (mPI). Clinical parameters were assessed at the beginning and after 2 months. Results. All 29 patients included in the study finalized the study. In GS and GC respectively, the results were: PiPD of 5.3±0.6 mm and 5.4±0.5 mm initially, and after 2 months 4.1±0.5 mm and 4.2±0.7 mm respectively (p >0.05), mPI was more reduced in GS group than GC (p < 0.05), and mBoP was lower in GS comparing to GC (p < 0.05). Conclusion. Patients from the control group showed better results on mPI and mBoP indices. Repeated aPDT treatment at home can improve oral hygiene and the results of peri-implant mucositis treatment. Additional studies are required to validate the current results

    Efficacy of the iJobs Web-Based Psychoeducational Intervention to Improve Job Search Behavior and Promote Mental Health Among Unemployed People: Protocol for a Waitlist Randomized Controlled Trial

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    BackgroundUnemployment affects millions of people worldwide and, beyond its economic impact, has severe implications for people’s well-being and mental health. Different programs have been developed in response to this phenomenon, but to date, job-search interventions have proved to be most effective, especially the JOBS II program. The JOBS II program proved not only to be effective for re-employment but also has a positive impact on beneficiaries’ mental health (ie, reduces anxiety or depression). However, by now, this evidence-based program has been delivered only on site in the various countries where it was implemented. In the digital era, web-based alternatives to such programs are highly needed because they have the advantages of scalability and cost-effectiveness. ObjectiveIn this context, we aim to investigate the efficacy of iJobs, the web-based adaptation of the JOBS II program, on job-search intensity and effort, the quality of job-search behaviors, and job-search self-efficacy. Further, 1 month after the intervention, we will also assess the employment status and the satisfaction with the job (if applicable). This study will also investigate the effect of iJobs on well-being and mental health (ie, anxiety and depression). MethodsThis study is a 2-arm randomized controlled trial. The 2 independent groups (intervention vs waiting list control group) will be crossed with 3 measurement times (ie, baseline, the postintervention time point, and 1-month follow-up). The design will be a 2 (intervention vs control) × 3 (baseline, the postintervention time point, and 1-month follow-up) factorial design. iJobs is a 2-week intervention consisting of 6 modules: an introductive module and 5 modules adapted from the original JOBS II program to the web-based setting and Romanian population. The web-based intervention also has a human component, as beneficiaries receive personalized written feedback after each module on the platform from a team of psychologists involved in the project. ResultsThe enrollment of study participants started in June 2023 and is expected to end in May 2024. The data collection is expected to be completed by July 2024. The results are expected to be submitted for publication in the summer of 2024. ConclusionsThis study is the first large-scale randomized controlled trial aiming to test the efficacy of a web-based adaptation of the JOBS II program. If our results support the efficacy of iJobs, they will offer the premise for it to become an evidence-based, accessible alternative for unemployed people in Romania and might be implemented in other countries. Trial RegistrationClinicalTrials.gov NCT05962554; https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT05962554 International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID)PRR1-10.2196/5537