380 research outputs found

    Secondary Activities in the 2006 American Time Use Survey

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    A major criticism of the American Time Use Survey (ATUS) is that, with the exception of childcare, the survey does not systematically collect information about activities respondents did while they were doing something else. The ATUS focuses on collecting information about respondents' main (or primary) activities; when respondents volunteer that they were doing secondary activities, this information is recorded by the interviewers, but it is not coded and does not appear in the final data. This study is an analysis of these additional secondary activity data from 2006. The study provides descriptive information about who reported secondary activities and the activities they reported. It also quantifies the secondary activity time that was spent in nonmarket work and examines whether the omission of these data impacts valuations of nonmarket work. Finally, it evaluates the quality of the voluntarily-reported secondary activity data.time use, American Time Use Survey, and secondary activities

    San Francisco's Paid Sick Leave Ordinance: Outcomes for Employers and Employees

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    This study examines the effects of San Francisco's recent paid sick days legislation on employees and employers. New survey evidence is presented on how paid sick days are being used, the costs and benefits for employees and employers, and rates of employer compliance. The research represents part of a broader body of work undertaken by the Institute for Women's Policy Research on the costs and benefits of proposed paid sick days legislation. The research was made possible by grants from the Public Welfare Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the Annie E. Casey Foundation

    Where to Start? Asset-based approaches for practitioners in higher education.

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    Deficit thinking centers an individual\u27s background or identities as the reason a student struggles or faces challenges in college. Higher education practitioners have a drive to shift policy, programs, and perspectives away from the harmful influence of deficit thinking. Asset-based approaches, such as psychologically attuned communication and growth mindset messaging, instead focus on student experiences and backgrounds as an opportunity rather than a burden. The question before practitioners is: where to start? We present options to consider

    The changing distribution of working hours in Australia

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    This paper presents statistical evidence on the nature of working time arrangements in Australia, and especially their distribution. More specifically, the paper analyses: (i) the distribution of weekly working hours in Australia and how that has changed over time; (ii) the extent of mismatch between usual and preferred hours of work, and the degree of persistence in such mismatch; (iii) annual leave usage and its correlation with weekly hours of work; and (iv) how working time arrangements in Australia compare with that in other industrial nations

    A Framework for the Selection of Projects at the County Level in Croatia

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    This paper presents a framework for regional self-government units for the selection of projects expected to have a substantial positive effect on the socio-economic characteristics of the broader community. The previous experience of administrative bodies at all levels (national, regional and local) indicates that the decision to implement certain project and programme activities was primarily based on political decision-making principles and a voluntarist approach. With the adoption of the acquis communautaire, the Republic of Croatia has provided legal prerequisites for the selection and implementation of projects based on established criteria, with the criterion of impact on the quality of life and development usually being the dominant one. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to describe the frame-work and procedure of the evaluation and selection of public projects at the regional level, which can easily be applied to decision-making at both the national and local levels

    Elasticity of Demand in Urban Traffic Case Study: City of Rijeka

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    The basic objective of this scientific paper is to explore in both theory and practice the elasticity of demand in urban traffic. We tried to answer whether the elasticity of demand in urban traffic shows a higher intensity of change in the demanded volume of transport services depending on price or income changes. Research results are based on the statistical and mathematical scientific methods. The applicability of the acquired knowledge is tested through a practical research of the elasticity of demand in urban traffic of the city of Rijeka


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    For tourism as one of the most propellant and yet at the same time one of the most sensitive and most flexible industries, slowly but surely, the time of counting tourist arrivals and their overnight stays is coming to an end. Tourist experiences are becoming a part of the economic offer, together with the goods and services, i.e. they are the response of the service provider to the demand of the contemporary user (tourist) who wants to be treated in a personalised and memorable manner. In this way the need for a balanced coordination is created, i.e. preparation, implementation, monitoring and correction in management of life and of activities in every single tourist destination – from the urban planning, the utility infrastructure, the offer of original tourist products all the way to ensuring sufficient parking lots. Location of the parking capacities, their arrangement in space, the number of parking lots and the distance from tourist attractions are the fundamental determinants in providing the quality stationary service for tourists\u27 cars which, integrated with the remaining tourist services, represents also the determinant of the destination’s quality tourist product

    The Information – Communication Process in a Business with Outsourcing for the Maintenance of a Complex Technical System

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    This paper discusses the process of communication between service providers and recipients when monitoring and maintaining complex technical systems. This requires sophisticated equipment, trained personnel and special methods and procedures. This is especially true for technical diagnostics, as the most complex form of monitoring and preventive maintenance. The relevant elements of maintenance by state and the experience of engaging an external partner are highlighted, especially when the complete monitoring for process control is performed virtually. In that sense, an information and communication process is proposed to ensure the efficiency of the complete system. The education of the external partner and the connection with the holders of external memories, research institutions and centres of excellence can be emphasized

    The Effect of Subsidies on the Offer of Sea Transport

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    The main goal of this academic discussion is to study the effect of subsidies on the offer of sea transport. Research results are based on the method of microeconomic analysis. The knowledge obtained through this academic discussion may prove to be of assistance to managers in the area of sea transport in deliberating on more efficient and market-oriented business models. The results of this work reveal that subsidies in sea transport make sense if they contribute to the improvement of the quality of transport or are of help to those for whom they are intended