63 research outputs found

    In-Domain Self-Supervised Learning Can Lead to Improvements in Remote Sensing Image Classification

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    Self-supervised learning (SSL) has emerged as a promising approach for remote sensing image classification due to its ability to leverage large amounts of unlabeled data. In contrast to traditional supervised learning, SSL aims to learn representations of data without the need for explicit labels. This is achieved by formulating auxiliary tasks that can be used to create pseudo-labels for the unlabeled data and learn pre-trained models. The pre-trained models can then be fine-tuned on downstream tasks such as remote sensing image scene classification. The paper analyzes the effectiveness of SSL pre-training using Million AID - a large unlabeled remote sensing dataset on various remote sensing image scene classification datasets as downstream tasks. More specifically, we evaluate the effectiveness of SSL pre-training using the iBOT framework coupled with Vision transformers (ViT) in contrast to supervised pre-training of ViT using the ImageNet dataset. The comprehensive experimental work across 14 datasets with diverse properties reveals that in-domain SSL leads to improved predictive performance of models compared to the supervised counterparts

    Semi-supervised Predictive Clustering Trees for (Hierarchical) Multi-label Classification

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    Semi-supervised learning (SSL) is a common approach to learning predictive models using not only labeled examples, but also unlabeled examples. While SSL for the simple tasks of classification and regression has received a lot of attention from the research community, this is not properly investigated for complex prediction tasks with structurally dependent variables. This is the case of multi-label classification and hierarchical multi-label classification tasks, which may require additional information, possibly coming from the underlying distribution in the descriptive space provided by unlabeled examples, to better face the challenging task of predicting simultaneously multiple class labels. In this paper, we investigate this aspect and propose a (hierarchical) multi-label classification method based on semi-supervised learning of predictive clustering trees. We also extend the method towards ensemble learning and propose a method based on the random forest approach. Extensive experimental evaluation conducted on 23 datasets shows significant advantages of the proposed method and its extension with respect to their supervised counterparts. Moreover, the method preserves interpretability and reduces the time complexity of classical tree-based models

    Current Trends in Deep Learning for Earth Observation: An Open-source Benchmark Arena for Image Classification

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    We present 'AiTLAS: Benchmark Arena' -- an open-source benchmark framework for evaluating state-of-the-art deep learning approaches for image classification in Earth Observation (EO). To this end, we present a comprehensive comparative analysis of more than 400 models derived from nine different state-of-the-art architectures, and compare them to a variety of multi-class and multi-label classification tasks from 22 datasets with different sizes and properties. In addition to models trained entirely on these datasets, we also benchmark models trained in the context of transfer learning, leveraging pre-trained model variants, as it is typically performed in practice. All presented approaches are general and can be easily extended to many other remote sensing image classification tasks not considered in this study. To ensure reproducibility and facilitate better usability and further developments, all of the experimental resources including the trained models, model configurations and processing details of the datasets (with their corresponding splits used for training and evaluating the models) are publicly available on the repository: https://github.com/biasvariancelabs/aitlas-arena

    Data-Driven Structuring of the Output Space Improves the Performance of Multi-Target Regressors

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    peer-reviewedThe task of multi-target regression (MTR) is concerned with learning predictive models capable of predicting multiple target variables simultaneously. MTR has attracted an increasing attention within research community in recent years, yielding a variety of methods. The methods can be divided into two main groups: problem transformation and problem adaptation. The former transform a MTR problem into simpler (typically single target) problems and apply known approaches, while the latter adapt the learning methods to directly handle the multiple target variables and learn better models which simultaneously predict all of the targets. Studies have identified the latter group of methods as having competitive advantage over the former, probably due to the fact that it exploits the interrelations of the multiple targets. In the related task of multi-label classification, it has been recently shown that organizing the multiple labels into a hierarchical structure can improve predictive performance. In this paper, we investigate whether organizing the targets into a hierarchical structure can improve the performance for MTR problems. More precisely, we propose to structure the multiple target variables into a hierarchy of variables, thus translating the task of MTR into a task of hierarchical multi-target regression (HMTR). We use four data-driven methods for devising the hierarchical structure that cluster the real values of the targets or the feature importance scores with respect to the targets. The evaluation of the proposed methodology on 16 benchmark MTR datasets reveals that structuring the multiple target variables into a hierarchy improves the predictive performance of the corresponding MTR models. The results also show that data-driven methods produce hierarchies that can improve the predictive performance even more than expert constructed hierarchies. Finally, the improvement in predictive performance is more pronounced for the datasets with very large numbers (more than hundred) of targets.European Commissio

    Using machine learning to estimate herbage production and nutrient uptake on Irish dairy farms

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    peer-reviewedNutrient management on grazed grasslands is of critical importance to maintain productivity levels, as grass is the cheapest feed for ruminants and underpins these meat and milk production systems. Many attempts have been made to model the relationships between controllable (crop and soil fertility management) and noncontrollable influencing factors (weather, soil drainage) and nutrient/productivity levels. However, to the best of our knowledge not much research has been performed on modeling the interconnections between the influencing factors on one hand and nutrient uptake/herbage production on the other hand, by using data-driven modeling techniques. Our paper proposes to use predictive clustering trees (PCT) learned for building models on data from dairy farms in the Republic of Ireland. The PCT models show good accuracy in estimating herbage production and nutrient uptake. They are also interpretable and are found to embody knowledge that is in accordance with existing theoretical understanding of the task at hand. Moreover, if we combine more PCT into an ensemble of PCT (random forest of PCT), we can achieve improved accuracy of the estimates. In practical terms, the number of grazings, which is related proportionally with soil drainage class, is one of the most important factors that moderates the herbage production potential and nutrient uptake. Furthermore, we found the nutrient (N, P, and K) uptake and herbage nutrient concentration to be conservative in fields that had medium yield potential (11 t of dry matter per hectare on average), whereas nutrient uptake was more variable and potentially limiting in fields that had higher and lower herbage production. Our models also show that phosphorus is the most limiting nutrient for herbage production across the fields on these Irish dairy farms, followed by nitrogen and potassium

    Explainable Model-specific Algorithm Selection for Multi-Label Classification

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    Multi-label classification (MLC) is an ML task of predictive modeling in which a data instance can simultaneously belong to multiple classes. MLC is increasingly gaining interest in different application domains such as text mining, computer vision, and bioinformatics. Several MLC algorithms have been proposed in the literature, resulting in a meta-optimization problem that the user needs to address: which MLC approach to select for a given dataset? To address this algorithm selection problem, we investigate in this work the quality of an automated approach that uses characteristics of the datasets - so-called features - and a trained algorithm selector to choose which algorithm to apply for a given task. For our empirical evaluation, we use a portfolio of 38 datasets. We consider eight MLC algorithms, whose quality we evaluate using six different performance metrics. We show that our automated algorithm selector outperforms any of the single MLC algorithms, and this is for all evaluated performance measures. Our selection approach is explainable, a characteristic that we exploit to investigate which meta-features have the largest influence on the decisions made by the algorithm selector. Finally, we also quantify the importance of the most significant meta-features for various domains