6 research outputs found

    The algorithm for going through a labyrinth by an autonomous

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    The paper presents an algorithm for going through a path type labyrinth by an autonomous vehicle. The detection of the path and the maintaining of the motion direction have been addressed as well as going through the labyrinth on road segments and the categories of crossings in the said labyrinth. The algorithm has been implemented in C++ and validated in an experimental model that has totally confirmed its correctness

    Designing a Transcode of B.C.D. in S.B.C. and Study its Function Using Software Electronic Workbench

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    The transcoder we have set out to synthetize and to simulate in this paper is important due to the fact that it brings into discussion and also presents the family of weighted and unweights binary decimal codes, presented in binary sequences of 4 bits each. Some of these are used even today with great success in the technique of data transmission, especially in recognition and access keys to certain dedicated programs and soft wares. The binary symmetric code is among the first binary decimal weighted codes, which has been the basis for the creation and development of other such codes. Therefore we have set out to design and simulate such a transcoder


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    The paper presents the computing of control circuits in time domain, starting from the mathematical model of the control path described by differential equation’s with constant coefficients, whose solution can be obtained through Laplace transform and transfer functions. In the field of electric drives, the control circuits can be reduced to elements of PT1 and PT2 type, for which, the responses obtained from step and impulse function in the test process, are analyzed. The presented calculation, done in Scilab, highlights the test responses of the process and, the speed control circuit implemented as block diagrams in Xcos, reveals the improve of the process parameter through the control loop

    Optimal Encoding of Data in Data Transmission Channels

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    This paper aims to present the methods of achieving an optimal encoding in the data communication channels. After a short description of the communication channel and of the data communication channel types, follow briefly a few notions of the data channel enthropy, information, transinformation, with their properties, definitions and mathematical relations connecting them. Chapter 2 presents the concept of optimal code, following a detailed description (using two suggestive examples) of the two main methods used to obtain an optimal code: Shannon-Fano and Huffman

    Team Viewer Technology for Remote Control of a Computer

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    Team Viewer software is used to remote control our PC. We can use this remote control technology to desktop sharing, online conferences and for file transfer between computers. Basically, using this software, you can ask for help a friend, or professional software to solve problems from a distance, without it having to be physically go to each client / friend in part. After installed and configured Team Viewer application, is complete, we can remote control the computer

    Educational Approach to Information Transmission Channels of Data from Two Different Viewpoints: Combinatorial and Probabilistic

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    For future engineers is important to know how to make the transfer of information, data and tasks between different systems and thus we can say that the problem of communication is as important as the determination of the amount of information. Elements of information theory and communications are useful to all students of the electrical engineering specializations who must be able to collect, store, process and interpret information of any kind. In order to determine the amount of information we can use a mathematical tool based on elements of probability theory and algebra