10 research outputs found

    Uticaj farmakoloÅ”ki aktivnih jedinjenja iz ekstrakta Ginkgo bilobae na kontraktilnost duodenuma i ileuma kunića

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    Findings that there are pharmacologically active compounds in the Ginkgo bilobae extract recently provoked numerous investigations of their action on the receptors of the autonomous nervous system. The purpose of the present study was to determine the influence of gingko extract on the contractility of the longitudinal smooth muscle layer in the wall of the rabbit duodenum and ileum using the method of Magnus. Results clearly show that gingko extract causes a dose dependent tonus decrease of duodenal and Heal smooth muscles in the rabbit. It also reduces the stimulation of spontaneous activity of smooth muscles caused by acetylcholine, the reduction being greater in ileum compared to duodenum.Biohemijska saznanja o prisustvu farmakoloÅ”ki aktivnih jedinjenja iz ekstrakta Ginkgo bilobae, dala su nov podstrek za izučavanje njihovog dejstva na receptore autonomnog nervnog sistema. Otuda je cilj naÅ”eg istraživanja bio da se ispita uticaj ekstrakta ove biljke na kontraktilnost glatkomiÅ”ićnog sloja u zidu duodenuma i ileuma kunića metodom po Magnus-u. Rezultati Istraživanja ukazuju da ispitivani ekstrakt izaziva dozno-zavisno sniženje tonusa longitudinalne glatke muskulature duodenuma i ileuma, kao i da redukuje acetilholinom izazvanu stimulaciju spontane aktivnosti duodenuma i ileuma


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    Background: Stigma refers to the undesirable characteristics linked to mental illness and the adverse cognitive and behavioral consequences. Stigma causes a spiral of alienation and discrimination, leading to social isolation that diminishes chances for recovery. There is a great need for antistigma programs in order to decrease stigma related to persons with mental health problems. The antistigma program was initiated in schools of Serbia with the aim to address and decrease discrimination of adolescents with mental disorders. Subjects and methods: Sixty-three students from high schools voluntarily participated in the program. The effect of the program on the attitudes of students was evaluated by the Opinion about Mental Illness Questionnaire given to adolescents prior to its implementation and six months afterwards. Results: Social discrimination and the tendency towards social restriction were reduced, while, at the same time, social awareness of mental health-related problems was increased among young people six months after program implementation. The results obtained clearly indicate positive changes in adolescentsā€™ attitudes and demonstrate a need for further educational activities regarding stigma and mental disorders. Conclusion: Stigma and discrimination reduction programs for adolescents are aimed at achieving a change of their attitudes toward the mental health problems of their peers and themselves through organized education. Our program demonstrates the necessity for youth participation in mental health services and system, and antistigma actions are seen as important aspects

    Depressive symptoms, exposure to aggression and delinquency proneness in adolescence: Impact of two decades of war and political violence on adolescent mental health

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    Traumatic experiences in Serbia in the last two decades have caused significant psychological consequences in children and adolescents. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between depressive symptoms, exposure to aggression and delinquency proneness among high school and elementary school students in Belgrade, Serbia. The participants were 899 students (51.8% were female) with no prior treatment for psychological problems, with a mean age of 16.70Ā±1.95. All used instruments were taken from the modified Social and Health Assessment (SAHA). Our findings show that delinquent behavior or exposure to delinquency was significantly related to depressive symptoms. The strongest predictors of depression were variables concerning legal consequences, affiliation with delinquent peers, victimization by community violence and peer victimization. This study confirmed a strong correlation between depression and exposure to violence. Identifying adolescents with depressive symptoms is important for prevention of serious mental health consequences

    Psychopathology and resilience in relation to abuse in childhood among youth first referred to the psychiatrist

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    Uvod/Cilj. Zlostavljanje u detinjstvu može biti uzrok različitih psiholoÅ”kih problema kod odraslih osoba. Malo se, međutim, zna o specifičnim kliničkim i porodičnim profilima, kao i karakteristikama rezilijentnosti adolescenata koji su doživeli zlostavljanje u detinjstvu. Cilj naÅ”eg rada bio je ispitivanje simptoma, porodičnog funkcionisanja i rezilijentnosti adolescenata sa iskustvom zlostavljanja u detinjstvu upućenih na psihijatrijski pregled. Metode. Uzorak se sastojao od 84 konsekutivno regrutovana mlada ispitanika (prosečne starosti 14,90 Ā± 3,10, u rasponu od 11 do 18 godina) upućena na prvi pregled u Kliniku za decu i omladinu Instituta za mentalno zdravlje u Beogradu, koji su na osnovu Matrice rizika za zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje dece bili podeljeni u dve grupe. Prvu grupu činili su adolescenti sa iskustvom zlostavljanja u detinjstvu (n = 38, 13 dečaka, 25 devojčica), a drugu, kontrolnu grupu, adolescenti bez iskustva zlostavljanja u detinjstvu (n = 47, 20 dečaka, 27 devojčica). U istraživanju su koriŔćeni sledeći upitnici: Upitnik za samoprocenu adolescenata (Youth Self-Report - YSR), Skala adolescentnih rezilijentnih stavova (Adolescent Resilience Attitudes Scale - ARAS) i Upitnik za porodicu, (Self-Report Family Inventory - SFI). Rezultati. Značajne razlike pronađene su kod adolescentkinja. Na upitniku YSR, zlostavljane adolescentkinje imale su značajno viÅ”e skorove delinkventnog ponaÅ”anja i marginalno veće skorove anksioznosti/depresivnosti i socijalnih problema. Analize upitnika SFI pokazale su značajno loÅ”ije funkcionisanje kod zlostavljanih adolescentkinja u svim podskalama osim na podskali direktivnog vođstva. Na upitniku ARAS, zlostavljane adolescentkinje imale su značajno niže skorove na podskali uvida i marginalno niže skorove na podskali za inicijativu. Zaključak. Navedeni rezultati mogli bi imati praktičnu primenu pri planiranju specifičnih preventivnih strategija i tretmana koji se posebno fokusiraju na delinkventne tendencije kao i na jačanje rezilijentnosti obezbeđivanjem pozitivnog okruženja u okviru porodice, Å”kole i zajednice.Background/Aim. Child abuse may be related to adverse psychological outcomes in adult life. However, little is known about specific clinical, family and resilience profiles of adolescents that have experienced child abuse. The aim of this study was to investigate clinical symptoms, family functioning and resilience characteristics of adolescents with the experience of abuse, first referred to psychiatrists. Methods. The study included 84 young participants (mean age 14.90 Ā± 3.10, ranging from 11 to 18 years) as consecutive first referrals to the Clinic for Children and Youth of the Institute of Mental Health, Belgrade, Serbia. The sample consisted of two groups, based on the Child Abuse Matrices of Risks. The first group included adolescents with the experience of abuse in childhood (n = 38, 13 males, 25 females), whereas the second, control group, comprised of non-abused adolescents (n = 47, 20 males, 27 females). The presence of abuse was evaluated by the Child Abuse Matrices of Risks. The study used the following questionnaires: Youth Self-Report (YSR), Adolescent Resilience Attitudes Scale (ARAS), and Self-Report Family Inventory (SFI). Results. Significant differences were found only among females. According to YSR, the abused girls had significantly higher scores on the Delinquent Behavior scale and marginally higher scores on Anxious/ Depressed and Social Problems scales. Analyses of the SFI showed significantly lower family functioning among the girls with the child abuse history for all scales except for the Directive Leadership. The abused girls also showed significantly lower scores on the Insight scale, and marginally lower Initiative scores at the ARAS. Conclusions. These findings may have practical application in the creation of specific preventive and treatment strategies, particularly focused on delinquent tendencies, as well as on enhancing resilience through providing positive environments within families, schools and communities

    Internet addiction: A case report

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    Some addictions cannot be connected with substance abuse (pathological) gambling, video games playing, binge eating, compulsive physical activity, emotional relationship addiction, TV addiction). Since 1995, Internet addiction has been accepted as a clinical entity with profound negative effect on social, familial, educational and economical personal functioning. The diagnosis of Internet addiction could be established if the person spends more than 38 hours per week on the Internet exempting online professional needs. Basic symptoms are the increased number of hours spent in front of the computer along with the Internet use, development of abstinent syndrome if the Internet access is prohibited, sleep inversion, neglect of basic social requirements and personal hygiene, many somatic symptoms developed due to prolonged sitting or monitor watching, dissocial behavior. In this paper, data about the Internet addiction are presented and a case report of an adolescent with developed Internet addiction

    Mental health issues among medical students in Serbia: Challenges and perspectives

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    Objective: The authors present a review of results from studies regarding mental health of medical students in Serbia. Methods: Serbian citation index (SCI), MEDLINE, PsycINFO and Cochrane databases were searched, as well as conference proceedings, book chapters and reference lists. Results: The results of numerous studies conducted in Serbia show a higher overall psychological distress among medical students as well as that female students are more vulnerable to stress. The most common are stress-related problems, depression, self-harm and substance abuse. Although there is a high prevalence of depression among medical students in Serbia most of them do not seek help (70-80%). Conclusion: A better understanding of the characteristics of medical students who are prone to experiencing psychological distress is essential for developing mental health support programmes which could decrease the level of reported distress among this vulnerable group

    Changing attitudes of high school students towards peers with mental health problems

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    Background. Stigma refers to the undesirable characteristics linked to mental illness and the adverse cognitive and behavioral consequences. Stigma causes a spiral of alienation and discrimination, leading to social isolation that diminishes chances for recovery. There is a great need for antistigma programs in order to decrease stigma related to persons with mental health problems. The antistigma program was initiated in schools of Serbia with the aim to address and decrease discrimination of adolescents with mental disorders. Subjects and methods: Sixty-three students from high schools voluntarily participated in the program. The effect of the program on the attitudes of students If was evaluated by the Opinion about Mental Illness Questionnaire given to adolescents prior to its implementation and six months afterwards. Results: Social discrimination and the tendency towards social restriction were reduced, while, at the same time, social awareness of mental health-related problems was increased among young people six months after program implementation. The results obtained clearly indicate positive changes in adolescents' attitudes and demonstrate a need for further educational activities regarding stigma and mental disorders. Conclusion: Stigma and discrimination reduction programs for adolescents are aimed at achieving a change of their attitudes toward the mental health problems of their peers and themselves through organized education. Our program demonstrates the necessity for youth participation in mental health services and system, and antistigma actions are seen as important aspects

    Attitudes of psychiatry residents toward mental illness

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    Predrasude prema osobama koje imaju mentalne poremećaje često su prisutne, kako među laicima, tako i kod lekara raznih specijalnosti. U radu se ispituju razlike u stavovima prema mentalnim bolestima između specijalizanata psihijatrije i specijalizanata interne medicine. Pored toga, ispitivanjem smo nastojali da utvrdimo postoji li povezanost između stavova prema mentalnim bolestima i osobina ličnosti u ispitivanim grupama. Uzorak se sastojao od 45 specijalizanata psihijatrije i 36 specijalizanata interne medicine. Stav prema mentalnim bolestima ispitivan je Upitnikom za ispitivanje stavova prema mentalnim bolestima (Opinions about Mental Illness Questionnaire), a karakteristike ličnosti ispitivane su koriŔćenjem Ajzenkovog upitinika ličnosti (Eysenck Personality Questionnaire). Rezultati su pokazali da specijalizanti psihijatrije ređe nego specijalizanti interne medicine doživljavaju pacijente sa mentalnim bolestima kao inferiorne ili preteće. Takođe, specijalizanti psihijatrije imaju benevolentniji stav prema pacijentima sa mentalnim poremećajima. Karakteristike ličnosti specijalizana psihijatrije nisu povezane sa njihovim stavovima prema mentalnim poremećajima. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da postoji potreba za promenom programa specijalizacije svih disciplina, Å”to podrazumeva bolju edukaciju iz oblasti mentalnog zdravlja. Tako bi se pomoglo u procesu destigmatizacije pacijenata sa mentalnim poremećajima i povećao bi se obim znanja i kompetentnosti lekara u radu sa osobama koje imaju mentalne poremećaje. .Introduction. Attitudes of lay people and physicians towards mentally ill patients are frequently highly biased. The aim of this study was to investigate differences in attitudes of psychiatry and internal medicine residents toward mental illness and to establish the relationship between their attitudes and their personal characteristics. Material and methods. The sample consisted of 45 psychiatry and 36 internal medicine residents. The attitudes toward mental illness were assessed using Opinions about Mental Illness Questionnaire (OMI) and personality traits were examined using the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ). Results. Our findings showed that in regard to internal medicine residents, psychiatry residents do not consider mentally ill patients to be inferior and dangerous. Psychiatry residents have a benevolent attitude toward the mentally ill. Personality traits of psychiatry residents were not related to their opinions about mental illness. Discussion. The results suggest that there is a need to develop strategies that would bring about changes in the curriculum of training programs for medical residents, including proper training in mental health issues. Such strategies should help in destigmatization of persons with mental disorders and increase the competence of physicians to deal with mentally ill.

    Adjustment disorders in hospital treated adolescents: A follow-up study

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    Introduction. Adjustment disorders represent a frequent diagnostic entity especially among adolescents. They involve a wide spectrum of various emotional and behaviour problems. Objective. The aim was to investigate characteristics of diagnostic category known as adjustment disorders among hospital treated adolescents for the first time at the Clinical Department for Children and Adolescents of the Institute of Mental Health in Belgrade, during five consecutive years, as well as to investigate the outcome of the disorder in follow-up period. Methods. We conducted a retrospective investigation of the first time hospital treated adolescents from Belgrade with discharge diagnosis of adjustment disorders during 2000-2004. The follow up was conducted 5-10 years after a first discharge from the hospital. Results. During the investigated period 75 adolescents from Belgrade were hospitalized for the first time with diagnosis adjustment disorder. From the studied patients the main sample was formed that included 24 (32%) males and 51 (68%) females. After 5-10 years a follow-up of 52 patients was conducted (sample at follow-up) which included 16 (30.77%) males and 36 (69.23%) females. Of the main sample, 70% of the patients were under follow-up. After the first hospitalization 58% of adolescents continued with further psychiatric treatment, either as rehospitalized or out-of-hospital patients. Conclusion. Our findings showed that 38% of adolescents under follow-up for 5-10 years after the first discharge from hospital with the diagnosis adjustment disorders had multiple hospitalizations. The outcome of the disorder among these patients was the worst, because three-quarters of the patients were rediagnosed in the follow-up period with a new psychiatric disorder, often from psychotic spectrum